STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

He said he would not go after "LEGAL" medical states who obey state laws, dispensaries are not legal in michigan.

Our law lets a caregiver have 5 patients that s/he can serve not a storefront that openly sells to any patient and until recently sold items not legal here ( wax, shatter, hash, oils) all of this puts a dark cloud over the entire community.

As a caregiver you are allowed 2.5oz per patient for a max of 15 oz, and a max of 72 plants, these people are getting busted with 10lbs, 20lbs. 100 200 plants. They knew the risk they were taking and in the end its all on them.

I dont believe that anyone should go to jail over a plant, but at the same time when legally allowed to have that plant and you blatently have more than you are allowed and sell to anyone with cash.
you made your own bed.

Follow the law, stay out of jail.
Yes they are. Show me in the MMM Act where is says Dispensaries outlets are not legal.

Not in some court or Bull SchuIttys Opine, but in the MMM Act.
I recall early on 2009 a green letter came with my registration and it clearly said I can only grow and sell to five patients who carry my card.
how could a dispensary, assuming they will sell to anyone with a card regardless of caregiver status, be legal in this scheme?

When my attorney interpreted the law then he understood I could only grow for five patient registered to me and be able to sell to anyone with a card, he quickly revised that advice a year before schuette came in. I always understood this as
a one cg with five patients, blah blah, not a store front selling to anyone with a card. A store like this would have to buy from someone, and that person would be selling illegally to the dispensary for resale. this was a conspiracy explained to me.

Sessions was denied any funds for marijuana states the headlines say here

and here

Congress Gives Jeff Sessions $0 To Go After Medical Marijuana Laws
It’s the latest sign that a major federal crackdown on state pot laws isn’t likely.

not to say trump didnt lie, or sessions wont get his way of course, but what you say goes directly against what the (fake?) news outlets are all saying

Which part of USE states No Dispensaries?

Use very clearly makes Growing, Ingesting, Internal/External Posessionn, Acquisition, Transfer, Transport and Delivery, the last 4 of which all being directly related to a transfer of Possession, aka a SALE for ANY Patient.
Correct me if I am mistaken, but isn't the MMM Act wrote for patients and not the CG?
I do believe it was. So USE is for PATIENTS First and Foremost.

So please someone tell me how USE for a Patient, does not allow for the sale of Cannabis t another Qualified Patient according to the Michigan Supreme Court of People vs Mazure and still be under the Setion 4 Defense.

Read People V Mazure, Page 11 - Page 13.

Justice Bernstein very clearly overturns McQueen.
From Page 13 of People V Mazure in Direct REFERENCE TO People V McQueen:

"In contrast, this Court acknowledged that the definition of “medical use” was broader and incorporated activities such as “[t]he transfer, delivery, and acquisition of marijuana.” Id. Therefore, a qualifying patient’s transfer, delivery, acquisition, or cultivation of marijuana is a medical use according to a plain-language reading of the statute."

It clearly states "In Contrast, this Court" In Contrast is a direct overrule of McQueen as this COURT is the Michigan Supreme Court, the same Court that Ruled on McQueen in 2013, in 2015 in People V McQueen Overturned McQueen.

Why hasn't your Attorney told you this information yet?

I must be a Crazy Old White Guy Flapping My Lips huh.
None of whom are LICENSED TO PRACTICE LAW IN THE STATE OF MICHIGAN and are all Sworn BROTHERS and no SISTERS of the B.A.R. would tell you if McQueen was Over Turned. I mean, NO one would be getting arrested for under 2.5 and 12 plants with only a valid Dr. Recommendation.


NO Retainers for Pretty much ANY ATTORNEY.
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And on top of that there is nothing in the law that makes dispensaries legal. Only a lot of people assuming

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Show me where in the MMM Act, it states Dispensaries are "Prohibited"?

Been reading it for 9 years now and I have yet to find it even use the word
Dispensary, let alone saying they are Prohibited.
today dispensaries are undeniably illegal to operate, no gray areas to consider. I do not deny that the feds have always and are still currently raiding and otherwise shutting down illegal activity such as marijuana dispensaries in MI. the raids come in waves since 2009. I wonder only why anyone is surprised that another wave of such raids are once again shutting down illegal dispensaries.
After all we all know about the new scheme in the state, some still gamble tie time/cash grab, and they expect to be closed down too.
I have yet to see feds raid a caregiver of five patients with 72 plants and 15 ounces on hand who didnt sell outside of his five person registry, including to an illegal dispensary.

I dont think they should be illegal btw, but they always have been, still are. Nowhere in the original law were we ever allowed to sell outside of our registry of five patients. That includes a office selling to passerby's with a card and cg's selling supposed overages to dispensaries like they were one of the five patients allowed to sell to. Great system of course, tax free un traceable marijuana sales for both parties, woohoooo, but it is a fantasy.
This is how patients got pimped, hated on the cg system, cg's sold to the disp and then scammed their own patients for the larger cash sales. good system? maybe with the right players. I met one in ann arbor years ago, still there I think. ever other I knew of were shammy. pistols in their belts, toothless wonders behind the counters, mites with clones, moldy buds, shady sales tactics, renaming buds, bastards set the tone for our all own demise. A big thanks goes out to them!! never met patient who didnt visit dispensaries from detroit to the tip of Mi before me and all said the same shits. Ima gonna blame them for every medical marijuana snafu currently.

those cg's selling to their five only are still rockin it, no issues, no cops, no feds, ever. thats what was intended for patients imo.
its beautiful, good people find good weed and help a skilled few to cover costs to cultivate their medicine for them. I didnt see the word dispensary in the medical marijuana law. I only saw five patients to sell to. I knew there was no money in that. I knew growers would be selling outside of their registry, but who would know? would be just like old times maybe for those needing more cash.

then the neon marijuana leaf signs went up, ended many paths of medical marijuanas for all and created nothing good for personal growers, laws, patients as we've seen. Scary jack boots everywhere, news stories of the bad ole marijuanas, stolen dildo's, wrecked lives, seemed all connected to me. where there was a bust.....a dispensary tie wasnt too far away.

I had oodles of choices to buy my herb now, it was from all over the place, with some real names and effects, like hardly ever before. seeds were abound..but the mold, the pesticides/miticides...shit got me down. under the counter grow store sales of poisons, bummed me out. that ws the same shit sold under the neon signs of course, I couldnt escape it.
I ripped a page out HT and wrote a check, built a steel building and put it inside.

selling drugs has always been a risky business, nothing has changed there.
for the love of growing, for best results
cops look more stupid every time a person living with cancer is smiling with cannabis:leaf:
No they are NOT. The MMM Act is STILL the TRUMP LAW of the Land.

We need to quit Selling it short because the FUCKING ATTORNEYS are selling us OUT.
DuPont had a lot to do with cannabis becoming illegal in the first place.

So did Ford, Hearst, Standard Oil, The Bush Family, and the Purple Gang when they were rebranded as the Bureau of Tobacco & Firearms after the end of Alcohol Prohibition.

everyone probably knows that schuette is also related to significant players.

Schuette's grandfather, Carl Gerstacker, was CEO of Dow.

Schuette's stepfather, William Schuette, Sr., was a leading executive of Dow slotted to become CEO of Dow, but Schuette, Sr. died before he gained the CEO job.

. He managed a "philanthropic" trust in honor of Gerstacker, and grew up in Midland, Michigan, hometown of Dow Chemical headquarters. Schuette was quarterback for the Dow High School football team.

During various campaigns in his political career, Schuette has taken heat for his family ties to Dow, and for taking big-money political contributions from Dow and other polluters. His response has always been to passionately defend Dow and his family's involvement with Dow. It's clear that Schuette is Dow's boy in the Michigan government.

The Dupont Corporation is the largest chemical company for plastics etc... However, the Dow Chemical Company is the 2nd largest chemical company providing plastics,chemicals, and agricultural products in the World. They also have a vested interest in not seeing any sort of cannabis legalization whether it be medical or industrial.

Bill Schuette's parents settled in Midland, MI back in 1941 for Bill Sr's job at Dow Chemical. 1959 Bill Sr. was poised to take over the CEO position at Dow Chemical but he ended up dying of a heart attack while Bill Jr. was attending Georgetown University. His widowed mother then married Dow Chairman Carl Gerstacker.


I have lived in Midland since 1977. I first met Bull SchuItty in 1980.
I know a thing or 3.
wow thanks for the info. yeah, dow chemical is fucking disgusting. they made agent orange and all kinds of other fucked up shit. i hate seeing the damn trains filled with chemicals. pure evil up there with monsanto.

They also keep it in the Family. Not surprisingly.

Dow High was BUILT for Bully SchuItty

Dow High School in Midland. When the school opened in 1968, only sophomores were in attendance, and they would be the first class to graduate in 1971.
William Duncan "Bill" Schuette is the 53rd and current Attorney General of Michigan. Contents ... Schuette was born in Midland, Michigan, where he graduated from Herbert Henry Dow High School in 1972.
So he didn't have to go to school at Midland High with the lower class plebs.
So did Ford, Hearst, Standard Oil, The Bush Family, and the Purple Gang when they were rebranded as the Bureau of Tobacco & Firearms after the end of Alcohol Prohibition.

Actually ford built a car body from hemp and had and for cars to run on bio fuels.
Actually ford built a car body from hemp and had and for cars to run on bio fuels.

Yes Henry Sr did. Henry Jr, on the other hand, went to bed with DuPont, Standard Oil and The Purple Gang and Hearst and helped usher in the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act.

We need to remember that by the 1930s Sr was retiring, and his sons were taking over FORD MC.
Yes Henry Sr did. Henry Jr, on the other hand, went to bed with DuPont, Standard Oil and The Purple Gang and Hearst and helped usher in the Marijuana Tax Stamp Act.

We need to remember that by the 1930s Sr was retiring, and his sons were taking over FORD MC.
This was in the 40's when the hemp car was made. I'm sure though that they went with the industry standard and went along with what ever the big oil companies wanted.
No they are NOT. The MMM Act is STILL the TRUMP LAW of the Land.

We need to quit Selling it short because the FUCKING ATTORNEYS are selling us OUT.

please teach me to legally circumvent the five patients grown for and sold to rule?

then we can all finally open a dispensary, make a ton of cash, all at once, on the backs of ill patients paying 3x the street price for their meds.

I didnt know you had dispensaries in your defense plan. that sucks, sorry.
Yes they are. Show me in the MMM Act where is says Dispensaries outlets are not legal.

Not in some court or Bull SchuIttys Opine, but in the MMM Act.

If you define a dispensary as a storefront that buys marijuana from anybody with a card that walks in and sells it to anyone with a card that follows, I can and will show you that the person selling the weed to you is breaking not following that act if they do not have a card with your name on it, and if you sell it to someone who you do not have a card with their name on it you are indeed not following the act.
take me through this step by step and show me the legality of not following this part of the Act ?

(b) A primary caregiver who has been issued and possesses a registry identification card is not subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for assisting a qualifying patient to whom he or she is connected through the department's registration process with the medical use of marihuana in accordance with this act. ___what is this connection you ask, here is the answer======

The privilege from arrest under this subsection applies only if the primary caregiver presents both his or her registry identification card

I need to know how a dispensary wee seller can possess registry cards of all the patrons they serve every day when only five are allowed? that about covers this, once again eh?
Doesn't it seem like they purposely left out dispensaries from the regulations so they could implement their commercial plan when they were ready? Like now?

Just because there was no specific mention of storefront selling never made it legal.

According to the regs. A patient can aquire meds anyway they can but only caregivers can actually "donate" to their own named patients. Unless of course they grow their own plants.

There is no mention of "dispensaries" allowed to sell to any card holder.

Until now.
...and if dispensaries were allowed who would be their #1 target competition? they already tried to shut down cg's, they testified to untruths in order to put shade on caregivers and their service. fuck dispensaries, they have done nothing positive under their guise of supporting michigan marijuana rights. I was a believer in the beginning, until I saw them buying out of state weed, carrying pistols in their shop, dressing like fools and bums, acting like drug dealing thugs, may have well been cartel. They sold moldy old buds, the ones that no real patient would be interested in. Pain in the ass patients paid 3x the cost so they could buy a gram at a time, bitched about shitty caregivers pinping them to supply to the very same dispensaries..... jigs up, grow your own, get a cg, or do wht we've all done for decades. anyone that wants weed knows where to get it. anyone who needs weed can google for it.
in port huron theres a dude delivers to your door all day and night. on the web big time. years and years of operation. he never testified btw..

I voted for one cg to five patients. I support that fully. Dispensaries were pimped by the police, allowed for a period to collect the information. for all I know they were complicit. Those dealers didnt even protect patients' paperwork. They cited laws and rights but threw patients under the bus as the hundreds of raids hammered on them. They kept all of our names and adresses inside boxes in the corner fo r the police to easily grab. Some were allowed to continue making cash after those names were confiscated. Is your name in there? did you sell to a dispensary? thats illegal you know////
Have any growers been contacted or busted yet? Did they verify the names of people who sold to them?

absolutely ! thats the low hanging fruit my man. the real deal, the reason they allowed the fiasco's to continue. they shut down hundreds since, still doing so, collecting all the info, shutting down cg's, co-ops....these places often have that in common. there is even a dispensary that was run by a cop for this info grab I read.
Notice a cg selling to his five patients isnt getting raided but the ones selling to the dispensary are?
stay safe
absolutely ! thats the low hanging fruit my man. the real deal, the reason they allowed the fiasco's to continue. they shut down hundreds since, still doing so, collecting all the info, shutting down cg's, co-ops....these places often have that in common. there is even a dispensary that was run by a cop for this info grab I read.
Notice a cg selling to his five patients isnt getting raided but the ones selling to the dispensary are?
stay safe

I'm in a legal state and don't sell to anyone, but that absolutely sucks. That is a form of entrapment. But given drug laws, entrapment is almost impossible to use as a defense. Cops can lie. Caps can entice. Cops can sting. And courts allow it all.
Lawfare is an ugly blood sport of cowards all about the power and money of the < 1% (lawyers) exploiting the "system" and our society in general (aka the Drug War). If I were to accept all the arbitrary numbers and lawyer math generated by the clearly conflicted/corrupt legal industry as it pertains to MMMA I literally could not provide for myself an uninterrupted supply of medicine for my legitimate medicinal needs. It just doesn't add up in reality, but yes the reality of absurd legal precedents gamed over this past decade here are a real threat to all patients and caregivers. It's just really sad ...

I like the advice of this lawyer personally :bigjoint: