STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

Just returned home from the little "Kaffe kletch".
In attendance was,,,

The owner of the raided shop.
The employee that was there at the time of the raid.
Owner of a local head shop.
And several others, I won't list.

The raid went down with 4 geared up state SWAT members. They were armed with MP-10's, and one with a shotgun.
The door was literally "kicked in". The first 2 raiders aimed weapons at the heads of the customer in the shop and the worker. Screamed at them to "GET ON THE FLOOR!". They were instantly followed by the third raider and the door breacher, who was armed with the shotgun.

The outside security was local county and they were armed with M-4's. 4 of them. They were followed in the door (after "clear" was called) by 2 "suits" and a DEA "representative" with the classic light blue windbreaker. These three "observed" the search and seizure of all MJ and concentrate materials. They confiscated all cash. The worker and the customer were handcuffed after being searched and sat in chairs seeing all that went on from there. The worker said they went though everything, even looking in the drop ceiling and in the toilet tank. All in house paperwork and security camera footage was confiscated too.

Information was asked for, including the common "name, why are you here, and where do you get your products". A warrant was asked for and shown. The first suit stated he was from the state's AG office. He had some questions and was asked some. In those answers came the statement about 1.2 million GRANT from the FED to shut down ALL operating disp in the state..

The second suit never identified himself but, it was overheard that he was Homeland in his talking with the raiding party and the other suit. The AG rep gave guidance on what was to be confiscated that was non-consumable.. The customer was released and warned that disp sales are illegal in MI and they should now follow the law or be charged with "Illegally receiving and possessing a controlled substance, outside of the MMMJ act." The operator was also released and warned about illegal sales. (This shows they did not have a point of sale "snitch buyer" and that such a sale did not take place).

This last part about the no buyer bust, plainly stands out as the "Closing of all disp. state wide", comment as likely being factual.
The fact that a Homeland and DEA agent was there, points to some sort of federal involvement...

This is as I was told. This time directly from the horse's mouth. So there you have it...

Draw from it what you will!

I only came in and related the whole story to keep the community informed!

"Killing" the messenger, won't get you anything.

Trusting the news or statements by some congressmen in Washington about the Fed's involvement in anti - MJ actions.....
Is no more then hot air and BS. These "actions" speak louder then words!

And this is why we have an opiate problem. I didn't see large numbers of bodies laying around or medical services taxed by 20-30 overdoses a day. It's just economic terrorism. The lobbyists (alcohol, pharma) have probably donated the slushy money and it's nothing to them to drop a couple million for marketing costs.
I have been saying this was coming and happening for months now. They are shutting the shops down, to pave the way for the big licensed shops. People laughed and joked it is what is happening. Cg and home grows will eventually be phased out. It may take a while longer to phase them out, but believe that is the plan.
I dont see many people on ssi or ssid getting thier meds from these shops, not with a mandatory transportation cost and a ?30? Or so percent tax...what they do end up getting, will be green house -mass manufactured. Just check out canada...its coming here and everywhere else. Then if you think your hope lies with this milegalize initiative..forget it, its a repeat of this law, some minor changes , only applied to the rec market. The value of these cards declines everyday.
Chem is correct-imo..the people who lobbied the state for these laws-got everything they wanted-at the expense of many others. I was all for it, when the caregiver clause was included, i didnt see any out rage or people showing up to protest that being removed-so caregivers can blame themselves just as much.
yep, and now you will get exactly that which you testified for, no more caregivers, a real deal medical supplier not relying on cg's for weed....great, here come the prarie farms

This is absolutely wrong dude! I nor any other Shop owner wanted to end CG status!

NONE of us testified for getting rid of caregivers. Exactly the opposite! We wanted the caregiver section to remain and they sell overages to us. Or we could grow our own - like CO monitored and fair....They get their tax and we all get quality Meds.

It's all money, Big money from big business or big pockets that spread the wealth to those in committee, forming the law.
Like I said. The transportation part of the new law was a lock from day one! The guy getting it.....Developed the whole Idea and "sold" it lock stock and (his guaranteed part) the committee. He actually helped form the whole fucking plan....He has big pocket corporate grower buddies...

BTW Prairie Farms had reps there.....One of them testified too..

