Well-Known Member
Just returned home from the little "Kaffe kletch".
In attendance was,,,
The owner of the raided shop.
The employee that was there at the time of the raid.
Owner of a local head shop.
And several others, I won't list.
The raid went down with 4 geared up state SWAT members. They were armed with MP-10's, and one with a shotgun.
The door was literally "kicked in". The first 2 raiders aimed weapons at the heads of the customer in the shop and the worker. Screamed at them to "GET ON THE FLOOR!". They were instantly followed by the third raider and the door breacher, who was armed with the shotgun.
The outside security was local county and they were armed with M-4's. 4 of them. They were followed in the door (after "clear" was called) by 2 "suits" and a DEA "representative" with the classic light blue windbreaker. These three "observed" the search and seizure of all MJ and concentrate materials. They confiscated all cash. The worker and the customer were handcuffed after being searched and sat in chairs seeing all that went on from there. The worker said they went though everything, even looking in the drop ceiling and in the toilet tank. All in house paperwork and security camera footage was confiscated too.
Information was asked for, including the common "name, why are you here, and where do you get your products". A warrant was asked for and shown. The first suit stated he was from the state's AG office. He had some questions and was asked some. In those answers came the statement about 1.2 million GRANT from the FED to shut down ALL operating disp in the state..
The second suit never identified himself but, it was overheard that he was Homeland in his talking with the raiding party and the other suit. The AG rep gave guidance on what was to be confiscated that was non-consumable.. The customer was released and warned that disp sales are illegal in MI and they should now follow the law or be charged with "Illegally receiving and possessing a controlled substance, outside of the MMMJ act." The operator was also released and warned about illegal sales. (This shows they did not have a point of sale "snitch buyer" and that such a sale did not take place).
This last part about the no buyer bust, plainly stands out as the "Closing of all disp. state wide", comment as likely being factual.
The fact that a Homeland and DEA agent was there, points to some sort of federal involvement...
This is as I was told. This time directly from the horse's mouth. So there you have it...
Draw from it what you will!
I only came in and related the whole story to keep the community informed!
"Killing" the messenger, won't get you anything.
Trusting the news or statements by some congressmen in Washington about the Fed's involvement in anti - MJ actions.....
Is no more then hot air and BS. These "actions" speak louder then words!
And this is why we have an opiate problem. I didn't see large numbers of bodies laying around or medical services taxed by 20-30 overdoses a day. It's just economic terrorism. The lobbyists (alcohol, pharma) have probably donated the slushy money and it's nothing to them to drop a couple million for marketing costs.