Salutations DigitalTorture,
Salutations Everybody,
The thread is worth attention enough for me to have prepared a concatenated reply (...), hoping this will fit in better than the previous provocation(s)...
Canada, 4 plant count... ...I personally think we will be allowed 6.
Québec = 2 LPs (over 67 so far!!) + ZERO plant:
Translation: NO.
It's from the same socio-toxic minister who managed to find her "inspiration" at the COP6/FCTC 2014 event which occured behind closed doors in Russia, equating tobacco, e-Cigs and VAPORIZERS!

Briefly put that's an individual with great power and even more responsability, yet with zero objectivity/credibility as she felt useful to tell her own personal stories on TV, 1st about cancer killing her dad then about her own struggling with
What are you worried about?
If i can be excused to skip huge preliminaries i'll just say
V I L I F I C A T I O N then "saving" the lost (satistically-ellusive) children of planet Itnoc...
...come on people use your brains. It is not that serious.
When a man on the land of cap'tain Itnoc is
KILLED by POLICE over 8 oz not even his own there's no other option for me than to reply it's
DEAD serious, on the contrary.
Ref.: #1) Jean-Pierre Bony now renamed Bony Jean-Pierre by a single-sourced mass-media press. #2) Christian Gilbert, the SPVM-GTi agent with plenty of alternative weapon training (since 2008 or so...) who still managed to deadly injure a sitting-duck target with his "plastic wand" projectile... Actually this was serious enough to send him in a criminal court of justice (where only his lawyer showed up), simply to be cleared in the end as there's been zero echo since last fall when he was supposed to undergo trial in front of a juge, i figured.
The purpose of this thread was to get feedback and start a discussion on how people feel about the new law... ... I prefer to say "i smoke cannabis because i like it!".
Although i got no acquaintances in the carceral universe i always felt Justin Trudeau must
NOT be trusted simply because of quite some the
long chain of paradoxal events, since Joy Davies for example, which constistently consolidated this attitude (and still does today).
To me it's not the best strategy though, allowing our enemy to remain in control of the spotlights continuously, while bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists take over our public institutions to impose their socio-toxic values. Those who got their "medical" rights protected by our constitution are still being challenged and yet those monsters are not and now the war is about to turn ugly when it comes to "stoner$"/"droÿé$", not to mention the distortions in an artificially inflated "legal" market.
In other words i'd prefer to say « what makes them so "holier than us" that gives them the right to invade our lives, threaten our families including those very same children they pretend to "save", blaming us for trauma leading to permanent prejudice, etc. »...
Then i'd force them and their clueless supporters to watch documentaries as "
Fix-my-Kid" and "
Kids-for-Cash", for starters:
Which is what Justin MiniHarper is trying to import to a country of Canuck citizens right now IMHO!
Hence it's quite about time we finally question obvious/blatant TrudeauMania on propagandist TV, including CBC/SRC.
...there needs to be more thought put into the growing aspect...
All right, how about putting the "stoner$"/"droÿé$" needs 1st, although Justin Trudeau clearly expressed himself, last year (...), saying in Toronto that he's NOT doing it to « "PLEASE" recreational users » exactly?!
Which to me pretty much closes any dialog on the urgent need to support adapted genetic selection, for example. Suitable consumption methods & ritual(s) being right next in my list of priorities.
The least i can argue is that the law due for revision by the senate is NOT on my side and probably not yours neither unless you're one of those "medical" hostages who supported an artificial good vs evil discrimination system with their legal signature, just to fulfill their own pressing needs in priority, when proper de-scheduling could have served the masses including themselves!...
How about LPs discussing behind closed doors about using
BANNED pesticides to produce mari-caca for those same "medical" client$? Or Québec's
Hydropothecary working hard to define the detection threshold level of
myclobutanil (below 0.01 PPM), even dispatching it for everyone to consider including "organized crime"... Now lets consider for a minute the frightening possibility of emerging
synergies knowing there were
200+ pesticides on the Washington list, as i vaguely recall!...
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