Fun part was that when many of us was to get our turns at the podium. They would shut down for a few hrs, saying they all had to go onto the floor for a debate/vote on the road tax issue... this thinned our ranks badly.....They strung us out for almost a week, on a subject that was to be a day, maybe 2.

Oh yeah, The Normal and High Times guys, were in support of the new proposed laws. They wanted a win as they think that would lead to recreational. It was them that pointed out that moving to the new system would have the structure for running legal recreational "in place". The tax system would be raised as would prices for "recreational" as it would be the real cash cow over the medical... In pvt talks with these assholes, by those of us against the new law. They called us anti "MJ", saying that the small sacrifice made by those in the Medical end of this should be happy to be a "stepping stone" to national legalization.

How do you like that shit? It's basically - "Fuck you guys! Your just a means to our ends. We don't give a shit about price or quality and you can live though it just fine. We have an agenda, and your only a means to an end."

We testified to have the law add disp back and defined to include them by removing the "grey area" as it was, and replacing with a reporting/ monitoring system with a fair tax in place.

The fuck nut transportation guy brought up "seed to sale" tracking in pvt talks with the committee, well before the hearings....That got the State police "anti's" on board his boat!
It was all down hill from there...
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This is absolutely wrong dude! I nor any other Shop owner wanted to end CG status!

NONE of us testified for getting rid of caregivers. Exactly the opposite! We wanted the caregiver section to remain and they sell overages to us. Or we could grow our own - like CO monitored and fair....They get their tax and we all get quality Meds.

It's all money, Big money from big business or big pockets that spread the wealth to those in committee, forming the law.
Like I said. The transportation part of the new law was a lock from day one! The guy getting it.....Developed the whole Idea and "sold" it lock stock and (his guaranteed part) the committee. He actually helped form the whole fucking plan....He has big pocket corporate grower buddies...

BTW Prairie Farms had reps there.....One of them testified too..

Fun part was that when many of us was to get our turns at the podium. They would shut down for a few hrs, saying they all had to go onto the floor for a debate/vote on the road tax issue... this thinned our ranks badly.....They strung us out for almost a week, on a subject that was to be a day, maybe 2.

Oh yeah, The Normal and High Times guys, were in support of the new proposed laws. They wanted a win as they think that would lead to recreational. It was them that pointed out that moving to the new system would have the structure for running legal recreational "in place". The tax system would be raised as would prices for "recreational" as it would be the real cash cow over the medical... In pvt talks with these assholes, by those of us against the new law. They called us anti "MJ", saying that the small sacrifice made by those in the Medical end of this should be happy to be a "stepping stone" to national legalization.

How do you like that shit? It's basically - "Fuck you guys! Your just a means to our ends. We don't give a shit about price or quality and you can live though it just fine. We have an agenda, and your only a means to an end."

We testified to have the law add disp back and defined to include them by removing the "grey area" as it was, and replacing with a reporting/ monitoring system with a fair tax in place.

The fuck nut transportation guy brought up "seed to sale" tracking in pvt talks with the committee, well before the hearings....That got the State police "anti's" on board his boat!
It was all down hill from there...

perhaps I've misunderstood. I do remember the talk of the dispensary lobby speaking specifically about cg's and their moldy weed, and how they could provide a safer supply than meeting in seedy parking lots to buy moldy weed. thats a shadow cast by any account.

I didnt see people fucked with until the dispensaries popped up. then it was on, on with the law, on with those selling to the dispensary too. again, appreciate your tone and I am not personally attacking you or your dispensary aspirations.
appreciate your tone and I am not personally attacking you or your dispensary aspirations.

I do see that, and thanks!
It's just a sore spot.....Fucking Schutte anyway.
I couldn't believe so many in our community voted for him!
I mean he was the head of the anti's, and their spokesman for NO vote on the Medical when it passed.

The shear ignorance of people I spoke with about Schutte for AG was astounding! "Look, you can't vote for him. he was the head of the anti's!"

"Ok but, we'll be ok. The law is in place now and they can't change it. We need a "get tough" AG."

"Umm, yes they can and he will, as soon as he gets in office!"

How long did it take? A matter of weeks? I wish I would have been wrong...

