STATE has been given 1.2 million to close all dispensaries !

The US dept. of Justice has given the state (police) of Michigan 1.2 million dollars to close all operating dispensaries across the state!

This statewide sweep has begun already! My friends in the business have been hit and told to close - period.

Some friends, sat on a hill and watched 420 get raided on Friday (Allegan area). Alphabet boys were there and "observing".....

There is some conjecture that this has to do with the upcoming awarding of disp licences.

The lic it's self will cost 10K to simply apply for and 35K if granted (over and above the 10K). The application fee is non-refundable.....

How many of these disp. operating and now closed or at least raided, have applied for the lic. Can you say "They lost that 10 K and will be denied!)?

Even if it's simply an employee that gets the sales charge..... LARA will simply say "You were raided for illegal operation of a MJ dispensary. Your denied under the no illegal drug felony line".

Anyway.....Trump and Sessions are closing it down kiddies!

I told you so!!!

I have great doubt that the state actually follow through with "legal" disp for anything!

They're going to start cracking down on legal states..Sessions said so!
Feds are threatening to withhold Fed funds for MJ and MMJ states....
"Oh, Trump won't go after MJ, he supports Medical"

Another "I told you so!"
Your smoking crack

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They have been raiding and shutting down dispensarys in detroit-anyway they can now, for at least 3-4 months. This is not something new imo. I have watched it play out multiple times now here.
I recall early on 2009 a green letter came with my registration and it clearly said I can only grow and sell to five patients who carry my card.
how could a dispensary, assuming they will sell to anyone with a card regardless of caregiver status, be legal in this scheme?

When my attorney interpreted the law then he understood I could only grow for five patient registered to me and be able to sell to anyone with a card, he quickly revised that advice a year before schuette came in. I always understood this as
a one cg with five patients, blah blah, not a store front selling to anyone with a card. A store like this would have to buy from someone, and that person would be selling illegally to the dispensary for resale. this was a conspiracy explained to me.

Sessions was denied any funds for marijuana states the headlines say here

and here

Congress Gives Jeff Sessions $0 To Go After Medical Marijuana Laws
It’s the latest sign that a major federal crackdown on state pot laws isn’t likely.

not to say trump didnt lie, or sessions wont get his way of course, but what you say goes directly against what the (fake?) news outlets are all saying

I only popped in and shared what I'm being told!
Not only that but, since when did the FED start to tell the truth?
You do understand what a "slush fund" is for right? I'm sure justice has one or two. Just like the rest of the branch's of government.

You do remember that our Gov. slushed over 500 million from the education fund - right after he took office right? Yeah, he paid it back - eventually. The point is that money got spent where HE wanted to spend it, and with no public oversight!
Understand a slush fund better now?

Hell, under Homeland sec. rules. It could have come from there and we would NEVER know it!

Not only that but your bold face quote. Is no more then a typical slight of hand style statement.....Classic Federal misdirection!

The stupid part is that "crackdowns" have already been noted in several states. Maybe the term "crackdown" is kinda hard but, things are going down....

The other point is that: It is illegal to operate a disp in MI....Right? So the MI police most likely went to US justica and asked for help/support in the daunting task.....They gladly got it!

BTW. back when this was first legal. You could own and operate a disp. It might have been gray area but, it was intended to be legal, and for us caregivers to have an outlet to sell our overages to them for keeping it "off the streets". It worked pretty good but, you had all these out of state operators coming in to do nothing but profit....Many had no "card" and dumped weed into the disp. market in a state wide way.... I personally know of one guy from Cali who ran in an old factory in Det. He came into my shops and he did have some nice strains once in a while. Never bought from him after he admitted what he was doing.

Schutte changed the law and all these profit mongers went home.
Your smoking crack

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your uninformed and in denial...

BTW, I see one of the disp owners that got hit. Today.....Lets see what he says, in person.

They have been raiding and shutting down dispensarys in detroit-anyway they can now, for at least 3-4 months. This is not something new imo. I have watched it play out multiple times now here.

And now the one's with "permits" too.....
Your smoking crack
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your uninformed and in denial...

BTW, I see one of the disp owners that got hit. Today.....Lets see what he says, in person.

Just returned home from the little "Kaffe kletch".
In attendance was,,,

The owner of the raided shop.
The employee that was there at the time of the raid.
Owner of a local head shop.
And several others, I won't list.

The raid went down with 4 geared up state SWAT members. They were armed with MP-10's, and one with a shotgun.
The door was literally "kicked in". The first 2 raiders aimed weapons at the heads of the customer in the shop and the worker. Screamed at them to "GET ON THE FLOOR!". They were instantly followed by the third raider and the door breacher, who was armed with the shotgun.

