Americans Maintain a Positive View of Bernie Sanders

I've been really upset that white privilege has you so upset, that I think I've finally found the solution!

At least you recognize white privilege exists, which means you recognize for that reform is necessary to de-racialize institutions within our government.

Amount spent annually in the U.S. on the war on drugs: $58+ billion

Number of arrests in 2017 in the U.S. for drug law violations: 1,632,921

Number of drug arrests that were for possession only: 1,394,514 (85.4 percent)

Number of people arrested for a marijuana law violation in 2017: 659,700

Number of those charged with marijuana law violations who were arrested for possession only: 599,282 (90.8 percent)

Percentage of people arrested for drug law violations who are Black or Latino: 46.9% (despite making up just 31.5% of the U.S. population)(Down from 60% in 2014-2015, due to cannabis reform in over half the country.)

Number of people in the U.S. incarcerated in 2016: 2,205,300 – the highest incarceration rate in the world

Number of people in the U.S. incarcerated for a drug law violation in 2016: 456,000
I've no idea who that is,

Hey cannasylvan, shutthefuckup already

About once a month I'll treat myself to a half glass of a nice Lambrusco.

Yep, sweet fruity wine with fizz. Lambrusco comes in rosso and bianco varieties. Lambrusco Bianco is slightly more fruity than Gewurztraminer.

I don't know what you're talking about. Le Grotte Lambrusco is the shit. It's like big boy 7-up.

I actually like the sweet wines best. My favorite is Lambrusco Bianco. That stuff is awesome. If I ever get a sour wine I'll just make it into a sangria.

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opinion polls like that are worthless when used to predict votes. He was well liked in 2016 too and lost by 12% margin. The only poll that matters is an election poll.
If opinions are worthless, why did you post the opinion of the writer from

Do you deny the data collected by Harvard/Harris?
Do you deny the data collected by Harvard/Harris?
It's your conclusion that I deny. The poll merely summarized the opinions people have of Bernie, favorable or not. You extrapolate to "he's going to win in 2020". Time and again, that kind of extrapolation has been shown to be worth no more than a coin toss in making a prediction of an election especially on that is so far away in time.
Do you not know the difference between news reporting and a random sample of opinions?
The opinion that you extrapolate from the article you posted is that Sanders' 2020 chances were ruined on April 4

That's your opinion

You just got done explaining how opinions are worthless

It's your conclusion that I deny. The poll merely summarized the opinions people have of Bernie, favorable or not. You extrapolate to "he's going to win in 2020". Time and again, that kind of extrapolation has been shown to be worth no more than a coin toss in making a prediction of an election especially on that is so far away in time.
So why do you deny the fact that Sanders polls highest among minorities? Why do you try to paint a false picture that minorities oppose him?
The opinion that you extrapolate from the article you posted is that Sanders' 2020 chances were ruined on April 4

That's your opinion

You just got done explaining how opinions are worthless

Good heavens

The guy who wrote that article asked people who were there what they thought and quoted leaders in the black community. He reported on the factual outcome from Bernie's speech. Are you are saying that the random opinions of people anywhere in the country who are asked whether or not they like Bernie is the same thing?

What Bernie said was obviously tone deaf so I don't know why you are even questioning the analyst. If I recast Bernie's speech to Gillium's corruption investigation in Tallahassie, it looks like this:

“The public administration in Tallahassie has for years been dealing with real estate investors and a corruption probe is bringing it all to light. “People sometimes don’t see that because there was a charismatic individual named Andrew Gillum, who won the seat of Mayor in Tallahassie during the time of the supposed corrupt acts.."

“He is obviously an extraordinary candidate, brilliant guy. But behind that reality, over the last 10 years, Gillum's administration has been tied to shady deals with real estate developers."
The guy who wrote that article asked people who were there what they thought and quoted leaders in the black community.
Right, he asked people their opinions, which you just said are worthless. And which no doubt the author of the article left out the overwhelmingly positive opinions of Sanders by black voters in Georgia based on his 73% approval rating among African Americans. Again, you played yourself.
He reported on the factual outcome from Bernie's speech.
The factual outcome from Sanders' speech is that more minorities support him than whites. More females support him than males. So much for the racist "Bernie Bro" narrative you've so vigorously tried to cultivate these past two years..
Are you are saying that the random opinions of people anywhere in the country who are asked whether or not they like Bernie is the same thing?
I'm saying black opinions matter whether you want to discount them or not
What Bernie said was obviously tone deaf so I don't know why you are even questioning the analyst.
I'm questioning your ridiculous remark about the validity of opinion polls and highlighting your own hypocrisy in citing an article based in opinion yourself, because you're legitimately stupid and haven't thought your own retarded argument through. You can't claim opinion polls are illegitimate while citing an authors opinion.. You understand how foolish that is, right?

Take a step back and think about it..
There are like 7 black people in Boston and they're all gentry. Who cares about a Harvard/Harris poll? The only time Bernard engaged a black crowd, he talked a bunch of shit about Obama on the anniversary of MLK Jr's death.

Believing he can still win is about as stupid as your Bogan friend believing in Chinese exceptionalism.
There are like 7 black people in Boston and they're all gentry. Who cares about a Harvard/Harris poll? The only time Bernard engaged a black crowd, he talked a bunch of shit about Obama on the anniversary of MLK Jr's death.

Believing he can still win is about as stupid as your Bogan friend believing in Chinese exceptionalism.
But that's like, your opinion, man...

According to your friend, opinions are worthless
Right, he asked people their opinions, which you just said are worthless. And which no doubt the author of the article left out the overwhelmingly positive opinions of Sanders by black voters in Georgia based on his 73% approval rating among African Americans. Again, you played yourself.

The factual outcome from Sanders' speech is that more minorities support him than whites. More females support him than males. So much for the racist "Bernie Bro" narrative you've so vigorously tried to cultivate these past two years..

I'm saying black opinions matter whether you want to discount them or not

I'm questioning your ridiculous remark about the validity of opinion polls and highlighting your own hypocrisy in citing an article based in opinion yourself, because you're legitimately stupid and haven't thought your own retarded argument through. You can't claim opinion polls are illegitimate while citing an authors opinion.. You understand how foolish that is, right?

Take a step back and think about it..
I have thought about it. The opinion polls you cite are simply "do you like Bernie?". Even in the article I cited, he wasn't negative about him, the worst he said was "tone deaf". If I were asked if I liked Bernie, I'd say yes. I'm probably not going to vote for him and based upon his continued poor leadership with the black community, neither will they. Same in 2016, when he lost big time to Clinton, especially with the Black and Hispanic vote for exactly the same reasons.

Did you forget that Bernie only attracted 20% of African American Democratic Party votes in 2016? Reporters were quoting Black people who said the same thing about him then. "Like him but tone deaf, I'll vote for Hillary". The story is consistent. It's time for you to think about it.

The only poll that matters is an election poll.