Petition to ban trump from facebook and twitter for hate "speech"

My thoughts exactly. Whatever they don’t want to hear they want to just mute you...hilarious. But I do think Facebook and social media platforms have their own Set of rules and guidelines. Just for the record I think both parties are fucking tools and completely useless and hate them both equally.
Just go back to stormfront if you want to hear racist blather
The fact that you guys think trump is so evil is also hilarious. I got news for you all, all presidents are fucking liars and are in it for themselves. If people are that naive to believe politicians are there to serve the people your mentally ill regardless of your political bias. It’s all bullshit, always has been. Leftist ideology is absurd and is borderline insanity. Right ideology is equally as insane. There is no middle ground, it’s either your a fucking crazy socialist, or a gun loving nut bar. You can’t make this shit up lol, it’s awesome to see people get so butt hurt, hilarity at its finest.
The fact that you guys think trump is so evil is also hilarious. I got news for you all, all presidents are fucking liars and are in it for themselves. If people are that naive to believe politicians are there to serve the people your mentally ill regardless if your political bias. It’s all bullshit, always has been. Leftist ideology is absurd and is almost borderline insanity. Right ideology is equally as insane. There is no middle ground, it’s either your a fucking crazy socialist, or a gun loving nut bar. You can’t make this shit up lol, it’s awesome to see people get so butt hurt, hilarity at its finest.
There is a HUGE difference between political lies and being straight up evil and Trump is the epitome of all that is evil in the world 2020 can't come soon enough for those who are awake
The fact that you guys think trump is so evil is also hilarious. I got news for you all, all presidents are fucking liars and are in it for themselves. If people are that naive to believe politicians are there to serve the people your mentally ill regardless of your political bias. It’s all bullshit, always has been. Leftist ideology is absurd and is borderline insanity. Right ideology is equally as insane. There is no middle ground, it’s either your a fucking crazy socialist, or a gun loving nut bar. You can’t make this shit up lol, it’s awesome to see people get so butt hurt, hilarity at its finest.
The fact that you guys think trump is so evil is also hilarious. I got news for you all, all presidents are fucking liars and are in it for themselves. If people are that naive to believe politicians are there to serve the people your mentally ill regardless of your political bias. It’s all bullshit, always has been. Leftist ideology is absurd and is borderline insanity. Right ideology is equally as insane. There is no middle ground, it’s either your a fucking crazy socialist, or a gun loving nut bar. You can’t make this shit up lol, it’s awesome to see people get so butt hurt, hilarity at its finest.
Look at the fact free emotional outburst but this Trumpkin. Why is it that Trumpkins have no facts to stand on when they post?
Look at the fact free emotional outburst but this Trumpkin. Why is it that Trumpkins have no facts to stand on when they post?
Trumpkin? You think I like trump? Your sadly mistaken. Just tired of whiney bitches like You guys. You can’t do shit to him, so stop your little girl whining and crying and vote him out instead in 2020.
Trumpkin? You think I like trump? Your sadly mistaken. Just tired of whiney bitches like You guys. You can’t do shit to him, so stop your little girl whining and crying and vote him out instead in 2020.
OK then you are naive.

There is a huge difference between Republikkkans and Democrats. Maybe delusional if not naive. I think dead kids at the border is worth bitching about. If you don't you are broken.
You will never meet a better person than me. I am as far from an asshole as you can get, But The point was and is true and I never pointed it at anyone, But seems you answered it. The Guilty person is usually the first to speak up. So I guess that says it all.
the dog that is hit, hollers.
The fact that you guys think trump is so evil is also hilarious. I got news for you all, all presidents are fucking liars and are in it for themselves. If people are that naive to believe politicians are there to serve the people your mentally ill regardless of your political bias. It’s all bullshit, always has been. Leftist ideology is absurd and is borderline insanity. Right ideology is equally as insane. There is no middle ground, it’s either your a fucking crazy socialist, or a gun loving nut bar. You can’t make this shit up lol, it’s awesome to see people get so butt hurt, hilarity at its finest.
we're aware that all presidents have their horrendous shit they've done...the difference is horrendous shit isn't all they did, all day, every day...some of them managed to improve relations with at least some of the rest of the world...some of them told the truth twice in a row...some of them managed to improve life for for the poor and the middle class...between murdering foreign people for oil, of course...
You guys do you, I’ll do me. I really don’t care what any of you think about me. It’s a grow forum for fuck sakes lol. You all think I like trump, that’s cute. Your also bitching to someone who doesn’t care. You make your own problems, not the president, whether it’s, obummer whoever. I am selfish completely and I will admit. I don’t care about anyone but my family. No one matters but my family. Don’t care about the boarder, don’t care about any of you, don’t care about nothing. I have my own issues that require my attention. The boarder wall, immigrant kids, immigrants in general are not my problem. Sounds Heartless, sure, but none of you know me so again, I care not. Enjoy.
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