The outside security was local county and they were armed with M-4's. 4 of them. They were followed in the door (after "clear" was called) by 2 "suits" and a DEA "representative" with the classic light blue windbreaker. These three "observed" the search and seizure of all MJ and concentrate materials. They confiscated all cash. The worker and the customer were handcuffed after being searched and sat in chairs seeing all that went on from there. The worker said they went though everything, even looking in the drop ceiling and in the toilet tank. All in house paperwork and security camera footage was confiscated too.

Information was asked for, including the common "name, why are you here, and where do you get your products". A warrant was asked for and shown. The first suit stated he was from the state's AG office. He had some questions and was asked some. In those answers came the statement about 1.2 million GRANT from the FED to shut down ALL operating disp in the state..

The second suit never identified himself but, it was overheard that he was Homeland in his talking with the raiding party and the other suit. The AG rep gave guidance on what was to be confiscated that was non-consumable.. The customer was released and warned that disp sales are illegal in MI and they should now follow the law or be charged with "Illegally receiving and possessing a controlled substance, outside of the MMMJ act." The operator was also released and warned about illegal sales. (This shows they did not have a point of sale "snitch buyer" and that such a sale did not take place).

This last part about the no buyer bust, plainly stands out as the "Closing of all disp. state wide", comment as likely being factual.
The fact that a Homeland and DEA agent was there, points to some sort of federal involvement...

This is as I was told. This time directly from the horse's mouth. So there you have it...

Draw from it what you will!

I only came in and related the whole story to keep the community informed!

"Killing" the messenger, won't get you anything.

Trusting the news or statements by some congressmen in Washington about the Fed's involvement in anti - MJ actions.....
Is no more then hot air and BS. These "actions" speak louder then words!
not surprising. i think dr. who is right. I mean the feds have been operating here for a while anyway. they work with and provide info to the local agencies. all those local narcotics agencies you here about making busts might as well be called the dea. oh yea the dea can get info freely from the nsa now thanks to a law obama signed right before he left office. that's right if the dea suspects you of drug dealing they can get your entire life history from the nsa... fbi, dea and cia everywhere here in michigan. look what happened in washtington. many a caregiver no more.
I only popped in and shared what I'm being told!
Not only that but, since when did the FED start to tell the truth?
You do understand what a "slush fund" is for right? I'm sure justice has one or two. Just like the rest of the branch's of government.

You do remember that our Gov. slushed over 500 million from the education fund - right after he took office right? Yeah, he paid it back - eventually. The point is that money got spent where HE wanted to spend it, and with no public oversight!
Understand a slush fund better now?

Hell, under Homeland sec. rules. It could have come from there and we would NEVER know it!

Not only that but your bold face quote. Is no more then a typical slight of hand style statement.....Classic Federal misdirection!

The stupid part is that "crackdowns" have already been noted in several states. Maybe the term "crackdown" is kinda hard but, things are going down....

The other point is that: It is illegal to operate a disp in MI....Right? So the MI police most likely went to US justica and asked for help/support in the daunting task.....They gladly got it!

BTW. back when this was first legal. You could own and operate a disp. It might have been gray area but, it was intended to be legal, and for us caregivers to have an outlet to sell our overages to them for keeping it "off the streets". It worked pretty good but, you had all these out of state operators coming in to do nothing but profit....Many had no "card" and dumped weed into the disp. market in a state wide way.... I personally know of one guy from Cali who ran in an old factory in Det. He came into my shops and he did have some nice strains once in a while. Never bought from him after he admitted what he was doing.

Schutte changed the law and all these profit mongers went home.

today dispensaries are undeniably illegal to operate, no gray areas to consider. I do not deny that the feds have always and are still currently raiding and otherwise shutting down illegal activity such as marijuana dispensaries in MI. the raids come in waves since 2009. I wonder only why anyone is surprised that another wave of such raids are once again shutting down illegal dispensaries.
After all we all know about the new scheme in the state, some still gamble tie time/cash grab, and they expect to be closed down too.
I have yet to see feds raid a caregiver of five patients with 72 plants and 15 ounces on hand who didnt sell outside of his five person registry, including to an illegal dispensary.

I dont think they should be illegal btw, but they always have been, still are. Nowhere in the original law were we ever allowed to sell outside of our registry of five patients. That includes a office selling to passerby's with a card and cg's selling supposed overages to dispensaries like they were one of the five patients allowed to sell to. Great system of course, tax free un traceable marijuana sales for both parties, woohoooo, but it is a fantasy.
This is how patients got pimped, hated on the cg system, cg's sold to the disp and then scammed their own patients for the larger cash sales. good system? maybe with the right players. I met one in ann arbor years ago, still there I think. ever other I knew of were shammy. pistols in their belts, toothless wonders behind the counters, mites with clones, moldy buds, shady sales tactics, renaming buds, bastards set the tone for our all own demise. A big thanks goes out to them!! never met patient who didnt visit dispensaries from detroit to the tip of Mi before me and all said the same shits. Ima gonna blame them for every medical marijuana snafu currently.

