Canada Grows to the 4 Plant Limit

Water Cooled Lamp Update and Maybe a New One
Gotta finish up the center section of the lamp! Between political bun fights here, life, individual teaching practice, etc, I'm time short.
Got the COBs on and pigtails soldered, just gotta wire up the COBs, flip it over and redo the AC side of things and that has been stripped out already. Wiring job won't be first rate cause I'm thinking, Gen 2 cooling bars, if I wanna grow when it's legal. Might have a much better cooling system etc too.

A new water cooled rig would use enclosed 70 watt drivers to run parallel pairs of Citizen COBs, or individual 50 watt enclosed drivers to run them alone (preferred for water cooling). I'd use ideal COB holders too and quality pads or paste. A three bar Gen 2, 6' long should do the job, 18 COBs running at 50 watts each + driver (10%) = 990 watts, or around a 1 KW with a COB spacing of 12" length wise and maybe ten inches width wise. I'll alternate the COB spacing on the inside bar for better coverage. Hang it high and run the COBs at 50 watts with holders and reflectors. What I got now would work fine, but I might want a project before the next legal grow. Not against the law to build water cooled grow lights! I can build the lamp rig outta 2 x 20' aluminum extrusions (standard lengths) and some 1" aluminum angle, to hold it together. I got some thermal cut off switches and thermal fuses too, Some WAGO connectors would make a neat job. Two zone switching would be nice too to shut down one end of the lamp for single plants. Might give the small 24 x24" water cooled rig away, as is, an awesome tent or single plant grow light light. I'll keep the 6 citizen COBs I was gonna put on it and just make a couple of minor repairs and changes. Might increase the number of COBs on the big Gen2 rig by 3 COBs, one per bar for a total of 21 over 3 bars. Might be a bit hot though and overkill for the grow table. Might try to stick with 1 KW though...
Canadian will be the same Ontario will only have government led sales no one except big guys selling and huge fines for black market. Isn't any kind of legalization except to pad the pockets of the rich.

Unless small legal growers hang around dispensaries and drive the price through the floor! Great place for little guys in smaller communities to keep an eye on, for later delivery. 4 plant limit will be 4 per adult in house, so folks who got older kids will think they will be good for something, if they live in the basement, they can tend the plants for mom, pop and themselves, family business! Three pounds of Bud a month, even at $1 to $3 a gram would be worth the effort, to some (who will grow in season in a garage/greenhouse). They will under cut the corporations and government tax collection efforts. Most can be trained to grow good bud in quantity after 1 or 2 grows, when supplied with clones. It might be a bit challenging, but it ain't rocket science. You can legally gift an ounce and travel with one too. No crime, so no search of person or property for pot. The provinces are gonna have a hell of a time with this one, it ain't liquor either and growing will not be like brewing.

Might be much cheaper, like produce, in the fall, buy in season too
It's not 4 per adult it's 4 total per household
Court challenge: per adult for tobacco, highly addictive and no benefit
No limit on booze in most provinces and unenforceable in the one that does? highly addictive
Kids present in both, so I figure it will end up as 4 per adult in the house. Those against legalization don't realize the implications of changing the basic law and ensuing legal fights, be awhile before the dust settles and science can positively affect things bigly soon! Cops will be reluctant to fight some fights too!
Legal for US...

not for YOU.

Pretty much sums up American 'legalisation'.

Nice to hear from the wise my friend.
One state yer free and the next ya get life and if yer in Texas they can fry ya for cannabis, still on the books, I think! It's gotten so stupid in DC, ya gotta watch where ya have a puff! City law/federal! Figure Donalds next distraction will be to legalize, just to get back at Sessions for fucking him! Make the suggestion to Fox and friends, do they call in there?;)

Sorry about Vegas, but guns... Donald might change that with the Dems, wonder what that will do, to what's left of the base? They already burned their hats over the dreamers!

Think someone might pounce soon? (Muller, congress, senate):D

I predict it will be very quick, light speed for Donald, too dangerous...
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Nice to hear from the wise my friend.
One state yer free and the next ya get life and if yer in Texas they can fry ya for cannabis, still on the books, I think! It's gotten so stupid in DC, ya gotta watch where ya have a puff! City law/federal! Figure Donalds next distraction will be to legalize, just to get back at Sessions for fucking him! Make the suggestion to Fox and friends, do they call in there?;)

Sorry about Vegas, but guns... Donald might change that with the Dems, wonder what that will do to what's left of the base? They already burned their hats over the dreamers!

