Are evangelical Christians who support Trump a cult?


Well-Known Member
Recently, an old white Christian asshole who posts here condemned me to hell. Not for committing mortal sins. I haven't lied (much), cheated on my wife at all, I didn't bear false witness or covet anybody other than appreciating a well formed woman's behind or "bone structure" up top, much less kill anybody. No, he just said I was going to hell because I disagreed with the uncharitable, racist, backbiting, asshole notions about his passion for gunz and Trump.

Who the fuck is he to make such judgement?

Which lead me to wonder: what's up with these so-called Christians who overlook the behavior of their president and pussy grabber bigamist in chief? I hear some "leaders" talk about god's will carried out by flawed humans but doesn't forgiving that kind of shit require penitence? Whoever heard Trump be penitant?

So, here's a list of key qualities that .the observant use to distinguish a cult from a religion:

1. Opposing critical thinking

2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving

3. Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture

4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders

5. Dishonoring the family unit

6. Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior (versus sexual purity and personal ownership)

7. Separation from the Church

It's a list used by Christians to weed out cults. Seems to this atheist that Christian Trumpers, including that fat old white Christian asshole who condemned me to hell because I differ with him about key issues might fit that list very well.
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Recently, an old white Christian asshole who posts here condemned me to hell. Not for committing mortal sins. I haven't lied (much), cheated on my wife at all, I didn't bear false witness or covet anybody other than appreciating a well formed woman's behind or "bone structure" up top, much less kill anybody. No, he just said I was going to hell because I disagreed with the uncharitable, racist, backbiting, asshole notions about his passion for gunz and Trump.

Who the fuck is he to make such judgement?

Which lead me to wonder: what's up with these so-called Christians who overlook the behavior of their president and pussy grabber bigamist in chief? I hear some "leaders" talk about god's will carried out by flawed humans but doesn't forgiving that kind of shit require pertinence? Whoever heard Trump be pertinent?

So, here's a list of key qualities that .the observant use to distinguish a cult from a religion:

1. Opposing critical thinking

2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving

3. Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture

4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders

5. Dishonoring the family unit

6. Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior (versus sexual purity and personal ownership)

7. Separation from the Church

It's a list used by Christians to weed out cults. Seems to this atheist that Christian Trumpers, including that fat old white Christian asshole who condemned me to hell because I differ with him about key issues might fit that list very well.

They must have feelings of (perceived) guilt to have to justify giving up on converting you.
God didn't tell them to stop.
What a bunch of contrived word salad!

It was said in jest. And the op knows it but feels so superior in his extreme lefting that now those that disagree with his much higher intellect are in a cult.

Notice 1 person told you to go to hell @Fogdog but you have grouped many (so like him) together to make you feel even more important in your amazing views.
Recently, an old white Christian asshole who posts here condemned me to hell. Not for committing mortal sins. I haven't lied (much), cheated on my wife at all, I didn't bear false witness or covet anybody other than appreciating a well formed woman's behind or "bone structure" up top, much less kill anybody. No, he just said I was going to hell because I disagreed with the uncharitable, racist, backbiting, asshole notions about his passion for gunz and Trump.

Who the fuck is he to make such judgement?

Which lead me to wonder: what's up with these so-called Christians who overlook the behavior of their president and pussy grabber bigamist in chief? I hear some "leaders" talk about god's will carried out by flawed humans but doesn't forgiving that kind of shit require pertinence? Whoever heard Trump be pertinent?

So, here's a list of key qualities that .the observant use to distinguish a cult from a religion:

1. Opposing critical thinking

2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving

3. Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture

4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders

5. Dishonoring the family unit

6. Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior (versus sexual purity and personal ownership)

7. Separation from the Church

It's a list used by Christians to weed out cults. Seems to this atheist that Christian Trumpers, including that fat old white Christian asshole who condemned me to hell because I differ with him about key issues might fit that list very well.

Yes and I live in cult country.
What a bunch of contrived word salad!

It was said in jest. And the op knows it but feels so superior in his extreme lefting that now those that disagree with his much higher intellect are in a cult.

Notice 1 person told you to go to hell @Fogdog but you have grouped many (so like him) together to make you feel even more important in your amazing views.
I gave him a couple of chances to explain or retract. He never did. It didn't hurt my feelz or anything. I just thought it was interesting that somebody who professes a religion of non-violence and acceptance would say something like that. Also revealing of his true character.

I don't know why you seem so offended and angry about my just asking what people think about Trumpism. The bit about Biblical boundaries of behavior sure fits their profile. Don't you think?
Recently, an old white Christian asshole who posts here condemned me to hell. Not for committing mortal sins. I haven't lied (much), cheated on my wife at all, I didn't bear false witness or covet anybody other than appreciating a well formed woman's behind or "bone structure" up top, much less kill anybody. No, he just said I was going to hell because I disagreed with the uncharitable, racist, backbiting, asshole notions about his passion for gunz and Trump.

Who the fuck is he to make such judgement?

Which lead me to wonder: what's up with these so-called Christians who overlook the behavior of their president and pussy grabber bigamist in chief? I hear some "leaders" talk about god's will carried out by flawed humans but doesn't forgiving that kind of shit require pertinence? Whoever heard Trump be pertinent?

So, here's a list of key qualities that .the observant use to distinguish a cult from a religion:

1. Opposing critical thinking

2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving

3. Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture

4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders

5. Dishonoring the family unit

6. Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior (versus sexual purity and personal ownership)

7. Separation from the Church

It's a list used by Christians to weed out cults. Seems to this atheist that Christian Trumpers, including that fat old white Christian asshole who condemned me to hell because I differ with him about key issues might fit that list very well.
Evangelical Christians are a cult, no matter who they support in politics.
Evangelical Christians are a cult, no matter who they support in politics.
Possibly. However, I wasn't asking about Evangelical Christians, I was asking about those Evangelicals who steadfastly support Trump and accept him as their leader and would that make Trumpism a cult.