The next step after cutting #'s is increasing the penalties for growing.....Then when the growing is all gone. make it worse again.
It's already been said, in public, this is what their going to do...

It's so sad....
everyone probably knows that schuette is also related to significant players.

Schuette's grandfather, Carl Gerstacker, was CEO of Dow.

Schuette's stepfather, William Schuette, Sr., was a leading executive of Dow slotted to become CEO of Dow, but Schuette, Sr. died before he gained the CEO job.

. He managed a "philanthropic" trust in honor of Gerstacker, and grew up in Midland, Michigan, hometown of Dow Chemical headquarters. Schuette was quarterback for the Dow High School football team.

During various campaigns in his political career, Schuette has taken heat for his family ties to Dow, and for taking big-money political contributions from Dow and other polluters. His response has always been to passionately defend Dow and his family's involvement with Dow. It's clear that Schuette is Dow's boy in the Michigan government.

The Dupont Corporation is the largest chemical company for plastics etc... However, the Dow Chemical Company is the 2nd largest chemical company providing plastics,chemicals, and agricultural products in the World. They also have a vested interest in not seeing any sort of cannabis legalization whether it be medical or industrial.

Bill Schuette's parents settled in Midland, MI back in 1941 for Bill Sr's job at Dow Chemical. 1959 Bill Sr. was poised to take over the CEO position at Dow Chemical but he ended up dying of a heart attack while Bill Jr. was attending Georgetown University. His widowed mother then married Dow Chairman Carl Gerstacker.

wow thanks for the info. yeah, dow chemical is fucking disgusting. they made agent orange and all kinds of other fucked up shit. i hate seeing the damn trains filled with chemicals. pure evil up there with monsanto.
everyone probably knows that schuette is also related to significant players.

Schuette's grandfather, Carl Gerstacker, was CEO of Dow.

Schuette's stepfather, William Schuette, Sr., was a leading executive of Dow slotted to become CEO of Dow, but Schuette, Sr. died before he gained the CEO job.

. He managed a "philanthropic" trust in honor of Gerstacker, and grew up in Midland, Michigan, hometown of Dow Chemical headquarters. Schuette was quarterback for the Dow High School football team.

During various campaigns in his political career, Schuette has taken heat for his family ties to Dow, and for taking big-money political contributions from Dow and other polluters. His response has always been to passionately defend Dow and his family's involvement with Dow. It's clear that Schuette is Dow's boy in the Michigan government.

The Dupont Corporation is the largest chemical company for plastics etc... However, the Dow Chemical Company is the 2nd largest chemical company providing plastics,chemicals, and agricultural products in the World. They also have a vested interest in not seeing any sort of cannabis legalization whether it be medical or industrial.

Bill Schuette's parents settled in Midland, MI back in 1941 for Bill Sr's job at Dow Chemical. 1959 Bill Sr. was poised to take over the CEO position at Dow Chemical but he ended up dying of a heart attack while Bill Jr. was attending Georgetown University. His widowed mother then married Dow Chairman Carl Gerstacker.

who cares what the man does u newbies gotta get a grip I have been fighting this fight since the 70s do what u gotta do fuck the man huge egos here for newbies,u med folks r a bunch of ??? fakes ohh did I say that haha carry on
1)who cares what the man does
2)u newbies gotta get a grip
3)I have been fighting this fight since the 70s
4)do what u gotta do fuck the man huge egos here for newbies,
5)u med folks r a bunch of ??? fakes ohh did I say that haha carry on