Think someone might pounce soon? (Muller, congress, senate):D

I predict it will be very quick, light speed for Donald, too dangerous...

In a 6'x8' supermax cell 23/7, he'd be raving in a week. Might see the video one day(leaked)
They got straight jackets and rubber rooms there too... He's getting out feet first...

Mad the Orange Emperor has become Master Yoda, I foresee his fall, even though the darkside is strong within him...
He is losing power over the weak minded...
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I'm going to mindfulness Hell! I have too much fun on some of the other threads, only wish some could share the laughs. I'm getting too old for this. Almost shit my "Depends" laughing tonight. My path has become one of the butthurt, not my fault, well maybe... Back to the lights tomorrow and I gotta sit more or I'm gonna go nuts on this forum! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!:wall:
Politics, Pot and Culture Change
I've been cruising the threads for a bit getting to know some of the other Canadians on the forum and what is driving many, I'll keep it brief (as I can) because of ever shrinking attention spans (media, phones, etc,science!). I'll also keep it civil and as non judgemental as I can, along with increasing levels of social isolation and atrophying skill sets, goes chronic thin skin, and of course snowflakes of a great variety, as nature intended, I guess. This is an atypical thread on the forum, as legalization approaches, pot and politics become intertwined, something new here.

Most people who grow, sell and all give it away, myself included, this is history and culture, we are acting within our values, and those are more true than the law, in this case at least. Civil disobedience, evil laws, revolutionary attitudes, innovators, breeders, seed salesmen and good old fashioned capitalism have brought us to this point. The government is introducing reasonable legislation on a federal level, perhaps? If they give a four plant limit per household, I would not be too concerned, they already know they will lose this one in court, they have lawyers too. Those who don't like pot, don't know that much about the issue or pot, they see the news and are not too jacked up. Court challenges don't have to be that enthusiastically defended either and multiple adults in a household will have 4 each (my opinion).

Anybody with a brain in this country who wanted to grow, personal or commercial, was and is an idiot (me for a spell!), not to get a piece of paper to cover their ass, for peace of mind. The law was wrong, on medical and recreational, civil disobedience was required and capitalism too. I had a relative pass away and cops come to the door and into the living room, the younger one commented on the smell, and the other older guy said he wuz smelling something else, me too, but skillful! After they left on good terms I went down to the grow and killed 6 shitty soil plants that were fucked up by playing with organics (experimenting again!) kept a clone with my buddy and went for a drive to a dumpster with the rest. Went online and skyped with a nice lady doctor, sent radiologist report, no xrays required, 3 (15 plants) grams/day automatic. She was an addiction specialist, who was trying to save people from fentanyl and that opioid shit, we talked about that and mindfulness etc.. My ass was covered for 15 plants and even though I'm not a "legal" grower, I'm not too worried about a day in court over it, even with an expired prescription.

Here's the heart of the problem for most folks I believe, it's called a Catch 22 after an humorous novel title and theme. The people who will be most affected by the new law, the users/industry, have no voice in the laws that will be imposed. This is not wise, on many levels, we need a truth and reconciliation council of our own, before any new laws are passed. We need an amnesty for medical and recreational users/growers, so they will feel free to express their views on a law that directly affects them. If we don't get such a voice, the only one the government will hear is that of corporate interests and the connected. They assume that they will be able to ride this horse into the ground too, just like booze. I disagree, high retail prices will work just fine for the folks who are currently in the business, most who grow. But technology and legal change and above all else, market forces will drop the cost. You can build a 600 watt efficient LED grow light from dollar store 100(16) watt light bulbs for $40US. Breaking into the business is gonna be real cheap, compared to the past and if ya grow inside the legal limit, yer gonna be hard to nail, if ya got a brain. Old farts like me, will be hanging around dispensaries, like perverts around a public park!

Sorry for the length, but sometimes ideas involve more than a grunt, just a viewpoint that's all. Others may be more correct, an objective look at this possible future might be useful to all of us. We won't get the truth and reconciliation commission, even though the war on pot was a crime against humanity, the Natives (First Nations) had to wait along with the Japanese Canadians for one. When it becomes legal, the crime against humanity argument might get stronger. I don't work for the LP's or any fucking corporation, retired from one early, 5 years ago with an great independent pension plan. I also know the difference between need and greed, money does not make me happy, but it sure helps! I was living quietly here for years, until the government said they were gonna change the basic law, pot became politics then and it will be for a while to come...

