Blacks are Responsible for More Than 50% of All Homicides...

no, we wouldn't still be gaining money. most people in the u.s. fall into a 12-20% tax bracket, the highest bracket is 39%.....and most of the people in the 12-20 bracket will get most of it back, especially if they have kids.

and i don't see anything that says my healthcare rates would be cut in half.....? far as i've seen, foreign doctors charge at least as much as American doctors, based on per capita income. and in a lot of countries with socialized medicine, including Canada, people save up money and come to the u.s. or other country to get "good" treatment, in a timely fashion. what good is "free" medical care if you die waiting to see a doctor?

Go look at the actual statistics from countries with single-payer systems.

Take Canada as an example. They enjoy 2-3x the amount of annual doctor visits than us, and they pay literally half the cost we do. Half the cost for twice the service.

The wait time propaganda is a lie. People may save to come here for elective surgeries but that is where it ends. Wait times are no longer than here. In fact, less people die because of the lack of healthcare or fear of healthcare costs than here. Why? Because care isn't decides based on if you have insurance or can afford treatment, it is decided by the needs of the patient as decided by the patient and doctor.

How many people die in the US because they never see care because they couldn't afford it, didn't qualify for health insurance or couldn't afford what they did qualify for? How many bankrupt once they do see care? Answer: 640,000 medical bankruptcies per year in the US, the leading cause of bankruptcy, and every single one causes insurance premiums to rise for everyone else, year after year. In Canada and other single payer systems, ZERO medical bankruptcies, longer average lifespan, twice the care, half the price. Talk to medical professionals and patients in Canada, not the actors and shills Fox News et al put up for their disinformation campaign.

The insurance companies make hundreds of Billion$ in profit that would otherwise go to actual healthcare services aka hospitals. What do they provide? Nothing. That's why we pay double for half the care.

UH "Universal Healthcare" simply means everyone is covered. Theoretically, you could cover everyone under private insurance or single payer. But guess what? UH has only ever been actually achieved under single payer. The reason why should be obvious.
wow, how long did you go to a liberal arts college? or are you actually a professor at a liberal arts college?
by your logic, it's amazing any black people in the whole country ever climb out of the ghetto.
intentionally planting specific types of drugs to create drug dependency and a drug culture.....i've never bought into that particular urban myth. the government doesn't have to sell drugs. people buy them without anyone selling them to them. there is just as big a problem with drugs among poor white people as there is among poor black people, i don't even see it on racial terms, i see it on economic terms. and if you think there aren't as many poor white people as black, you don't live in the u.s.
i'm not an ignorant redneck, saying it's just blacks, let them deal with it...but it sounds to me like you aren't trying to take their fair share of responsibility, either....sometimes, things are offered, and you have to refuse. sometimes a situation arises, and you have to walk away from it....and sometimes people want you to feel bad about stuff you never did, that never happened to them, and i flatly refuse to feel any guilt about anything i've never done
wow, how long did you go to a liberal arts college? or are you actually a professor at a liberal arts college?
by your logic, it's amazing any black people in the whole country ever climb out of the ghetto.
intentionally planting specific types of drugs to create drug dependency and a drug culture.....i've never bought into that particular urban myth. the government doesn't have to sell drugs. people buy them without anyone selling them to them. there is just as big a problem with drugs among poor white people as there is among poor black people, i don't even see it on racial terms, i see it on economic terms. and if you think there aren't as many poor white people as black, you don't live in the u.s.
i'm not an ignorant redneck, saying it's just blacks, let them deal with it...but it sounds to me like you aren't trying to take their fair share of responsibility, either....sometimes, things are offered, and you have to refuse. sometimes a situation arises, and you have to walk away from it....and sometimes people want you to feel bad about stuff you never did, that never happened to them, and i flatly refuse to feel any guilt about anything i've never done

People are the product of their environment to a great degree. I'm pointing out external factors, how that environment came to be what it is today, to give an insight into how many can't find/imagine a way out.

Are you upset with what I said because you associate it with liberal ideology or because you think it to be untrue? I'd like you to point out what is untrue.