1- you should, he is a mover, he makes policy, his motives are suspect in many arena's
2- newbie mmkkk
3- do tell, what tangible positive have you done for the marijuana movement since the 70's ?
4- we all do what we gotta do. we all fuck the man. I think you are mistaken, I see nobody in this thread that
is a newbie to the movement or to the plant.
5 - not sure I get your joke there. please expound? we have medical marijuana in MI, thats it, not recreational, folks doing time for
recreational sales and use. Its all medical now, we dont want anyone in jail for a plant. it cant be recreational right now. Its still listed as having NO medical value, despite the patents our country holds for medical purposes. I wished that since those fighting since the 70's would have tightened this up a bit, stop voting for actor/advertising/bankers. All I saw in the 70's was cosplay marijuana leafs and civil disobedience, booyaah to them, but that didnt do fuck for anybody. I visited loved ones in federal prison for marijuana offenses. lost dads, brothers, sisters. its sick. its medical now until I say different got it- mmmkkk?
1- you should, he is a mover, he makes policy, his motives are suspect in many arena's
2- newbie mmkkk
3- do tell, what tangible positive have you done for the marijuana movement since the 70's ?
4- we all do what we gotta do. we all fuck the man. I think you are mistaken, I see nobody in this thread that
is a newbie to the movement or to the plant.
5 - not sure I get your joke there. please expound? we have medical marijuana in MI, thats it, not recreational, folks doing time for
recreational sales and use. Its all medical now, we dont want anyone in jail for a plant. it cant be recreational right now. Its still listed as having NO medical value, despite the patents our country boy uholds for medical purposes. I wished that since those fighting since the 70's would have tightened this up a bit, stop voting for actor/advertising/bankers. All I saw in the 70's was cosplay marijuana leafs and civil disobedience, booyaah to them, but that didnt do fuck for anybody. I visited loved ones in federal prison for marijuana offenses. lost dads, brothers, sisters. its sick. its medical now until I say different got it- mmmkkk?
boy u r something else haha all u do slam the bm, its so dirty moldy u been growing since what 2008 ok newbie I gave up my freedom asswipe what u give up ? but oh u grow the best that ever been hahaha just like the rest of newbiescheck out my grow right here all legalwheres your shit don't c nothing mister perfect,
boy u r something else haha all u do slam the bm, its so dirty moldy u been growing since what 2008 ok newbie I gave up my freedom asswipe what u give up ? but oh u grow the best that ever been hahaha just like the rest of newbies

you angry bro? you proud of being caught and going to jail? thats dumb, you got caught right? and I'm an asswipe?

what is the bm ? whats so dirty and moldy? just wtf are you ranting for or against anyways. Try the decaf mate

good day
you angry bro? you proud of being caught and going to jail? thats dumb, you got caught right? and I'm an asswipe?

what is the bm ? whats so dirty and moldy? just wtf are you ranting for or against anyways. Try the decaf mate

good day
like to c your killer buds do u grow,u have given nothing,O
like to c your killer buds do u grow,u have given nothing,O

I know know, if it wasnt for all those pesky w o r d s and your insistent life long subscription to hooked on consonants you would be able to see my pics in the threads. sorry for your reading disability.
I know know, if it wasnt for all those pesky w o r d s and your insistent life long subscription to hooked on consonants you would be able to see my pics in the threads. sorry for your reading disability.
u sir r a loser, quick hide the man is coming hahaha all legal here an not afraid
What's all this shit about fucking the man :confused:



I've got game :bigjoint:
everyone probably knows that schuette is also related to significant players.

Schuette's grandfather, Carl Gerstacker, was CEO of Dow.

Schuette's stepfather, William Schuette, Sr., was a leading executive of Dow slotted to become CEO of Dow, but Schuette, Sr. died before he gained the CEO job.

. He managed a "philanthropic" trust in honor of Gerstacker, and grew up in Midland, Michigan, hometown of Dow Chemical headquarters. Schuette was quarterback for the Dow High School football team.

During various campaigns in his political career, Schuette has taken heat for his family ties to Dow, and for taking big-money political contributions from Dow and other polluters. His response has always been to passionately defend Dow and his family's involvement with Dow. It's clear that Schuette is Dow's boy in the Michigan government.

The Dupont Corporation is the largest chemical company for plastics etc... However, the Dow Chemical Company is the 2nd largest chemical company providing plastics,chemicals, and agricultural products in the World. They also have a vested interest in not seeing any sort of cannabis legalization whether it be medical or industrial.

Bill Schuette's parents settled in Midland, MI back in 1941 for Bill Sr's job at Dow Chemical. 1959 Bill Sr. was poised to take over the CEO position at Dow Chemical but he ended up dying of a heart attack while Bill Jr. was attending Georgetown University. His widowed mother then married Dow Chairman Carl Gerstacker.

DuPont had a lot to do with cannabis becoming illegal in the first place.