Get used to it, it's called being a free citizen again and it requires engagement. I'm tired of all the Bullshit, and this is the time for us to act, even after the provinces, fuck up the true purpose of the law, to protect communities of free people. The dispensaries and corporations, don't know the embedded culture of cannabis (I'm dead serious here) and we will short circuit the plan, guaranteed, using good old fashioned capitalism and individual effort.
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Anybody who figures the LPs are poisoning people, I won't argue. The LPs will only end up dealing with the drug stores and who the fuck is gonna buy that shit! By mail too! There are already guys in Canada selling rec by mail online! Compassion clubs using the above model will short circuit much of the trade in bud, oils and specialty stuff. The health crowd doesn't want pesticides and are paranoid about this. The LPs will be banned from the recreational market too, same crowd, different companies though and growing methods, large scale mono culture, complete with bunny suits and pesticides for both rec and med.

I figure there will be room for competition in both areas, folks will ban together after the law changes to get a piece of the money, capitalism. Compassion clubs and Medical co-ops are people and community based, just what most folks who are sick want, real people who care. Doctors won't be hostile to this approach and many might find it useful too, but increasingly compounding pharmacists will take over medicinal oils and tinctures. Even parts per billion of pesticide residue count in this business too and any breeder can have a strain that is special to someone. What about breeder rights? Everybody in this business owes those folks, maybe professional botanists will take over, but they learned the trade from cannabis breeders and started where they left off. Clones by mail or given away or even sold must be part of any law, as must breeders and seed sellers rights, not just connected corporate rights, do they think the rest of us are fucking animals that can't be trusted? Only the well heeled need apply? There's more to this business than growing and selling, there's a whole ecosystem that goes along with it and it must be protected too.

This is gonna be meat and potatoes for the organizations that will spring up. I don't wanna lead any of them, just be useful in any way I can to see that things are done right. I'm not gonna sit by and watch the greedy bastards invade and pervert my world, not without a fight, and we have been doing that kind of fighting for fucking near forever. This is a crime against humanity, tens of millions are dead and dying, have had their lives ruined and that is what it's really about with me, and probably a lot more too. This fight won't be over for me with legalization, but it's gonna take a lot more, as our current primeminister said, "simple toleration is not enough", I agree.

Some here might think I'm hard to deal with, I most certainly agree. I have a purpose greater than myself, look above to see what that purpose is. I'm on your side and understand why, cause I live it too and can empathize. Even if you called me a nasty name etc, I'm still on your side on this issue and have made my position crystal clear to all.

I never knew why I choose OVERGROW the Government for a sig, three years ago, sounded cool...I do now and only started to realize it half way through building this thread. That triggered other dormant subconscious forces, but this one is core and I might not stop at the border either. I've felt strongly about this issue for a long time and the medical science on this subject is incredible lately and I'm a science guy. Crime against humanity, much should have been known and used already. There has to be a reckoning for this in the US, where most of the damage was done, but we have our own issues too.
Odd Topic for a Meditation Teacher
In my version of mindfulness practice part of a teacher's job is to create, foster and support communities of human beings, not just navel gaze. Happiness is found within, but also as part of a group of humans, who cooperate to survive, just as nature intended. Figure out the rules and you can win the social "game" against politicians and greedy corporate connected interests, just be selfless and creative and hopefully, if you do the right things, you can make the government do it too. By turning up the heat, and making the usual way too uncomfortable.

Just like here, though in a milder kinda way. War Is Hell. If anybody was offended, I'm just as good with politicians too, don't loose my temper either and frustration, is just motivation, if ya believe that others are worth the effort.
Court challenge: per adult for tobacco, highly addictive and no benefit
No limit on booze in most provinces and unenforceable in the one that does? highly addictive
Kids present in both, so I figure it will end up as 4 per adult in the house. Those against legalization don't realize the implications of changing the basic law and ensuing legal fights, be awhile before the dust settles and science can positively affect things bigly soon! Cops will be reluctant to fight some fights too!
How is that pertinent?
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How is a that pertinent?
Well, if the basic law of the land is changed and it is no longer a crime, then we are in new legal territory and it will be compared by the lawyers to current home production of tobacco and alcohol, as covered by the federal excise act. Multiple adults in the same household will not have the same rights as individual homeowners etc, constitution, precedent and english common law come into play. This is only my opinion though, we will hear more as time goes on, I'm not optimistic about all this, but the plant limits appear to be obvious and should be to the government too, they have lawyers and perhaps ulterior motives, time will tell

Fight begins after the law changes and we get a voice. Prohibition is and was a crime against humanity, others will make this argument too, most better than me.
How is that pertinent?
I explained it in a long post above. But many complain that it is too hard to keep their attention on it. Either I'm a shiity writter, or attenton spans are diminishing because of technology! Maybe I need to adapt and break this down into smaller bites. This is a politics thread too and I figure other kinds of Canadians will be by soon enough, culture is gonna change one way or another.
Adventures and too much fun on other threads!

