Well-Known Member
I did read somewhere in the final report that was released alongside the bill that the ability for provinces and whatnot to be able to impose a registry or such. I'll have to re read it when I have a chance.
The part about the seeds is what really gets my goat. I guess it's back to being an outlaw.
Yeah the seeds is my no registration and under the radar driver, I won't accept anything less than legal, meaning choice and freedom. I'm not interested in selling but I won't be limited to what and how I grow my own meds.
I think what they are going to do is have a registry of people "allowed" to do a home grow. All starting materials and information about the grow will be tied into that. Then they will make you sign a waiver allowing them to inspect without notice. So this will be put into the agreement. Don't sign and you will be considered "illicit CANNABIS"
It's certainly possible provincially, no mention of it federally. So I wouldn't doubt if the odd province tries a registry, something like the failed gun registry program

Any registration to me is not "legal" and I won't be any part of it, rec or medical. It makes you an instant target for whatever changes in federal, provincial, or municipal government of the day decide to implement. Including idiots like Kellie Leitch who's stated she'd repeal legalization "when" she gets elected in 2019 - ha, ha, ha...