Canada Grows to the 4 Plant Limit

The only hard part to source in Canada is the heatsinks. Future electronics has Bridgelux and Meanwell. Also Arrow offers shipping options with duties paid too...

Keep shopping and you will find the prices are fair.
The only hard part to source in Canada is the heatsinks. Future electronics has Bridgelux and Meanwell. Also Arrow offers shipping options with duties paid too...

Keep shopping and you will find the prices are fair.

Good one! I'm working on talking someone into the heatsink business, if I were in southern Ontario and had a drill press, I'd be posting my business link here, hanging around and jumping in like Future store sell this stuff online? (too lazy to look) ;)

PS Hope they're not like the dollar store LED bulbs though !
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He's my first ever grow. Using the LED screw in bulbs.
I'll bet it got better, every time ya tried and learnt from yer mistakes, like me.
Having a look around ebay for a dirt cheap store bought and hanging it in the middle of yer bulb forest might be a way to go. Keep looking cause things are moving fast in the industry and prices on some stuff is getting stupidly cheap.

Also I appreciate what you've done here. I think this might just be the ticket and if it keeps some from using AC COBs ya just might have saved a few lives too, not a bad weeks work.

Keep posting updates of yer builds and grows

PS: Used to live in the "Peg" for 20 years, got to know some hemp farmers through work (they were day job'n, family farm), nice guys, they had that rual sense of independence and didn't like government getting in the way of business. The local politicians will shit themselves, if these guys get screwed!
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Cannabis Legalization in Canada
After the new year, as the promised legalization date approaches, we will be finding out more about what the government is thinking. Either through public announcements or most likely "leaks", so they can publicly float they're intentions without making a commitment (politicians, ya gotta love'm). As this process unfolds I would expect and encourage those who are here now and in the future to not be shy about making your views and opinions known, especially to the media and politicians, phone calls work better than email for this. Sitting outside the bastard's office works real good. If ya don't like what yer hearing, call up and give'm shit, when you get your MP on the line (insist) you might want to start with, " What the fuck do you think yer doing, I wouldn't of voted fur ya if I knew ya was gonna be that fuck'n stupid, you dumb bastards..."

I expect things to get pretty political and warm around here then...
Fortunately the Americans will be busy impeaching Trump to pay much attention to us, it'll be HUGE and he will go down in flames bigly, it'll be quite the show.
I'm will'n to give odds on it...;)
Don't be such mean bastards and give a like if you agree:clap:
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Posting PIctures of Your Grow and Build
If you would like to post pictures of your grow and builds here feel free, just don't get too carried away! This ain't paper and electrons is cheap, this thread and the "how to one" will wither away after legalization because it won't be necessary, unless some would like to keep posting here, just to tease the Americans.;) Include some text and description with yer pics so others can duplicate yer feat. Also, post yer pics full size so the non members can see em, some don't feel comfortable yet and some might be a little "gun shy", the war on drugs has had its victims, more than you might think.

The thread will die real quick if we get a dozen plants, and they'll journal it for posterity. Everything is constantly changing, it is the nature of our existence and a fundamental truth, another truth is that our destiny is in our own hands for the most part, though everybody suffers misfortune.
I'm a big fan of our favorite Canadian @GroErr , but yes officially American , in Philly to be exact. Didn't vote last election, first time since becoming a citizen, in hindsight I could have worn a blindfold.... but this isn't the politics section thank god.

nothing in life is truly free , even in the great land of Canada ...................or is it?;)

you have a good point about this very cheap a19 bulb package vs cobs,boards, strips,etc.........chasing efficiency trumps the common goods over in the led section, sorry for the pun.........these don't cut it, 150lm/w+ standard

I was lurking on some of GroErr stuff, I can see why yer a fan.
His threads are chocked-full of goodness!


Cheers guys, I like to experiment as I grow much more than I need so losing a bit of yield while experimenting the odd run doesn't bother me. Feel free to grab any info on my thread to link here if you feel it's useful. That thread's been running for so long I forget some of the subjects/info that have been posted over the years! Good compilation of subjects. A lot of this info is around, just not in one place so this should be quite useful to new growers.
Cheers guys, I like to experiment as I grow much more than I need so losing a bit of yield while experimenting the odd run doesn't bother me. Feel free to grab any info on my thread to link here if you feel it's useful. That thread's been running for so long I forget some of the subjects/info that have been posted over the years! Good compilation of subjects. A lot of this info is around, just not in one place so this should be quite useful to new growers.

I try to point out the good guys and experts, all threads die and I hope this one will have a quick death, cause we won't need it. The most important thing for honorable men, isn't the new freedom, but that they won't die a criminal and be lumped in with the Bernardo's, Olsen's and other such monsters. Let's make the world just a bit better through our efforts, one heart and mind at a time.

Put a goddam link to yer thread here!;)
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I try to point out the good guys and experts, all threads die and I hope this one will have a quick death, cause we won't need it. The most important thing for honorable men, isn't the new freedom, but that they won't die a criminal and be lumped in with the Bernardo's, Olsen's and other such monsters. Let's make the world just a bit better through our efforts, one heart and mind at a time.

Put a goddam link to yer thread here!;)

Then we can help the Americans gain their freedom too and help them to rediscover their own heritage and the true purpose of the law.
hey!, no bad at all with a19 bulbs................I've seen guys use those plug in screw bases on surge / strips too for going really cheap top or hanging intra canopy lighting, looks a little "ghetto" though options are endless, not much amp draw with lots of led bulbs on those outlet strips

When we're done here, we're gonna look south, we're com'n fur ya PSUAGRO, as you guys say, the price of liberty... and like WW2, we want allies.;)
I try to point out the good guys and experts, all threads die and I hope this one will have a quick death, cause we won't need it. The most important thing for honorable men, isn't the new freedom, but that they won't die a criminal and be lumped in with the Bernardo's, Olsen's and other such monsters. Let's make the world just a bit better through our efforts, one heart and mind at a time.

Put a goddam link to yer thread here!;)
Lol, it's in my sig but here it is, been running for 3 years or so, hopefully won't die ;)
Sure, you know where to find me.........

I kinda figure yer doing a bit of "lend lease" here, and I'd like to return the favor. Not to worry, I'll be rattling yer cage too!;)
Nothing offers encouragement like success, and I'm the kind that spreads success around.

And you guys thought the Russians were fuck'n with ya! ;) Just wait till we get a grip on yer arse!

PS Free trade in pot will be part of NAFTA, we'll insist, your move Donald.:lol:
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