Well-Known Member
no, we wouldn't still be gaining money. most people in the u.s. fall into a 12-20% tax bracket, the highest bracket is 39%.....and most of the people in the 12-20 bracket will get most of it back, especially if they have kids.
and i don't see anything that says my healthcare rates would be cut in half.....? far as i've seen, foreign doctors charge at least as much as American doctors, based on per capita income. and in a lot of countries with socialized medicine, including Canada, people save up money and come to the u.s. or other country to get "good" treatment, in a timely fashion. what good is "free" medical care if you die waiting to see a doctor?
Go look at the actual statistics from countries with single-payer systems.
Take Canada as an example. They enjoy 2-3x the amount of annual doctor visits than us, and they pay literally half the cost we do. Half the cost for twice the service.
The wait time propaganda is a lie. People may save to come here for elective surgeries but that is where it ends. Wait times are no longer than here. In fact, less people die because of the lack of healthcare or fear of healthcare costs than here. Why? Because care isn't decides based on if you have insurance or can afford treatment, it is decided by the needs of the patient as decided by the patient and doctor.
How many people die in the US because they never see care because they couldn't afford it, didn't qualify for health insurance or couldn't afford what they did qualify for? How many bankrupt once they do see care? Answer: 640,000 medical bankruptcies per year in the US, the leading cause of bankruptcy, and every single one causes insurance premiums to rise for everyone else, year after year. In Canada and other single payer systems, ZERO medical bankruptcies, longer average lifespan, twice the care, half the price. Talk to medical professionals and patients in Canada, not the actors and shills Fox News et al put up for their disinformation campaign.
The insurance companies make hundreds of Billion$ in profit that would otherwise go to actual healthcare services aka hospitals. What do they provide? Nothing. That's why we pay double for half the care.
UH "Universal Healthcare" simply means everyone is covered. Theoretically, you could cover everyone under private insurance or single payer. But guess what? UH has only ever been actually achieved under single payer. The reason why should be obvious.