Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

This might help you.


Is this what you do anytime you see a black person?
Well, hello there, fog. Are you sure you're not talking from experience? Your fantasies have nothing to do with the fact that blacks account for more than 50% of all homicides.
Do the statistics make you feel persecuted? There's help for that.
The real question is why are you concerned. Are you bringing this up to solve a problem based on the dark history of Amerikkkas past or are you the POS that only adds to America problems ? I'm leaning more to the former of the two. What black person directly affected your why of life?...I mean besides the one who fucking your wife ? Did some blacks rob you ? Beat you ? Deny you your right to vote or make it hard for you to vote ? Did they force you to go to different schools, deny you a job based on your pink skin ? or are you just upset because you have no rhythm and a very tiny penis and even after your white privilege you still have amounted to a failure in life ?
i'm actually curious why this is happening. if the statistics are accurate, they are disturbing. i'd like to have some explanation of these numbers, and what they mean. and that's not an invitation for an idiots guide to statistics, or anyone's personal prejudices, it's an actual desire to understand why this is happening
Well, hello there, fog. Are you sure you're not talking from experience? Your fantasies have nothing to do with the fact that blacks account for more than 50% of all homicides.
Do the statistics make you feel persecuted? There's help for that.
The real question is why are you concerned. Are you bringing this up to solve a problem based on the dark history of Amerikkkas past or are you the POS that only adds to America problems ? I'm leaning more to the former of the two. What black person directly affected your why of life?...I mean besides the one who is fucking your wife ? Did some blacks rob you ? Beat you ? Deny you your right to vote or make it hard for you to vote ? Did they force you to go to different schools, deny you a job based on your pink skin ? or are you just upset because you have no rhythm and a very tiny penis and even after your white privilege you still have amounted to a failure in life ?
The real question is why are you concerned. Are you bringing this up to solve a problem based on the dark history of Amerikkkas past or are you the POS that only adds to America problems ? I'm leaning more to the former of the two. What black person directly affected your why of life?...I mean besides the one who fucking your wife ? Did some blacks rob you ? Beat you ? Deny you your right to vote or make it hard for you to vote ? Did they force you to go to different schools, deny you a job based on your pink skin ? or are you just upset because you have no rhythm and a very tiny penis and even after your white privilege you still have amounted to a failure in life ?

You do realize many of the first gun restriction laws were KKK type mentalities putting laws into place which were designed to disarm blacks right?

I sure hope you're not supporting KKK ideas.
Tell that to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, to mention as few, as ALL of which have a better quality of life (longevity, education, per capita income,less crime) than the US
Maybe if the US had better health care and schools than those socialist countries (Cuba scores better than us), there wouldn't be such a feeling of despair in the black communities, which inevitably leads to violence

Maybe if this Capitalistic society followed some of the examples of SocIalism, it wouldn't be so fucked up
If they're so much better when are you moving I personally don't like getting 75% of my income taxed.
If they're so much better when are you moving I personally don't like getting 75% of my income taxed.

How much do you make now and how much discretionary income do you have?

If your healthcare cost was cut in half and came in the form of a tax, meaning your tax rate went up, aren't you still gaining money?
no, we wouldn't still be gaining money. most people in the u.s. fall into a 12-20% tax bracket, the highest bracket is 39%.....and most of the people in the 12-20 bracket will get most of it back, especially if they have kids.

and i don't see anything that says my healthcare rates would be cut in half.....? far as i've seen, foreign doctors charge at least as much as American doctors, based on per capita income. and in a lot of countries with socialized medicine, including Canada, people save up money and come to the u.s. or other country to get "good" treatment, in a timely fashion. what good is "free" medical care if you die waiting to see a doctor?
i'm actually curious why this is happening. if the statistics are accurate, they are disturbing. i'd like to have some explanation of these numbers, and what they mean. and that's not an invitation for an idiots guide to statistics, or anyone's personal prejudices, it's an actual desire to understand why this is happening

Hundreds of years of oppression + social and economic isolation/segregation + no real effort to rectify the situation by those who caused it + a thriving gun industry + a lack of opportunity and thus hope for change + police brutality and blatant racism on the institutional and individual level + the general dismissing of these problems as "black" problems leading to resentment + the culture of boot straps "take your gun out in the streets and get what is yours" + intentionally planting specific types of drugs to create drug dependency and a drug culture then establishing minimum sentencing for those specific drugs which results in mass incarceration, stifling education and future prospects, destroying family structures, and creating a jail culture


The snowball effect that has become the status quo.