I do recall that in Alabama a lot of hardcore Christians stayed on the sidelines in part because of Trump,so, not all are Trump cultists. A whole lot of Alabama's hard core Christians voted for Trump's choice, the pederast, Moore -- talk about crossing Biblical boundaries.
Possibly. However, I wasn't asking about Evangelical Christians, I was asking about those Evangelicals who steadfastly support Trump and accept him as their leader and would that make Trumpism a cult.

I do recall that in Alabama a lot of hardcore Christians stayed on the sidelines in part because of Trump,so, not all are Trump cultists. A whole lot of Alabama's hard core Christians voted for Trump's choice, the pederast, Moore -- talk about crossing Biblical boundaries.
They would be a subset of Evangelical Christians, therefore they are a cult.
What a bunch of contrived word salad!

It was said in jest. And the op knows it but feels so superior in his extreme lefting that now those that disagree with his much higher intellect are in a cult.

Notice 1 person told you to go to hell @Fogdog but you have grouped many (so like him) together to make you feel even more important in your amazing views.
I’m on the fence on this one but your emotional whiny outbursts are making me lean towards fogdog
I’m on the fence on this one but your emotional whiny outbursts are making me lean towards fogdog
Lol Well, you're the undisputed King of emotional whiney outbursts so I'll agree that you're qualified to know one when you see it.
I gave him a couple of chances to explain or retract. He never did. It didn't hurt my feelz or anything. I just thought it was interesting that somebody who professes a religion of non-violence and acceptance would say something like that. Also revealing of his true character.

I don't know why you seem so offended and angry about my just asking what people think about Trumpism. The bit about Biblical boundaries of behavior sure fits their profile. Don't you think?

True, I remember you asking more than once.

What offends me most about your perspective (written anyway. I don’t know you) is you group people together in masses mostly by statistics on who voted for who (whom?) in a presidential election.

Thing about people I know from decades of sales and management and living in a few different parts of our country is almost none of them think about politics or talk freely about it.

They also don’t usually really understand the process or even vote. Sorry to say.

The majority seems to only decide and vote with the Media countdown. Then it Bubbles for a few months as a topic. Then 3.74 more years pass by. Only headline news ever seems to come up from the majority during the gap. Although some people are surprisingly well read and informed, it is not usually a persons focus in life.

You and others in the politics forum seek out and learn far more about these topics and people. It is more than a mere interest. You are political enthusiasts.

As enthusiasts you have formed strong opinions and strong arguments to reaffirm that opinion.

But opinion is not fact and your research is mostly up to who leaks what. And what gets broadcast in the media. And unless you are holding a public office it is just a hobby.

And people are not as steadfast in their beliefs or even taking an active interest as you would like to believe.

So they don’t fall into your categories as neatly as you would like to believe.

You don’t really think we are all Democrats or Republicans or independent?
True, I remember you asking more than once.

What offends me most about your perspective (written anyway. I don’t know you) is you group people together in masses mostly by statistics on who voted for who (whom?) in a presidential election.

Thing about people I know from decades of sales and management and living in a few different parts of our country is almost none of them think about politics or talk freely about it.

They also don’t usually really understand the process or even vote. Sorry to say.

The majority seems to only decide and vote with the Media countdown. Then it Bubbles for a few months as a topic. Then 3.74 more years pass by. Only headline news ever seems to come up from the majority during the gap. Although some people are surprisingly well read and informed, it is not usually a persons focus in life.

You and others in the politics forum seek out and learn far more about these topics and people. It is more than a mere interest. You are political enthusiasts.

As enthusiasts you have formed strong opinions and strong arguments to reaffirm that opinion.

But opinion is not fact and your research is mostly up to who leaks what. And what gets broadcast in the media. And unless you are holding a public office it is just a hobby.

And people are not as steadfast in their beliefs or even taking an active interest as you would like to believe.

So they don’t fall into your categories as neatly as you would like to believe.

You don’t really think we are all Democrats or Republicans or independent?
Every time you make these whiny cries it makes what fogdog is saying sound morecorrect
True, I remember you asking more than once.

What offends me most about your perspective (written anyway. I don’t know you) is you group people together in masses mostly by statistics on who voted for who (whom?) in a presidential election.

Thing about people I know from decades of sales and management and living in a few different parts of our country is almost none of them think about politics or talk freely about it.

They also don’t usually really understand the process or even vote. Sorry to say.

The majority seems to only decide and vote with the Media countdown. Then it Bubbles for a few months as a topic. Then 3.74 more years pass by. Only headline news ever seems to come up from the majority during the gap. Although some people are surprisingly well read and informed, it is not usually a persons focus in life.

You and others in the politics forum seek out and learn far more about these topics and people. It is more than a mere interest. You are political enthusiasts.

As enthusiasts you have formed strong opinions and strong arguments to reaffirm that opinion.

But opinion is not fact and your research is mostly up to who leaks what. And what gets broadcast in the media. And unless you are holding a public office it is just a hobby.

And people are not as steadfast in their beliefs or even taking an active interest as you would like to believe.

So they don’t fall into your categories as neatly as you would like to believe.

You don’t really think we are all Democrats or Republicans or independent?
He's a base propagandist. He wants it to sound simple. He doesn't want people to think for themselves, only to follow his lead in lockstep.