MI state police given 1.2 million by the Feds to close all dispensaries

Closing present dispensaries was already going to happen last November when the new laws here were introduced.

They gave us a bogus concentrate allowance and made all medical commercial and will be transported by out politicians friends in the armored car business.

The seed to sale software will monitor it all.

They say that the caregiver/ patient program will be separate and unaffected.

And a licensed caregiver can not work in the commercial side while keeping patients.

And where is the source for the 1.2 million dollar police funding?

@Dr. Who makes statements with no link posted then says trump and sessions did it ( they didn't). They weren't in office yet.

And then says "he told us so".

All this info has been available for the last 8 months or so. They have been re structuring all year and clearly warned all illegal dispensary owners.

I originally read about it in the Michigan section last year here in RIU.

at that time last year I thought I read that a letter/visit came to them also. totally putting them on notice," they are known, police know who they are and what they do." many closed quickly I recall.
Closing present dispensaries was already going to happen last November when the new laws here were introduced.

They gave us a bogus concentrate allowance and made all medical commercial and will be transported by out politicians friends in the armored car business.

The seed to sale software will monitor it all.

They say that the caregiver/ patient program will be separate and unaffected.

And a licensed caregiver can not work in the commercial side while keeping patients.

And where is the source for the 1.2 million dollar police funding?

@Dr. Who makes statements with no link posted then says trump and sessions did it ( they didn't). They weren't in office yet.

And then says "he told us so".

All this info has been available for the last 8 months or so. They have been re structuring all year and clearly warned all illegal dispensary owners.

I originally read about it in the Michigan section last year here in RIU.
You are 100%right. This is old news and will not affect the caregiver/patient relationship.
Could we get a link please? When I google this, the only thing that comes up is your thread.

This is the information given those being raided by the state police and the DEA/HL "observers".
Just got told of this on sat. after they raided a friends place on Friday....

Called another "friend" in Det. and T-city... Same thing being said there...

One said a DEA man stated that it was justice dpt. money.


Friend said there was HL and DEA there as "observers" Had their pretty blue wind breakers on. Vest's below and armed with MP-10's State police showed with force - SWAT. Feds walked on after the entry and secured. Northern MI friend said the state was the leaders and came in heavily armed but, calmly. Feds walked in behind them and didn't say much...Did answer some minor questions.
They were told that this is not a "normal" raid (what ever the fuck that is). They were told to shutter the business and not reopen. Any and all charges from this point on. Will be at the maximum due charge, and will be enforced by the state AG. This is a statewide operation to close all disp. He asked about Det. and some having permits. Fed answered that any permit is now void and they have been working Det. for 2 weeks..

Dumb fuck 420 med solutions in Allegan, was open yesterday......Shady bastard....rumor has it it's cartel owned. By the look of those in charge....I believe it.

It's all I got Don...

If you at all are interested enough to do it.
Call "Don" at Rouge Dreams in Allegan - 269-673-5205 and ask him....... He gave me more details then My friend at the This - N - That SHOP......same damn story though.

Then called east and then north. Same thing.....I reported back here.

State has gone 100% proactive and the Feds are paying for it....

Keep in mind that according to state laws. Disp are illegal in MI.....Interesting that the FEDs are footing the bill to do a mass and complete closure...

News wise. Look for it in about 4-6 weeks or so. Took them over a month to report mine....
You are 100%right. This is old news and will not affect the caregiver/patient relationship.

I told you this in the state thread.....

The next PLANED step is to reduce the #'s you can grow. This will happen at least twice and then they'll have the law changed again in the state congress and ANY pvt growing will be outlawed again! The "legal" disp. laws and the lic. growing blocks of 500-1K-1.5K will be (is) the basis of this coming change. It's all plotted out.....They have already set this up. The next step is the passing of a "legal" recreational use bill by public vote. The disp. law will be expanded. The Medical and recreational disp. will be separate, and the Medical home growing will be phased out....

This whole thing is playing into Schutte and some state police commanders that are 100% anti!

Get ready to kiss your grow good-by, Mr. "legal" grower... I'll bet on 5 years or less for this to begin.

Now how are you going to vote this next election? Go ahead, vote republican..... Gotta keep that agenda on track....

Ever wonder why when they bring up MJ or MMJ in session (state congress), they close the public seating and make it a closed session??

You need to be more attached to whats going on in our states political operations!

Don't even bother to say "But it's state law that we have the right."
With the past history of changing the law as they see fit.....It's coming!

Just ask what happened in Colorado, as far as #'s and regulation. Thing is, our state will take it to the limit and eventually close all caregiver and personal growing! It's set to begin and planed for, and on paper.....

Like I said "Ever wonder why when they bring up MJ or MMJ in session (state congress), they close the public seating and make it a closed session?? "
The 1.2 million went directly to the State police to cover some of the costs of actually doing the raids!

The amount of Federal dollars to the state for all other projects and grants ,,,,,,FAR, FAR out weight the amount to be taken in by taxing the MEDICAL (we are not yet a legal state) disp. proposed by the state.....and the system of legal grows, processors and secure transportation too.

I wouldn't fuck Trump with your dick. :P

Maybe bend him over a ladder for an elephant.....
Agh, you butthole. You quoted the post I deleted after I figured out where the money was headed! :lol:
Why isn't this in the news?
It would be a clear contradiction of Trump's statements during the campaign.
His base is shrinking fast!
If it's true that he's shutting down all dispensaries state-by-state, he will easily lose another 25-30% of his base.
In other words, Trump will have *zero* chance of being reelected.

Maybe he just said "Fuck it. If I'm gonna lose anyway, might as well go out with a bang". :roll:

Certainly a zero chance is more than he has even now.

Quote from another member:

Your smoking crack
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Reply from me:
Your uninformed and in denial...

BTW, I see one of the disp owners that got hit. Today.....Lets see what he says, in person.

Just returned home from the little "Kaffe kletch".
In attendance was,,,

The owner of the raided shop.
The employee that was there at the time of the raid.
Owner of a local head shop.
And several others, I won't list.

The raid went down with 4 geared up state SWAT members. They were armed with MP-10's, and one with a shotgun.
The door was literally "kicked in". The first 2 raiders aimed weapons at the heads of the customer in the shop and the worker. Screamed at them to "GET ON THE FLOOR!". They were instantly followed by the third raider and the door breacher, who was armed with the shotgun.

The outside security was local county and they were armed with M-4's. 4 of them. They were followed in the door (after "clear" was called) by 2 "suits" and a DEA "representative" with the classic light blue windbreaker. These three "observed" the search and seizure of all MJ and concentrate materials. They confiscated all cash. The worker and the customer were handcuffed after being searched and sat in chairs seeing all that went on from there. The worker said they went though everything, even looking in the drop ceiling and in the toilet tank. All in house paperwork and security camera footage was confiscated too.

Information was asked for, including the common "name, why are you here, and where do you get your products". A warrant was asked for and shown. The first suit stated he was from the state's AG office. He had some questions and was asked some. In those answers came the statement about 1.2 million GRANT from the FED to shut down ALL operating disp in the state..

The second suit never identified himself but, it was overheard that he was Homeland in his talking with the raiding party and the other suit. The AG rep gave guidance on what was to be confiscated that was non-consumable.. The customer was released and warned that disp sales are illegal in MI and they should now follow the law or be charged with "Illegally receiving and possessing a controlled substance, outside of the MMMJ act." The operator was also released and warned about illegal sales. (This shows they did not have a point of sale "snitch buyer" and that such a sale did not take place).

This last part about the no buyer bust, plainly stands out as the "Closing of all disp. state wide", comment as likely being factual.
The fact that a Homeland and DEA agent was there, points to some sort of federal involvement...

This is as I was told. This time directly from the horse's mouth. So there you have it...

Draw from it what you will!

I only came in and related the whole story to keep the community informed!

"Killing" the messenger, won't get you anything.

Trusting the news or statements by some congressmen in Washington about the Fed's involvement in anti - MJ actions.....
Is no more then hot air and BS. These "actions" speak louder then words!
I live in Cali and there's a reason I've never opened a delivery service/dispensary/warehouse.

Until it's federally legal, ITS NOT. Not what I want, just facts. Anyone who thought the Feds were just gonna turn their heads and not get their piece of the cash cow is a moron.

Until the Feds and big pharma figure out how to take their cut things will never change.

And don't give me any "it's because of trump" bullshit either.

I had friends raided more times than I can count during the Obama years too.

I don't understand how people don't get this.

Quote from another member:

Your smoking crack
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Reply from me:
Your uninformed and in denial...

BTW, I see one of the disp owners that got hit. Today.....Lets see what he says, in person.

Just returned home from the little "Kaffe kletch".
In attendance was,,,

The owner of the raided shop.
The employee that was there at the time of the raid.
Owner of a local head shop.
And several others, I won't list.

The raid went down with 4 geared up state SWAT members. They were armed with MP-10's, and one with a shotgun.
The door was literally "kicked in". The first 2 raiders aimed weapons at the heads of the customer in the shop and the worker. Screamed at them to "GET ON THE FLOOR!". They were instantly followed by the third raider and the door breacher, who was armed with the shotgun.

The outside security was local county and they were armed with M-4's. 4 of them. They were followed in the door (after "clear" was called) by 2 "suits" and a DEA "representative" with the classic light blue windbreaker. These three "observed" the search and seizure of all MJ and concentrate materials. They confiscated all cash. The worker and the customer were handcuffed after being searched and sat in chairs seeing all that went on from there. The worker said they went though everything, even looking in the drop ceiling and in the toilet tank. All in house paperwork and security camera footage was confiscated too.

Information was asked for, including the common "name, why are you here, and where do you get your products". A warrant was asked for and shown. The first suit stated he was from the state's AG office. He had some questions and was asked some. In those answers came the statement about 1.2 million GRANT from the FED to shut down ALL operating disp in the state..

The second suit never identified himself but, it was overheard that he was Homeland in his talking with the raiding party and the other suit. The AG rep gave guidance on what was to be confiscated that was non-consumable.. The customer was released and warned that disp sales are illegal in MI and they should now follow the law or be charged with "Illegally receiving and possessing a controlled substance, outside of the MMMJ act." The operator was also released and warned about illegal sales. (This shows they did not have a point of sale "snitch buyer" and that such a sale did not take place).

This last part about the no buyer bust, plainly stands out as the "Closing of all disp. state wide", comment as likely being factual.
The fact that a Homeland and DEA agent was there, points to some sort of federal involvement...

This is as I was told. This time directly from the horse's mouth. So there you have it...

Draw from it what you will!

I only came in and related the whole story to keep the community informed!

"Killing" the messenger, won't get you anything.

Trusting the news or statements by some congressmen in Washington about the Fed's involvement in anti - MJ actions.....
Is no more then hot air and BS. These "actions" speak louder then words!
This just as i said earlier, dispensaries are not legal here. Anyone with balls big enough to open one better have a great lawyer on retainer.
I live in Cali and there's a reason I've never opened a delivery service/dispensary/warehouse.

Until it's federally legal, ITS NOT. Not what I want, just facts. Anyone who thought the Feds were just gonna turn their heads and not get their piece of the cash cow is a moron.

Until the Feds and big pharma figure out how to take their cut things will never change.

And don't give me any "it's because of trump" bullshit either.

I had friends raided more times than I can count during the Obama years too.

I don't understand how people don't get this.
^^^ This. It's why I obfuscate my flir signature etc..
I told you this in the state thread.....

The next PLANED step is to reduce the #'s you can grow. This will happen at least twice and then they'll have the law changed again in the state congress and ANY pvt growing will be outlawed again! The "legal" disp. laws and the lic. growing blocks of 500-1K-1.5K will be (is) the basis of this coming change. It's all plotted out.....They have already set this up. The next step is the passing of a "legal" recreational use bill by public vote. The disp. law will be expanded. The Medical and recreational disp. will be separate, and the Medical home growing will be phased out....

This whole thing is playing into Schutte and some state police commanders that are 100% anti!

Get ready to kiss your grow good-by, Mr. "legal" grower... I'll bet on 5 years or less for this to begin.

Now how are you going to vote this next election? Go ahead, vote republican..... Gotta keep that agenda on track....

Ever wonder why when they bring up MJ or MMJ in session (state congress), they close the public seating and make it a closed session??

You need to be more attached to whats going on in our states political operations!

Don't even bother to say "But it's state law that we have the right."
With the past history of changing the law as they see fit.....It's coming!

Just ask what happened in Colorado, as far as #'s and regulation. Thing is, our state will take it to the limit and eventually close all caregiver and personal growing! It's set to begin and planed for, and on paper.....

Like I said "Ever wonder why when they bring up MJ or MMJ in session (state congress), they close the public seating and make it a closed session?? "

Massachusetts voted for and passed a Rec. law and within a week of the vote the State said "Nope, we're changing it." They're working on something now that specifically nullifies the voter passed legislation. Same thing, a few big money investors want all the control.
Massachusetts voted for and passed a Rec. law and within a week of the vote the State said "Nope, we're changing it." They're working on something now that specifically nullifies the voter passed legislation. Same thing, a few big money investors want all the control.

And there it is.
This just as i said earlier, dispensaries are not legal here. Anyone with balls big enough to open one better have a great lawyer on retainer.

You need to consider the FACT, that Schutte said "He would defer judgement to local officials." On if they would enforce the law or not. "The state would not override local authority." He said this in the press, after the law change to "define" the law as disp. are illegal.

Been there went through that!

These guys had local support too.

Schutte's word is BULL SHIT as he finds suit. This is a move to secure the market for their taxed products. On lic.'s given those who made deals with the officials.

The transportation end was sowed up from before the law was passed..... Wonder what the payoff/kickback was on that?
maybe this one was in violation of another ordinance?
but this shits been going on since last year

22 Fewer Dispensaries In Detroit Since March, City Aims To Close 66 Soon
Daily Detroit Staff
May 17, 2016


why is this one ops different?
You need to consider the FACT, that Schutte said "He would defer judgement to local officials." On if they would enforce the law or not. "The state would not override local authority." He said this in the press, after the law change to "define" the law as disp. are illegal.

Been there went through that!

These guys had local support too.

Schutte's word is BULL SHIT as he finds suit. This is a move to secure the market for their taxed products. On lic.'s given those who made deals with the officials.

The transportation end was sowed up from before the law was passed..... Wonder what the payoff/kickback was on that?

I think you should consider the fact that these people local and state are all full of shit. If all these dispensaries owners would read the law, follow the law they would never opened a store. And these same greedy asshats are in our politicians ears telling them how much home grows put the community at risk.

Fuck all of them.
I can see that. But I still see a disconnect in implementation. The people collecting the data don't necessarily know what is going to happen to it. they are just filling out forms. They may not have an ulterior motive. Or they might. Don't know. It's probably best not to give them data, in a way that doesn't seem like you aren't giving them data that is. ;)
Name: Bob Zmuda
Sex: male
Married: to my cats
Religion: alien overlords
Those forms are fun to fill out:dunce: