Canada Grows to the 4 Plant Limit

We couldn't find any info on this law restricting to indoor grows. Does anyone know if this law allows Canadians to grow outside?

We can grow outdoors under ACMPR but there are certain conditions like not being next to a school or playground.

I think the Feds are leaving the rec decision up to the provinces. You can pretty much assume that Ontario and Quebec will not allow it but there might be hope on the coasts.
We can grow outdoors under ACMPR but there are certain conditions like not being next to a school or playground.

I think the Feds are leaving the rec decision up to the provinces. You can pretty much assume that Ontario and Quebec will not allow it but there might be hope on the coasts.

Don`t be so sure on that, the OFA is a huge group that could hopefully enter into the market one day. Farming isn`t the best paying business lets be honest and up at my farm talking to local farmers they were hoping they would be allowed to utilize this as a cash crop. With the current strict proposed regulations to be a producer almost every farmer wouldn't be eligible, I think in time it will hopefully open a market like microbreweries and distilleries that are able to operate and sell with government outlets and on their own setups.

There will always be restriction to schools, parks, churchs, hospitals, etc. so I don`t think many urban areas will allow for outdoor production. In the country you may be allowed but I would assume its the same 4 plant limit.
Don`t be so sure on that, the OFA is a huge group that could hopefully enter into the market one day. Farming isn`t the best paying business lets be honest and up at my farm talking to local farmers they were hoping they would be allowed to utilize this as a cash crop. With the current strict proposed regulations to be a producer almost every farmer wouldn't be eligible, I think in time it will hopefully open a market like microbreweries and distilleries that are able to operate and sell with government outlets and on their own setups.

There will always be restriction to schools, parks, churchs, hospitals, etc. so I don`t think many urban areas will allow for outdoor production. In the country you may be allowed but I would assume its the same 4 plant limit.

Totally agree. But we are dealing with politics so it will be some time before it normalizes and there won't be any silly restrictions at all.
Sooooo. If I wanted to run 9 of these

using a HLG-240H-C700

could i use these heatsinks

or is there a better solution? How do you run COBs at 20w? Is there a thread with all the calculations?

I don't have personal experience with meanwell drivers, but many do including the guy who made this video tutorial, clearly explained and well produced, worth watching, like the previous video I posted on thermal management. If you watch this series, you'll understand what you're doing, and it's tailored to the way you want to power your COBs. He got a thread here too.

I don't think the heatsink is a very good choice, not many specs, but it looks real small and the hole in the middle is a thermal transfer issue. If yer thinking this way, perhaps ebay pre drilled CPU heatsinks with a fan. (though you'll probably have to tap, but it ain't hard to do and a tap only costs a couple of bucks. Typically these can handle 80 watts, so you can undervolt the fans and run them quiet.

Run your choices by Cobby and see what he thinks, if he's ok with it, you won't hear any arguments from me! I respect experience and he got loads, he lives and dies by his reputation, and on this site, you'd better have yer facts straight (as you have seen), he's been living here for awhile, so that outta tell ya something...
I don't have personal experience with meanwell drivers, but many do including the guy who made this video tutorial, clearly explained and well produced, worth watching, like the previous video I posted on thermal management. If you watch this series, you'll understand what you're doing, and it's tailored to the way you want to power your COBs. He got a thread here too.

I don't think the heatsink is a very good choice, not many specs, but it looks real small and the hole in the middle is a thermal transfer issue. If yer thinking this way, perhaps ebay pre drilled CPU heatsinks with a fan. (though you'll probably have to tap, but it ain't hard to do and a tap only costs a couple of bucks. Typically these can handle 80 watts, so you can undervolt the fans and run them quiet.

Run your choices by Cobby and see what he thinks, if he's ok with it, you won't hear any arguments from me! I respect experience and he got loads, he lives and dies by his reputation, and on this site, you'd better have yer facts straight (as you have seen), he's been living here for awhile, so that outta tell ya something...

I watched that video a few times. Still has me scratching my head.

I contacted rapidled and they said no go to the heatsink.
We couldn't find any info on this law restricting to indoor grows. Does anyone know if this law allows Canadians to grow outside?
It's more like an idea the government is floating and probably betrays their intentions. I shoulda named the thread the 12 plant limit, cause if there is one, that's where I figure it outta be. Not to worry, when the basic law of the land is changed then the "fun" will begin, people will be pushing the envelope for sure and the court challenges will fly. Read my previous posts on this issue to see where I stand.
Sooooo. If I wanted to run 9 of these

using a HLG-240H-C700

could i use these heatsinks

or is there a better solution? How do you run COBs at 20w? Is there a thread with all the calculations?

Hi Tombsy,
The heatsink you have linked from Rapidled is designed for a 3-5w led. Not cobs or multichips,
You would want to use a Pin Finned Hetsink such as this one pictured below. this could passively cool a COB up to 70-80w, it is 140mm wide and 75mm tall.

If your running your cobs at 20w you will need alot more of them and not as many heatsinks, you could get by probably with Aluminum U channel because your running them quite low.
In terms of choices the sky is the limit.
I would aim for 40-50w per sq foot with LEDs to give you a ballpark of how many you need.
The big 3 cob brands are Cree, Citizen, and Bridgelux. Citizen is your most bang for your buck IMO.
I`m personally using 4 x Vero 29 C 3000k 80 CRI for a 3x3 space, Im running the cobs at 1050 Ma each which is around 75w each roughly. Total is 300w, I ordered this kit from RapidLED for 430$ CAD thats shipped with duties and taxes to my door. Not a huge price IMO compared to 300$ roughly for a 430w HPS.
Nice to see the lurkers come outta the shadows! Thanks fur drop'en by.
Well, this site is working like shit today. Think the server might need to be reconfigured, couldn't be the python (i think)
Don`t be so sure on that, the OFA is a huge group that could hopefully enter into the market one day. Farming isn`t the best paying business lets be honest and up at my farm talking to local farmers they were hoping they would be allowed to utilize this as a cash crop. With the current strict proposed regulations to be a producer almost every farmer wouldn't be eligible, I think in time it will hopefully open a market like microbreweries and distilleries that are able to operate and sell with government outlets and on their own setups.

There will always be restriction to schools, parks, churchs, hospitals, etc. so I don`t think many urban areas will allow for outdoor production. In the country you may be allowed but I would assume its the same 4 plant limit.

I personally know hemp farmers in Manitoba with their tongues hanging out, it'll be a real boost to the fiber, seeds and hemp oil income. New strains are already developed for these guys and they will own the CBD market for sure. They think nothing about buying an industrial super critical CO2 rig to extract oil and send it off to the customer in a tanker truck. They don't farm by the acre, but by the section, a much larger proposition and they ain't no dummies and will be a handful for any local politician..
In the hemp trade for sure and trust me, these guys make a living at this and when ya go for any guy's wallet yer gonna have trouble. With these guys more so.
I watched that video a few times. Still has me scratching my head.

I contacted rapidled and they said no go to the heatsink.
Hang around the threads for a while, you'll catch on. I got ya figured for a smart person, cause yer here, ya never learned to read and right overnight and this is much quicker. There's only a limited number of things you really have to know and can stay fairly general. Thermal calculations are difficult, which is why I posted the video, so you would understand the complexities involved and how the problem is most often really solved (rule of burnt thumb) I come at this from the electronics perspective.

Many people are under a misapprehension about people who use cannabis and think of them as dullards and stoners. A quick look through the thread and others on this site will quickly disabuse the observant of this prejudice. It's one of it's purposes, cause I don't want folks to think were a bunch of heathen (though technically I am ;) ) A more general audience will soon appear and I want as many as possible to feel welcome.

Ya see that "OverGrow the Government" in my sig? That's right, I'm on a mission:lol:
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I watched that video a few times. Still has me scratching my head.

I contacted rapidled and they said no go to the heatsink.

Modeling Your Build

A suggestion: A Hack that works...
You strike me as a person not in a particular hurry. Order up the most appropriate and best priced cheapo computer/fan heatsink you can find on ebay. Look for one you figure has enough surface area for the COB, and that the cob holder screw holes will thread into the space between the fins, you can bend a few fins to to make sure the screws grip tight, use longer 3mm screws (hardware store) and even cheap epoxy to make sure the screws are secure. You might be able to put your COB holder on this way and it would greatly expand your options and, lower your costs (I've done it myself) and allow your COBs to safely run at 50 watts. Go on ebay and blow 20 or 30 bucks, buy a cheap say, 20-30 or even 50 watt enclosed driver (see the link earlier in the thread) and one heatsink/fan I assume you'll order your COBs of choice, driver, holders etc (after finding and confirming your requirements). Round style heatsinks with radial fins work best for this purpose. Yer gonna build this fucker anyway, ya just haven't quite figured out how exactly. When you build you can use the leftover driver for a for cheap ebay 5000K COB veg lamp later, so nothing is wasted, unless you screw up on the heatsink. A cheap COB will do and often they sell them with the driver, tip use 2 cheapos driven in parallel for extra coverage in your future veg lamp.

What were gonna do is model yer perspective grow light with 1 cob, holder and 1 ebay heatsink/fan, build small for practice, before committing and see if the idea will work for low cost. See if you can put yer cob on the heatsink like described above, an ebay 12 volt power supply module is cheap and since yer gonna need fans anyway get one big enough for the full lamp (add up the .25 amp (25ma) or .3 amp (30ma) or whatever) of the fans and buy a supply with a bigger number, scroll down and look in the specs. Most of these supplies are adjustable to a limited degree and will probably allow the fans to run at 10 volts very quietly. If you get this setup to work and if everything looks ok, order up the rest of the heatsinks and wait for the slow boat from China. Dollar store light bulbs can get ya going and your single COB lamp will be very useful until the rest of your heat sinks arrive. You'll be ready when your parts arrive for final assembly and it'll give you a chance to find the other things you'll need. Avoid Home Depot or hardware stores for angle, unless ya wanna be butt hurt, look for a local metals supplier that sells extrusions for your 1 x 1 aluminum angle, ask about heatsink extrusions for me while yer there.

You can dip yer toe in and try the waters, also using these heatsinks would allow you to run yer COBs at 50 watts, if ya wanted. The COB would be about 35 efficient at that current and the back of the cob should emit an estimated 35 watts of heat ( you know how to calculate this if you wish) into a 80 watt heatsink working at 60 watts capacity because the fans run slower than originally specified, for cooler COBs up the fan speed. Play around, learn a bit, have some fun and do some hands on.

Hope this helps, cause I'm try'n to lead ya down the path of perdition.;)
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Modeling Your Build

A suggestion: A Hack that works...
You strike me as a person not in a particular hurry. Order up the most appropriate and best priced cheapo computer/fan heatsink you can find on ebay. Look for one you figure has enough surface area for the COB, and that the cob holder screw holes will thread into the space between the fins, you can bend a few fins to to make sure the screws grip tight, use longer 3mm screws (hardware store) and even cheap epoxy to make sure the screws are secure. You might be able to put your COB holder on this way and it would greatly expand your options and, lower your costs (I've done it myself) and allow your COBs to safely run at 50 watts. Go on ebay and blow 20 or 30 bucks, buy a cheap say, 20-30 or even 50 watt enclosed driver (see the link earlier in the thread) and one heatsink/fan I assume you'll order your COBs of choice, driver, holders etc (after finding and confirming your requirements). Round style heatsinks with radial fins work best for this purpose. Yer gonna build this fucker anyway, ya just haven't quite figured out how exactly. When you build you can use the leftover driver for a for cheap ebay 5000K COB veg lamp later, so nothing is wasted, unless you screw up on the heatsink. A cheap COB will do and often they sell them with the driver, tip use 2 chepos driven in parallel for extra coverage in your future veg lamp.

What were gonna do is model yer perspective grow light with 1 cob, holder and 1 ebay heatsink/fan, build small for practice, before committing and see if the idea will work for low cost. See if you can put yer cob on the heatsink like described above, an ebay 12 volt power supply module is cheap and since yer gonna need fans anyway get one big enough for the full lamp (add up the .25 amp (25ma) or .3 amp (30ma) or whatever) of the fans and buy a supply with a bigger number, scroll down and look in the specs. Most of these supplies are adjustable to a limited degree and will probably allow the fans to run at 10 volts very quietly. If you get this setup to work and if everything looks ok, order up the rest of the heatsinks and wait for the slow boat from China. Dollar store light bulbs can get ya going and your single COB lamp will be very useful until the rest of your heat sinks arrive. You'll be ready when your parts arrive for final assembly and it'll give you a chance to find the other things you'll need. Avoid Home Depot or hardware stores for angle, unless ya wanna be butt hurt, look for a local metals supplier that sells extrusions for your 1 x 1 aluminum angle, ask about heatsink extrusions for me while yer there.

You can dip yer toe in and try the waters, also using these heatsinks would allow you to run yer COBs at 50 watts, if ya wanted. The COB would be about 35 efficient at that current and the back of the cob should emit an estimated 35 watts of heat ( you know how to calculate this if you wish) into a 80 watt heatsink working at 60 watts capacity because the fans run slower than originally specified, for cooler COBs up the fan speed. Play around, learn a bit, have some fun and do some hands on.

Hope this helps, cause I'm try'n to lead ya down the path of perdition.;)

Thanks. You go above and beyond! Yes I will eventually upgrade my 21 socket screw in bulb LED light... :roll:
Thanks. You go above and beyond! Yes I will eventually upgrade my 21 socket screw in bulb LED light... :roll:
21 socket! ya never told me ya had one of those (and I thought you were an innocent creature!;) ) at 15 watts each (globe brand dollar store light bulbs) 15 x 21= 315 watts! You've already got a respectable light! And that's the goddamn draw from the wall! Remove the plastic diffuser from the bulbs and yer in business, if yer close to the border they go for $1 US in the state's, same thing at the Canadian version of the same chain $4 CDN. Explain to me why there shouldn't be just 2 bits difference between the two and where all the extra cash is going. Typical Canadian bitch:cuss:

Imagine, a 315 watt actual draw grow light for $21US with yer existing fixture, how much did the gizmo cost and maybe you should post a pic of it for the others here. I'll have a peak on ebay/Amazon for something similar and I'm always looking for low cost alternatives for those of limited means. If the fixture is a reasonable price, this might just be the ticket for some folks. If you or a buddy is going to "merica" pick up $20 worth duty free on a day trip.

Post away on yer great idea, others would be interested, see, I had ya figured for smart!;) No wonder you weren't in a rush.
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