Well-Known Member
Cobby Came Through
Picked up a parcel from today 20 COBs 15 fur me and 5 fur me buddy. I thought I'd show a picture of what ya get for yer money and how much the border "barrier" costs. Ya can see the landing cost in the pic, so there ain't much point in writing about it. $23US for insured shipping (small stuff, cobs, holders, pads paste). So much for "free trade" don't mind the HST, but the other shit on the bill bugs me, not Cobby's fault though. Using this info you should be able to nail down what things like this would cost in Canada from

These are Citizen CLU048 CRI 90 2700K, he was almost outta 3500K CRI 90 so we looked at the spectral output and figured it would be ok. We both use some supplementation, with me it's the 9 existing 3500K and 4000K strips on the big water cooled rig and 5000k and dual and 4 band monos along with a phosphor burple on the small water cooled rig.
Be careful about what ya wish for cause it might cause ya some trouble and tomorrow I gotta go to work! I'll keep ya updated on the progress, if yer interested.
Picked up a parcel from today 20 COBs 15 fur me and 5 fur me buddy. I thought I'd show a picture of what ya get for yer money and how much the border "barrier" costs. Ya can see the landing cost in the pic, so there ain't much point in writing about it. $23US for insured shipping (small stuff, cobs, holders, pads paste). So much for "free trade" don't mind the HST, but the other shit on the bill bugs me, not Cobby's fault though. Using this info you should be able to nail down what things like this would cost in Canada from

These are Citizen CLU048 CRI 90 2700K, he was almost outta 3500K CRI 90 so we looked at the spectral output and figured it would be ok. We both use some supplementation, with me it's the 9 existing 3500K and 4000K strips on the big water cooled rig and 5000k and dual and 4 band monos along with a phosphor burple on the small water cooled rig.
Be careful about what ya wish for cause it might cause ya some trouble and tomorrow I gotta go to work! I'll keep ya updated on the progress, if yer interested.
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