Attention all Bernie Sanders supporters

You have every right to be a Trump supporter and we have every right to ridicule you for that and for your denial about it.
I'm a Sanders supporter and an AOC supporter.

The notion that if I don't vote Democrat then I'm a Trump supporter is both desperate and shows your disrespect for this thing called democracy.

Keep shilling for Clinton Democrats and we'll get more Trump Republicans, or have you not figured that out yet?
Here we are on a pot forum and we have a bunch of knob polishers against Bernie Sanders, who has a clear pro pot voting record. And a clear anti oppression anti war record. (Hell he's been arrested himself for civil rights protesting)??
Plus let's not forget, he was one of only TWO democratic Senetor to vote Against the single most oppressive intervining bill in American history .The Patriot act. (Which Hillary supported). By the way the other demoratic Senetor was another Jewish senator, with an exellent voting record.. Russ Feingold. (The third vote against it was then Libertarian, Ron Paul)

Back to pot.. remember, Bill didn't inhale and Hillary never touched it, and has been very wishwash political slime bag on legalization. ( No different than Trump possibly worse.)
Then we got Warren, no better, a political backpeddler who really hates pot but will say whatever to get votes.. OH but wait she has 1% native American blood in her.. (what's that supposed to mean?) sorry nothing but an elite white that is above the rest of us.

Speaking of real shit bags. Pelosi has a shitty record on pot legalization. Plus she has come out as a racist, when recently asked if she supports the Black Lives Matters movement. She said she supports all lives and continued to dis people of color. Ivy league scum that thinks their shit don't stink. ( Go read the Root article on her fucked up response to a simple question)

Flush these prehistoric scum bags. You will loose again if you don't!

What the fuck kind of pot heads are you fools bashing Bernie?
The only meaningful thing Bernard has ever accomplished was to hinder opposition to the GOP. Beliefs don't fucking matter. Principles don't fucking matter. Results matter.
I'm a Sanders supporter and an AOC supporter.

The notion that if I don't vote Democrat then I'm a Trump supporter...
I never said that. You're a Trump supporter because you have actively supported Trump here. Don't make me pull out the quotes again. And don't forget to put a bowl of water in the kennel.
The Patriot Act passed in the Senate 98-1, in the House 357-66
Who was that one vote then?
Interesting, I looked up the votes before making the claim.?

I lived in Wisconsin then and know my Senator at the time did vote against it. Records show Bernie did too?

Must be the Russians..LOL

Feingold was the only Senator to vote no. Bernie was a Representative who voted no along with 65 others in the House
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"Bernard is anti-war..."

Then why did he have anti-war protesters arrested in his district when they were demanding his attention? Why did he shield weapons manufacturers from responsibility for profiting from deaths?
The Patriot Act passed in the Senate 98-1, in the House 357-66
Exactly- Democrats weren't exactly an impediment.

They didn't stop the repeal of Glass-Steagal, Joe Biden voted for that. He also voted to water down Dodd-Frank, along with Micheal Bennett. With Democrats like these, who needs Republicans?

Joe Biden also voted to exempt student loans from discharge in bankruptcy, making debt slaves out of every middle class student who wanted to better themselves through education and empowering corporations to lower wages since they knew workers would be desperate for anything they could get.
"Bernard is anti-war..."

Then why did he have anti-war protesters arrested in his district when they were demanding his attention? Why did he shield weapons manufacturers from responsibility for profiting from deaths?
If your alternative is voting for Clinton you are barking up the wrong tree, fella.
If your alternative is voting for Clinton you are barking up the wrong tree, fella.
Didnt you vote for clinton?

I was never a big fan of hillary. But i was of bill. Last election was an obvious choice.

If barnie ran as an indy he might of had my vote. He ran as something he obviously isnt. Now he has enough recognition to run on his own
But this election i think dems will be smart and support someone younger and more progressive
Didnt you vote for clinton?

I was never a big fan of hillary. But i was of bill. Last election was an obvious choice.

If barnie ran as an indy he might of had my vote. He ran as something he obviously isnt. Now he has enough recognition to run on his own
But this election i think dems will be smart and support someone younger and more progressive
Yes and I have regretted it ever since.

Bernie ran as a Democrat to get access to the DNC voter registration database and get DNC support- in return for which he pledged support to the eventual winner of the Democratic nomination. It was a binding contract; he held up his end, the DNC did not, through actions large and small.

If you want to vote for an establishment candidate you are more than welcome to. I'm making a deliberate choice to vote for candidates who will best represent me at the local, state and national level.
Here we are on a pot forum and we have a bunch of knob polishers against Bernie Sanders, who has a clear pro pot voting record. And a clear anti oppression anti war record. (Hell he's been arrested himself for civil rights protesting)??
Plus let's not forget, he was one of only TWO democratic Senetor to vote Against the single most oppressive intervining bill in American history .The Patriot act. (Which Hillary supported). By the way the other demoratic Senetor was another Jewish senator, with an exellent voting record.. Russ Feingold. (The third vote against it was then Libertarian, Ron Paul)

Back to pot.. remember, Bill didn't inhale and Hillary never touched it, and has been very wishwash political slime bag on legalization. ( No different than Trump possibly worse.)
Then we got Warren, no better, a political backpeddler who really hates pot but will say whatever to get votes.. OH but wait she has 1% native American blood in her.. (what's that supposed to mean?) sorry nothing but an elite white that is above the rest of us.

Speaking of real shit bags. Pelosi has a shitty record on pot legalization. Plus she has come out as a racist, when recently asked if she supports the Black Lives Matters movement. She said she supports all lives and continued to dis people of color. Ivy league scum that thinks their shit don't stink. ( Go read the Root article on her fucked up response to a simple question)

Flush these prehistoric scum bags. You will loose again if you don't!

What the fuck kind of pot heads are you fools bashing Bernie?
Bernie killed his 2020 campaign on April 4, 2018 in Jackson Mississippi all by himself.

Pelosi isn't running for Prez. Bernie did run in 2016 and he so fucked up his campaign, it was over by mid-March. He got something like 20% of the Black vote in the south. Nobody can win the Democratic primary with that kind of support. You call it rigged? Tell me why only white men voted for Sanders in large numbers. Is it because women, black people and Hispanic people were fooled but white men were not? Why is that? Don't you see the bias in your argument? Only white men could see through the nefarious actions to steal the election from Bernie.


Cult of Sanders are fools.
Yes and I have regretted it ever since.

Bernie ran as a Democrat to get access to the DNC voter registration database and get DNC support- in return for which he pledged support to the eventual winner of the Democratic nomination. It was a binding contract; he held up his end, the DNC did not, through actions large and small.

If you want to vote for an establishment candidate you are more than welcome to. I'm making a deliberate choice to vote for candidates who will best represent me at the local, state and national level.
I will vote for whoever aligns best with my interests in the primary.. But for general ill vote for whoever has best chance of beating trump or any other Republican