Petition to ban trump from facebook and twitter for hate "speech"

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

i doubt facebook or twitter either one will have the balls to ban this walking lie....but we should let them know that we're tired of his shit.
we should also offer our support to the women's national march, who started the petition...because the president of our own country doesn't give a shit about women, or men, or children...unless they're somehow making him money...
Great idea. Show the world that the leftists of America are anti 1st and 2nd amendment. They've already shat all over the 5th. Might as well go down the list. 8-)
turn about is fair play...trump breaks the law every day, lies every day, spreads hate, racism, and misogyny every day....take the spoiled babies toys away...
and he IS violating their terms of service, quite clearly...they have banned accounts for saying much less volatile and inflammatory things than he says daily...tell the loud mouthed motherfucker to quit breaking the rules...they do apply to him, whether he cries about it or not
Twitter even stated that he clearly violates their TOS, but he's the president after all so they let him do it.
cowardly cocksuckers...that's who should be facing a enforce their own a monster like trump special treatment and a green light to be a racist, sexist, hateful piece of shit makes them just as culpable as him when his fucking hateful rhetoric causes a death...
turn about is fair play...trump breaks the law every day, lies every day, spreads hate, racism, and misogyny every day....take the spoiled babies toys away...
and he IS violating their terms of service, quite clearly...they have banned accounts for saying much less volatile and inflammatory things than he says daily...tell the loud mouthed motherfucker to quit breaking the rules...they do apply to him, whether he cries about it or not
They won’t. That would be biting the hand that helps feed them
turn about is fair play...trump breaks the law every day, lies every day, spreads hate, racism, and misogyny every day....take the spoiled babies toys away...
and he IS violating their terms of service, quite clearly...they have banned accounts for saying much less volatile and inflammatory things than he says daily...tell the loud mouthed motherfucker to quit breaking the rules...they do apply to him, whether he cries about it or not

users should report his posts as against TOS just like any other site..maybe if they got enough complaints?
Petition away but I called 800-205-6118 and was connected to William Barrs office
I explained my feelings on my right and desire to see Trumps taxes as well as the Mueller report
Fighting the moron on all fronts is a mandate for all Americans
you spoke to an actual person? and they seemed to be interested in listening to you? i am amazed....
i would have expected you to be shunted to a recorder that has a message about " how much we care about you, please leave your opinion we value so highly, we'll get to it right after it gets overwritten by the other messages we don't listen to"
I got banned two years ago when I called Joe Buck a Jinx, after he said the Philly's Quarterback would pass the QB rushing TDs record and keep going, and the very next play after Buck said that Carson Wentz tore his ACL. So I Tweeted him that he was a Jinx. the next time I went to twitter they said my account is being closed until further notice for name calling. lol.

But yet this President can get away with being a racist a bigot and so much more. Calling Well known respected people Names and making shit up and Twitter does nothing to a man that should be held at a much higher standard than most it's users.

It is all about the money
Great idea. Show the world that the leftists of America are anti 1st and 2nd amendment. They've already shat all over the 5th. Might as well go down the list. 8-)
My thoughts exactly. Whatever they don’t want to hear they want to just mute you...hilarious. But I do think Facebook and social media platforms have their own Set of rules and guidelines. Just for the record I think both parties are fucking tools and completely useless and hate them both equally.