Attention all Bernie Sanders supporters

I'm a lions fan obviously hahaha I'm happy golden tate finally gets to play on a real team.

i like tate too. he took a shot earlier that i wasn't sure he was gonna get up from. tough dude.

how long til Patricia gets the boot? halfway thru next season?
Not at all. I enjoy facts and people who can discuss from that. Ignorance is something I avoid
As a grown man I find little understanding on fools who just keep with the dumb shit.
Trump is the most negative POTUS we have ever had. Only fools and those who likes to be grabbed by the pussy would say other wise
Then it's time to ask just how we ended up with him?

Hint: follow the money. All of it, not just his.
So you didn't vote for Clinton.
That benefits Trump
This is a stupid and self serving statement which transparently attempts to absolve the Democrats of any responsibility for their own misbehavior.

Democrats need to earn votes like any other party; the notion that they somehow deserve any vote that isn't Republican is the very flaw that cost them the presidency.

Either the party figures that out or the Left will replace it- and Republicans will likely stay in power until it does.
Comparing people to hitler trivializes the holocaust .
Quite the opposite; Hitler murdered millions of Jews near the end of his reign of terror. If you want to stop such crimes before they happen, it's essential to look at the similarities between his early years and current politics.
Comparing life under Trump to life under Hitler in Natzi Germany.? Not a good analogy. Disrespectful and stinks of antisemitism.


Asshat? For voting my concence? That's exactly the out of touch disrespect that got Trump elected, and is turning the global tide away from out of touch leaders you brown nose!

BRITEX, Yellow vests on and on. It's a global populist/nationalists revolt.

The current path we are on is very alarming! Quit supporting criminal politicians that perpetuate it.

I suggest not fanning the flames.

Take heed in the fact that huge swaths of urban and rural blue collar folks are pissed off with Klinton status quo. You ought to not under estimate the power and diverse backing of the new freshman class of house Representatives not affraid to speak their minds.

And No I ain't no puffball soft and comfortable suburbanite liberal. I am a rural, literal redneck blue collar farmer, that actually lives and works at the threshold of poverty. And sick of getting screwed by cooperate controlled politicians.

I believe Anthony Hopkins as Col. William Ludlow, in Legend of the Fall, summed it up pretty well....
"Screw the government. Screw em!"
Keep in mind that saying the government isn't our responsibility is exactly what those who run it would like you to say.

If you want government to work for you, the first thing to do is ensure it represents your interests. That means getting money out of politics so politicians will listen to people on the edge of poverty like you- and more of the rest of us that most would care to admit.
This is a stupid and self serving statement which transparently attempts to absolve the Democrats of any responsibility for their own misbehavior.

Democrats need to earn votes like any other party; the notion that they somehow deserve any vote that isn't Republican is the very flaw that cost them the presidency.

Either the party figures that out or the Left will replace it- and Republicans will likely stay in power until it does.
You and an army of misguided Berniebros shit all over Clinton all the way up ro now.
Slander, lies anything your handlers in Russian and right wing circles fed you. You regurhitated.
Sanders is done. Eat a dick
This is a stupid and self serving statement which transparently attempts to absolve the Democrats of any responsibility for their own misbehavior.

Democrats need to earn votes like any other party; the notion that they somehow deserve any vote that isn't Republican is the very flaw that cost them the presidency.

Either the party figures that out or the Left will replace it- and Republicans will likely stay in power until it does.
You deny that the Progressive Caucus of House Democrats are in fact Progressive. Tell us. Who your Progressives and what makes them so?

How many "Progressives" (by your definition) won elections for seats in the House? I count between 6 and 9. Where can I find a list of every Congressman that you even call Progressive?

Occasio Cortez...
who else?

Surely not West Virgina's Ojeda whom Pad slavers over.
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So you didn't vote for Clinton.
That benefits Trump
Maybe in states Clinton lost. In states like CA where she won overwhelmingly, it only whittles the margin while strengthening the Green Party. If they could have gotten 5% of the popular, they'd have public funding. In fact, many people were aware of this and voted for her in such a way so as not to help Trump. I voted for her in CA and this did not help Trump.

It was the Bernouts that knowingly tossed it to Trump despite having nothing to gain from doing so while casting aspersions such as insisting that the two major parties are identical.
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You deny that the Progressive Caucus of House Democrats are in fact Progressive. Tell us. Who your Progressives and what makes them so?

How many "Progressives" (by your definition) won elections for seats in the House? I count between 6 and 9. Where can I find a list of every Congressman that you even call Progressive?

Occasio Cortez...
who else?

Surely not West Virgina's Ojeda whom Pad slavers over.
What exactly are progressives progressing towards?
You and an army of misguided Berniebros shit all over Clinton all the way up ro now.
Slander, lies anything your handlers in Russian and right wing circles fed you. You regurhitated.
Sanders is done. Eat a dick
Clinton is a monster. That you continue to defend her makes you one, too.

Yes I will vote for someone who represents my interests. That's my right as a citizen and it sure is funny how someone who says they defend our constitutional rights is so ready to trash them when it suits your purpose.

Here's 25 minutes of Clinton slime;
Bet you can't watch. That's why you remain in the dark.
Here we are on a pot forum and we have a bunch of knob polishers against Bernie Sanders, who has a clear pro pot voting record. And a clear anti oppression anti war record. (Hell he's been arrested himself for civil rights protesting)??
Plus let's not forget, he was one of only TWO democratic Senetor to vote Against the single most oppressive intervining bill in American history .The Patriot act. (Which Hillary supported). By the way the other demoratic Senetor was another Jewish senator, with an exellent voting record.. Russ Feingold. (The third vote against it was then Libertarian, Ron Paul)

Back to pot.. remember, Bill didn't inhale and Hillary never touched it, and has been very wishwash political slime bag on legalization. ( No different than Trump possibly worse.)
Then we got Warren, no better, a political backpeddler who really hates pot but will say whatever to get votes.. OH but wait she has 1% native American blood in her.. (what's that supposed to mean?) sorry nothing but an elite white that is above the rest of us.

Speaking of real shit bags. Pelosi has a shitty record on pot legalization. Plus she has come out as a racist, when recently asked if she supports the Black Lives Matters movement. She said she supports all lives and continued to dis people of color. Ivy league scum that thinks their shit don't stink. ( Go read the Root article on her fucked up response to a simple question)

Flush these prehistoric scum bags. You will loose again if you don't!

What the fuck kind of pot heads are you fools bashing Bernie?
Clinton is a monster. That you continue to defend her makes you one, too.

Yes I will vote for someone who represents my interests. That's my right as a citizen and it sure is funny how someone who says they defend our constitutional rights is so ready to trash them when it suits your purpose.

Here's 25 minutes of Clinton slime;
Bet you can't watch. That's why you remain in the dark.
You have every right to be a Trump supporter and we have every right to ridicule you for that and for your denial about it.