Repirations for slavery

"Reparations" will be used as a talking point to gain votes.

What many people who might receive money from reparations may not be considering is, they will be on the hook for it.

If SUCKERS understood where "government money" (debt) comes from, inflation etc. they'd be laughing at this scam.

The economics expert who believes the barter system would help us haslogged on, folks
Seems you can't get a handle of what is being said.

I support equals rights for all without discrimination. I support if a place is open to the public, it shall not refuse service base on race, gender, religion..
Please notice the key phrase is " open to the public " because it shatters your force-servitude argument. If you don't want to serve all, DO NOT BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. You do have a choice.

I also believe a child of 12 cannot concent to sex with an adult. No middle ground. No " what if she is really mature for her age. NO FUCKING NOTHING.

You on the other hand support a racist being able to tell a black person to get their "n" ass out his/her store, ( which is open to the public) due to color of skin.
You support a bigoted store owner having rights to kick your own dear sweet, beautiful, caring, loving, mother out a store open to the public due to her being female
You also think a 12 year old can concent to sex in some cases.

Oh dear, you're wrong again.

It is impossible to "support equal rights" and also tell people who they must or must not associate with.

If people are equal, then each person would be self determining. If people were self determining, it is self evident that any human relations between people which are mutually desired, would maintain equality, whereas human relations which occur that are not mutually desired destroy equality.

I could turn that into a simple math equation for you, if you'd like.
Oh dear, you're wrong again.

It is impossible to "support equal rights" and also tell people who they must or must not associate with.

If people are equal, then each person would be self determining. If people were self determining, it is self evident that any human relations between people which are mutually desired, would maintain equality, whereas human relations which occur that are not mutually desired destroy equality.

I could turn that into a simple math equation for you, if you'd like.
The guy who thinks civil rights are slavery has logged on to teach us about equality, folks
I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you would know US history and you confirmed that I was wrong. You were ignorant. So, why does your opinion matter?
Yeah, well first of all, I DO know some U.S. history -probably about the same as the average American. Maybe you take a special interest in certain aspects of U.S. history and have studied those a bit more than I? That's okay. But let's be honest, here...You gambled on the idea that I probably wouldn't know as much as you about this particular facet of history, so your question was rhetorical and only meant as a setup so that you could justify spewing another insulting response. I can be mean, too. But what good does it do? It only perpetuates meanness.

Your opinion really doesn't matter, either. It won't make any more difference than mine, in the big picture....especially considering that we are discussing history and sociology on a website dedicated to weed!
The guy who thinks civil rights are slavery has logged on to teach us about equality, folks

When an unwilling neutral person is threatened with harm if they fail to serve another person they prefer not to, it's not a form of slavery ?

Please define the characteristics that make slavery, slavery, slave.
Yeah, well first of all, I DO know some U.S. history -probably about the same as the average American. Maybe you take a special interest in certain aspects of U.S. history and have studied those a bit more than I? That's okay. But let's be honest, here...You gambled on the idea that I probably wouldn't know as much as you about this particular facet of history, so your question was rhetorical and only meant as a setup so that you could justify spewing another insulting response. I can be mean, too. But what good does it do? It only perpetuates meanness.

Your opinion really doesn't matter, either. It won't make any more difference than mine, in the big picture....especially considering that we are discussing history and sociology on a website dedicated to weed!
You just said you were ignorant. I take you at your word. It is consistent with what you said here too.

Your opinion is biased and worthless. No reply is necessary.
You just said you were ignorant. I take you at your word. It is consistent with what you said here too.

Your opinion is biased and worthless. No reply is necessary.
Oh, it's no problem for me to reply. :)

I never said that I was ignorant. If I said that, then post the quote. But you can't and, thus, you are just making things up and paraphrasing to fit in with your incredibly unnecessary attitude.

ALL opinions are biased. That's the very nature of an opinion. As far as the value of my opinion....It's worth as much as anyone else's. And you are not the judge of all opinions.
Oh, it's no problem for me to reply. :)

I never said that I was ignorant. If I said that, then post the quote. But you can't and, thus, you are just making things up and paraphrasing to fit in with your incredibly unnecessary attitude.

ALL opinions are biased. That's the very nature of an opinion. As far as the value of my opinion....It's worth as much as anyone else's. And you are not the judge of all opinions.
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No reply is necessary.
When an unwilling neutral person is threatened with harm if they fail to serve another person they prefer not to, it's not a form of slavery ?

Please define the characteristics that make slavery, slavery, slave.
Being owned by another human
History of Reparations Payment

1990- U.S.A $1.6 Billion or 20,000 Each JAPANESE AMERICAN

1990 - AUSTRIA $25 Million to Holocaust Survivors Jewish Claims of Austria

1988 - CANADA 250,000 sq. miles of land INDIAN & ESKIMOS


1986- U.S.A $32 Million 1839 Treaty OTTAWAS OF MICHIGAN


1985- U.S.A $12.3 Million SEMINOLES OF FLORIDA

1985 - U.S.A $105 Million SIOUX OF SOUTH DAKOTA

1980 - U.S.A $81Million KLAMATHS OF OREGON

1971 - U.S.A $1 Billion+44 Million Acres of Land ALASKA NATIVES LAND SETTLEMNET

1952 - GERMANY $822 Million to Holocaust Survivors GERMAN JEWISH SETTLEMENT


I'm not sure about the rest of your chart, but wasn't the payment made to Japanese Americans made to surviving people who actually were forcibly incarcerated as a result of FDR's racist edict to violate their constitutional rights during WWII? FDR was a real loser and racist.

Shouldn't FDR's estate have made that payment ? Why should "tax payers" (slaves) who had nothing to do with FDR's Stalinesque move be held responsible for it ?

If some random black guy somewhere commits rape or murder, should all black people be held responsible for it ? I don't think that makes sense, it sounds racist to me.

We already know, you'd force a black guy to serve you and now I'm thinking you'd force a black guy to pay for crimes he didn't commit. Is that accurate?