About planting the drugs, maybe it is a coincidence that black neighborhoods were involved with crack while white neighborhoods involved cocaine and white lawmakers unintentionally created much harsher min. sentencing for crack. But does that take away from the bigger picture?
wow, how long did you go to a liberal arts college? or are you actually a professor at a liberal arts college?
by your logic, it's amazing any black people in the whole country ever climb out of the ghetto.
intentionally planting specific types of drugs to create drug dependency and a drug culture.....i've never bought into that particular urban myth. the government doesn't have to sell drugs. people buy them without anyone selling them to them. there is just as big a problem with drugs among poor white people as there is among poor black people, i don't even see it on racial terms, i see it on economic terms. and if you think there aren't as many poor white people as black, you don't live in the u.s.
i'm not an ignorant redneck, saying it's just blacks, let them deal with it...but it sounds to me like you aren't trying to take their fair share of responsibility, either....sometimes, things are offered, and you have to refuse. sometimes a situation arises, and you have to walk away from it....and sometimes people want you to feel bad about stuff you never did, that never happened to them, and i flatly refuse to feel any guilt about anything i've never done
You touch on a very good point.
If you believe that all your problems are caused by someone else, you are powerless.

I lived in Utah for a long time, and believe me, there's plenty of white trash.
Poverty is the real enemy, IMHO.
You touch on a very good point.
If you believe that all your problems are caused by someone else, you are powerless.

I lived in Utah for a long time, and believe me, there's plenty of white trash.
Poverty is the real enemy, IMHO.

That's not what I said. But you both know that. Why give someone an impossible choice or situation just to blame them when the inevitable happens? To absolve yourself or what you identify with?

How good did blacks in the US have it in the year 1800? 1850? 1900? 1950? 1980? It's not like the problems of the black community sprouted overnighted, they have been inherited from generations of disadvantage to put it lightly.

Just put yourself in the shoes of a young black man in the 1980s. High School was broken down, severely underfunded, full of gangs and drugs. Whether you graduate or not there are few jobs, very little good paying ones if any, you already had a bad start, maybe your mom is on drugs, your kid is hungry, you are the verge of being evicted. Then you look outside and you see the gang/drug money, "ok that is what I have to do to provide." It's a trap and it isn't easy to imagine another way when it is all you know. I have sympathy for that situation, but that doesn't mean I don't hold the ideal of personal responsibility. I'm trying to balance personal responsibility with the reality of the environment. You want a comprehensive view of the situation or do you want me to make you feel 'right' or 'superior' or 'absolved' by telling you it is the melonin in their skin that makes them shoot eachother?
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And again.

So black people won't be affected if government decrees gun ownership laws today ?

It's not okay for me to point out to London that some of the first gun laws were those restricting blacks rights to get him to think about the giant government cock about to penetrate him and others from behind??

Please connect the dots in your claim for me and while you're at it tell me why you support consolidating gun ownership in the hands of murderers and thugs.
People are the product of their environment to a great degree. I'm pointing out external factors, how that environment came to be what it is today, to give an insight into how many can't find/imagine a way out.

Are you upset with what I said because you associate it with liberal ideology or because you think it to be untrue? I'd like you to point out what is untrue.

About planting the drugs, maybe it is a coincidence that black neighborhoods were involved with crack while white neighborhoods involved cocaine and white lawmakers unintentionally created much harsher min. sentencing for crack. But does that take away from the bigger picture?
Look up cia and crack.......
So black people won't be affected if government decrees gun ownership laws today ?

It's not okay for me to point out to London that some of the first gun laws were those restricting blacks rights to get him to think about the giant government cock about to penetrate him and others from behind??

Please connect the dots in your claim for me and while you're at it tell me why you support consolidating gun ownership in the hands of murderers and thugs.

And again.
That's not what I said. But you both know that. Why give someone an impossible choice or situation just to blame them when the inevitable happens? To absolve yourself or what you identify with?

How good did blacks in the US have it in the year 1800? 1850? 1900? 1950? 1980? It's not like the problems of the black community sprouted overnighted, they have been inherited from generations of disadvantage to put it lightly.

Just put yourself in the shoes of a young black man in the 1980s. High School was broken down, severely underfunded, full of gangs and drugs. Whether you graduate or not there are few jobs, very little good paying ones if any, you already had a bad start, maybe your mom is on drugs, your kid is hungry, you are the verge of being evicted. Then you look outside and you see the gang/drug money, "ok that is what I have to do to provide." It's a trap and it isn't easy to imagine another way when it is all you know. I have sympathy for that situation, but that doesn't mean I don't hold the ideal of personal responsibility. I'm trying to balance personal responsibility with the reality of the environment. You want a comprehensive view of the situation or do you want me to make you feel 'right' or 'superior' or 'absolved' by telling you it is the melonin in their skin that makes them shoot eachother?

So, when you say, "schools are underfunded" you really mean, we need to up the funding, while ignoring HOW the funding is accomplished right? Yep, you're blind in at least one eye.
The real question is why are you concerned. Are you bringing this up to solve a problem based on the dark history of Amerikkkas past or are you the POS that only adds to America problems ? I'm leaning more to the former of the two. What black person directly affected your why of life?...I mean besides the one who is fucking your wife ? Did some blacks rob you ? Beat you ? Deny you your right to vote or make it hard for you to vote ? Did they force you to go to different schools, deny you a job based on your pink skin ? or are you just upset because you have no rhythm and a very tiny penis and even after your white privilege you still have amounted to a failure in life ?
I'm sorry, I can't interpret your incoherent writing. Please try again. Do you often fantasize about black men? :lol:
So, when you say, "schools are underfunded" you really mean, we need to up the funding, while ignoring HOW the funding is accomplished right? Yep, you're blind in at least one eye.

lol you are a sad and pathetic little man. Not the subject, Bob.
And again.

The reason why you run away from questions might be because you mistakenly think you occupy the moral high ground when you use force to fund your ideas (you don't, it's thuggish behavior) or it might be because you really have no justifying argument for your behavior and it's uncomfortable for me to point it out to you.

Well, I'll just say you're doing it wrong and probably know it on the one hand, or at least subconsciously, but to admit that to yourself is more than you can handle.

Cognitive Dissonance bell status = Rung.

Do you have any suggestions on how to decrease the number of homicides that blacks are committing? Are you aware that blacks account for more than 50% of all homicides in America?

I think the first step is gaining a comprehensive understanding of how we got here. But evidently saying anying but 'bootstraps' makes people plug their ears and yell "LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE!!!"
The reason why you run away from questions might be because you mistakenly think you occupy the moral high ground when you use force to fund your ideas (you don't, it's thuggish behavior) or it might be because you really have no justifying argument for your behavior and it's uncomfortable for me to point it out to you.

Well, I'll just say you're doing it wrong and probably know it on the one hand, or at least subconsciously, but to admit that to yourself is more than you can handle.

Cognitive Dissonance bell status = Rung.


lol. You are a broken record. All of the answers can be found in our previous discussions. It is obvious you have no intention of listening or engaging my arguments directly. Maybe I will repeat myself in a few months, until then.
I think the first step is gaining a comprehensive understanding of how we got here. But evidently saying anying but 'bootstraps' makes people plug their ears and yell "LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE!!!"
True! We have to acknowledge that blacks kill more than any other race/s combined. Then we must ask ourselves, why is this? Blacks have been persecuted and disenfranchised, no doubt about it, but how do we decrease the number of homicides that blacks are disproportionately responsible for?
I'm pretty happy. Not really little. Definitely a man. I sure wish you happiness running your own life and hopefully you learn running others lives, using a gun to back up your threats, is not a cool thing to do.

Oh now I get it! It is the worst thing imaginable to infringe on bodily autonomy by stopping a person from shooting innocent people. OMG! Thanks Bob!
True! We have to acknowledge that blacks kill more than any other race/s combined. Then we must ask ourselves, why is this? Blacks have been persecuted and disenfranchised, no doubt about it, but how do we decrease the number of homicides that blacks are disproportionately responsible for?

Maybe a time machine?