Well-Known Member
Why didn't I think of that! So, are you saying there's no hope of reducing the homicide rates that black's are responsible for?Maybe a time machine?
Why didn't I think of that! So, are you saying there's no hope of reducing the homicide rates that black's are responsible for?Maybe a time machine?
lol. You are a broken record. All of the answers can be found in our previous discussions. It is obvious you have no intention of listening or engaging my arguments directly. Maybe I will repeat myself in a few months, until then.
Why didn't I think of that! So, are you saying there's no hope of reducing the homicide rates that black's are responsible for?
If your argument is that you think using guns to enforce a gun law to restrict gun use makes sense
Funding schools via forcible confiscatory funding can create an environment to teach kids bullying is wrong
Your argument isn't with me, it's the two opposing points of view you hold in your own head.
Why would you need guns to enforce gun laws?
Are propert taxes truly forced on people with no benefit to them?
Your arguments are stupid as fuck.
What if we offered all blacks a free college education while at the same time, we make it illegal for blacks to own guns? I'm pretty sure both sides of the political spectrum would be pleased, no?Well the crime culture has a lot to do with circumstance, but to change the culture we have to change the circumstance, to change the circumstance we have to change the culture. Crystal Lattice sounds more plausible given today's poltical climate.
Are you planning on using electric weasels to rip peoples flesh who disobey your law? Maybe send them to bed early with no dessert ?
Your second question is rife for exploration, but first I need proof you don't have an electric weasel in your pocket.
What if we offered all blacks a free college education while at the same time, we make it illegal for blacks to own guns? I'm pretty sure both sides of the political spectrum would be pleased, no?
If I knew what I know now, as far as the quality of life for the average citizen,almost free college and cradle to grave health care in the socialist countries I mentioned before, I would have/should have.moved.If they're so much better when are you moving
There is only a correlation, not a causation and there is thus no reason to target “blacks” specifically unless you are a proper racist, which is the only thing we have to acknowledge here. To answer your question though, you could jump of a high bridge, that would be a good start.True! We have to acknowledge that blacks kill more than any other race/s combined. Then we must ask ourselves, why is this? Blacks have been persecuted and disenfranchised, no doubt about it, but how do we decrease the number of homicides that blacks are disproportionately responsible for?
Hi, nice to meet you. Is it mere coincidence that blacks have been responsible for more than 50% of all homicides since 1982? Got it!There is only a correlation, not a causation and there is thus no reason to target “blacks” specifically unless you are a proper racist, which is the only thing we have to acknowledge here. To answer your question though, you could jump of a high bridge, that would be a good start.
in baton rouge, an off duty white cop crashed his corvette into a black woman's SUV while going 94 MPH and killed that woman's child.
the black woman was arrested for homicide and the white cop was put on paid leave.
pure harmony
I can imagine the grass is starting to look greener elsewhere but you might want to consult weather.com before you move to one of those better quality of life countries.Tell that to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Ireland, to mention as few, as ALL of which have a better quality of life (longevity, education, per capita income,less crime) than the US
Maybe if the US had better health care and schools than those socialist countries (Cuba scores better than us), there wouldn't be such a feeling of despair in the black communities, which inevitably leads to violence
Maybe if this Capitalistic society followed some of the examples of SocIalism, it wouldn't be so fucked up
Your statement that “blacks” have been responsible is false so is not a mere coincidence. It is racist. The fact may be that more than 50% of all homicides since 1982 involves a perpetrator with a dark skin color, that does not translate to what your simplistic racist mind makes of it. Try to learn the difference between a correlation and a causation and till you do, just stfu. Did you know most homicides ever have been committed by right handed people who like salty meat and prefer coke over pepsi? Should we therefor target specifically righthanded people who like salty meat and prefer coke over pepsi as a solution to anything?Hi, nice to meet you. Is it mere coincidence that blacks have been responsible for more than 50% of all homicides since 1982? Got it!![]()
Something like 92% of "African Americans" have some level of white genetics. I'm guessing the other 8% are recently from Africa.Really? prove it.
Hi, nice to meet you. Is it mere coincidence that blacks have been responsible for more than 50% of all homicides since 1982? Got it!![]()
i understand how we got here, what i want is good, useful suggestions about how to proceed.
part of what you say is true, most of what you say is true...but you leave out key points...i do yell liberal arts college..."higher education" has caused as many problems as it's ever fixed...you take people at a highly impressionable stage in their lives, with no life experience to draw on, and expose them to some of the most radical, liberal thinking in the country. so you get a lot of dumbasses who think they know everything, who know nothing. you get generations of increasingly entitled children who take longer and longer to grow up. if they ever do.
you cause as many or more problems than you'll ever solve....ever
I would expect for people to start acknowledging that it's a problem and we, as a society, start addressing that issue. Too many people are acquiescent to the fact that blacks are responsible for more than half of all homicides in the name of persecution and being disenfranchised. Yes, blacks have been persecuted and disenfranchised, I get that! But, what I don't get, is that people, like yourself and others, accept it as the status quo.What would you expect from a people deprived of personhood for 100 years, then heavily oppressed for another 100+ year, restricted and deprived of education and all capital the entire time, then segregated and isolated into impoverished areas with no economic opportunity except selling drugs? Then after all that, the society that perpetrated those acts pretends they have no idea why those people have a problem and begin to blame it on their skin color.