Looks like, if some wanna run with the big dogs, they gotta learn to pee in the tall grass.

Got banned from one thread and they deleted the other one (a safe space for me, they even made it for me), out of sheer embarrassment. Wonder how they would do coming on to one of my threads... Well, if they behave in a civil manner, I hold no grudges, there is no virtue in it, only the destruction of it.

The fear and greed driven are truly no match for the truth and fear new ideas too.
Money talks
Bullshit walks (proved that one twice, three times actually)
But the truth sticks around, even if ya ban someone or delete the thread out of humiliation.

Everybody who was there saw it with their own eyes, must have been humiliating for a narcissist. I predicted it and was teasing, cause I don't wanna waste my time on a psycho.

Perhaps some here watched with dismay, such a lack of character, reminded me of Trump. Most were just angry, but there was also pathology at play too, failed the heart and thin skin test. Maybe they can restore the thread! Might look into that, after all it has my name on it and I think it could pass scrutiny too, this gives me some rights, but it is up to the folks who run the show. I've got a very good memory anyway and could do it over with my eyes closed. Perhaps this one might disappear too! Hate to loose all the part sources though, so someone should copy them and the good design ideas to another thread, might be safer too!

Figure they might have a girls club meeting and obsess, stew in their egos and see if their crippled imaginations can come up with some ego saving form of malice. Creep catcher for sure, not any difference really, just some like to pile on for likes and trophy points and troll the threads looking for ego food and affirmation. Haven't looked, but don't figure the threads will be very useful to anybody either.

Back home for a bit, back to Canada and good manners, only one or two fellows said sorry and I figure they were Canadian too. Musta been embarrassed Americans for the most part, didn't act like Canadians.

Free health care and a warm friendly down east welcome at the Canada4 thread. This thread is dedicated to lower drug prices in Canada! Free the herb...

Were back on topic and I got a grow light to finish! Might even cover growing with coco coir and air pruning bags to open it up a bit more for the hydro, soil and other favorite methods of others. Plant pics are welcome too. Yer favorite nute recipes too, seed sources etc all are welcome, this one is for Canada and anybody who grows here.

No more politics for a while for me, unless someone wants to have a chat about it, just remember were in Canada here, and we have good manners in our country.

I move on, I always do
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I'm An Old Fashioned Hippy

For those who wanna see the last part of the teaching of the narcissist, before the thread was deleted out of humiliation have a look here, I captured the whole thing. But this should tell those who never got to see the end of DIY-HP-LED-answer-post, created by------- As a safe space for me and when it got too hot, well contact the moderators and not just kill it, or delete offensive posts, but delete the entire embarrassment.

Here will do for a starting place, nothing but blather and filth from this guy who had a sig like a billboard, bad graphic arts skills and the attention span of Trump:

If ya got a heart then I got something to work with, if not...

OVERGROW the government!
DIY-HP-LED, Today at 9:17 PM Edit Delete Report#133Reply

Well-Known Member

You are on my thread young man, it was made for me by another nice man who wanted to give me a safe space, type thing. You are shitting on my front lawn, why are you here? Perhaps you might be able to get me banned from here and then you could have your very own safe space for the girls meeting.

You were going to hit ignore, you are still sucked in, lurk and learn

I'm taking up a teaching job here now and it is useful for my work and you and your future reactions are my subject of study. I might even take to looking into you a bit more, but don't think you're that complex a person, or very interesting. I'll have to see if you have any useful threads, I do, at least before I found Jesus! or is it Buddha, or maybe I'm just an uneducated heathen, like that one, might make a better sig, for you.

OVERGROW the government!
DIY-HP-LED, Today at 9:27 PM Edit Delete Report#134Reply

Well-Known Member

Wow does drama ever build a viewership!, Just checked, wouldn't blame anybody, it's like a reality TV show, and we have got our very own Donald, complete with his own TRUMP like sig! You need to go with gold letters too and some more attention getting gifs, how many can ya cram into a sig! I'll bet yer so vain, that is probably your own photo in the ID. Is that really you under that makeup and fashion model stare?

Just curious, nothing to ban a guy from his own thread over, is it. :peace:
Yep, I'm just an old fashioned Hippy
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