the politics of fucking little girls: roy moore, the next GOP senator from alabama

will you vote for roy moore, the nazi pedophile?

  • yes, MAGA!

  • no

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That's what you've done. After condemning people for condemning Clinton on allegations alone.

I've been consistent in that Clinton and Moore deserve fair defense in regards to their allegations.
no. you've run with every single allegation and conspiracy theory against clinton and obama no matter how retarded the allegation, just like the good little republican you are.
All (white) unwed pregnant underage girls will now be referred to as 'Trump's Brides'!
Make Germany... I mean, America Great Again!

Alabama. 'Nuff said.
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Sure, I'll vote for him. One he's republican, that's a good thing. 2. There's no proof, just accusation's, (like, you all know there are children held captive in Comet Ping Pong's basement, right)? Yep, as it stands today sure, I'd vote for him.

I also think Corey Haim might be embellishing the truth about old Charlie too. Just doesn't add up.
eXCEPT cOMET pING pONG DOESN'T HAVE A BASEMENT AND A HANDFUL OF (OOPS, capslock) people have given details of Roy Moore's house, correctly stated times and dates that have been independently verified, etc. You are not good at this and very not smart. Go hit your head against a wall for a while and see if it fixes you.
I saw that dumb bitch Laura Ingraham say every single caller she had on her
radio show said they would support Moore even if he had done what is claimed.
The good lord forgives ya know?
"even if he had" done it.

Oh man, I didn't doubt that they would but to take the time and effort to call in and say it. That's dedicated stoooopid.

props to be able to listen to that. I can't take more than a few minutes of right wing talk radio. The only thing worse are infomercials.
Well I didn't listen to her show. She was on cable news and she said that.
And it had sound clips of a few redneck callers with their comments.
She seemed a bit surprised but pleased by it anyway.
I can't listen to those conservative shows for long either, but you can get
the most bat shit crazy highlight clips when they show up on RWW or CNN after..
In a report that came out today, apparently the alabama gop is maneuvering to delay the special election so they can replace moore. Hey, it's only democracy that gets hurt, so why not?

And on a seperate note.....

a Florida attorney who served as a deputy district attorney alongside Roy Moore has come forward to allege inappropriate behavior from the Republican senate nominee.

“It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird,” former Deputy DA Theresa Jones reportedly told CNN. “We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall.”

“Late 70’s and 80’s – at that time and atmosphere it was weird he was dating teenagers but you really wouldn’t say anything to someone like that,” Jones continued.

Marquardt was following up on a comment left on the Gadsden Times website story on the allegations against Roy Moore.

“I was a deputy DA in Gadsden with Roy Moore. I have no doubt these stories have validity,” Teresa D. Jones of Sarasota posted. “Roy was known to eschew dating his own age and preferred teenagers.”

“I challenge all of my colleagues in the Bar and on the bench at that time to come forward to support that Roy Moore should not be elected to represent the place of my birth and my home for many years,” Jones concluded.​

Not good with sarcasm are you?

have given details of Roy Moore's house, correctly stated times and dates that have been independently verified, etc. You are not good at this and very not smart. Go hit your head against a wall for a while and see if it fixes you.

That doesn't prove the accusation.

Buy a pedophile on one station and Barbasol on another.

And not just Limbaugh, but Alex Jones and the whole Fix News crew of paid actors.

Fix News is the QVC of the conservative political world; how else to explain Sean Hannity defending Roy Moore in such peculiar terms?

And not just Limbaugh, but Alex Jones and the whole Fix News crew of paid actors.

Fix News is the QVC of the conservative political world; how else to explain Sean Hannity defending Roy Moore in such peculiar terms?
I have this nice bit of treason for you or you can buy a beautiful Chrome Diopside pendant for the low price of ten times it's actual value.