those cg's selling to their five only are still rockin it, no issues, no cops, no feds, ever. thats what was intended for patients imo.
its beautiful, good people find good weed and help a skilled few to cover costs to cultivate their medicine for them. I didnt see the word dispensary in the medical marijuana law. I only saw five patients to sell to. I knew there was no money in that. I knew growers would be selling outside of their registry, but who would know? would be just like old times maybe for those needing more cash.

then the neon marijuana leaf signs went up, ended many paths of medical marijuanas for all and created nothing good for personal growers, laws, patients as we've seen. Scary jack boots everywhere, news stories of the bad ole marijuanas, stolen dildo's, wrecked lives, seemed all connected to me. where there was a bust.....a dispensary tie wasnt too far away.

I had oodles of choices to buy my herb now, it was from all over the place, with some real names and effects, like hardly ever before. seeds were abound..but the mold, the pesticides/miticides...shit got me down. under the counter grow store sales of poisons, bummed me out. that ws the same shit sold under the neon signs of course, I couldnt escape it.
I ripped a page out HT and wrote a check, built a steel building and put it inside.

selling drugs has always been a risky business, nothing has changed there.
for the love of growing, for best results
cops look more stupid every time a person living with cancer is smiling with cannabis:leaf:
not surprising. i think dr. who is right. I mean the feds have been operating here for a while anyway. they work with and provide info to the local agencies. all those local narcotics agencies you here about making busts might as well be called the dea. oh yea the dea can get info freely from the nsa now thanks to a law obama signed right before he left office. that's right if the dea suspects you of drug dealing they can get your entire life history from the nsa... fbi, dea and cia everywhere here in michigan. look what happened in washtington. many a caregiver no more.

exactly. theres a name for that shit. illegally obtaining info and slipping it to a local to do the deed, they come along to watch for a gun fight is all, maybe some cash grab or an old vette i bet.
you'd think today all info would be in a finger printed file (biometric)instead of wadded up in a stupid file cabinet. thats where they get the names of growers selling the weed to them....
Bangor Twp approved Wild Bills Tobacco to come and invest 21 million into an old DOW Chemical plant to grow in. Whether the state approves their application is another question which my assumption is yes they will get approved. They were one of the top donators to get these bills passed and possibly some cash in ol' slick Rick's pockets as well.

Follow the money.

All those nonrefundable fees are designed to shut the little guys out and divert all the business to big players.

It will be legal- for THEM, not YOU.
today dispensaries are undeniably illegal to operate, no gray areas to consider. I do not deny that the feds have always and are still currently raiding and otherwise shutting down illegal activity such as marijuana dispensaries in MI. the raids come in waves since 2009. I wonder only why anyone is surprised that another wave of such raids are once again shutting down illegal dispensaries.
After all we all know about the new scheme in the state, some still gamble tie time/cash grab, and they expect to be closed down too.
I have yet to see feds raid a caregiver of five patients with 72 plants and 15 ounces on hand who didnt sell outside of his five person registry, including to an illegal dispensary.

I dont think they should be illegal btw, but they always have been, still are. Nowhere in the original law were we ever allowed to sell outside of our registry of five patients. That includes a office selling to passerby's with a card and cg's selling supposed overages to dispensaries like they were one of the five patients allowed to sell to. Great system of course, tax free un traceable marijuana sales for both parties, woohoooo, but it is a fantasy.
This is how patients got pimped, hated on the cg system, cg's sold to the disp and then scammed their own patients for the larger cash sales. good system? maybe with the right players. I met one in ann arbor years ago, still there I think. ever other I knew of were shammy. pistols in their belts, toothless wonders behind the counters, mites with clones, moldy buds, shady sales tactics, renaming buds, bastards set the tone for our all own demise. A big thanks goes out to them!! never met patient who didnt visit dispensaries from detroit to the tip of Mi before me and all said the same shits. Ima gonna blame them for every medical marijuana snafu currently.

those cg's selling to their five only are still rockin it, no issues, no cops, no feds, ever. thats what was intended for patients imo.
its beautiful, good people find good weed and help a skilled few to cover costs to cultivate their medicine for them. I didnt see the word dispensary in the medical marijuana law. I only saw five patients to sell to. I knew there was no money in that. I knew growers would be selling outside of their registry, but who would know? would be just like old times maybe for those needing more cash.

then the neon marijuana leaf signs went up, ended many paths of medical marijuanas for all and created nothing good for personal growers, laws, patients as we've seen. Scary jack boots everywhere, news stories of the bad ole marijuanas, stolen dildo's, wrecked lives, seemed all connected to me. where there was a bust.....a dispensary tie wasnt too far away.

I had oodles of choices to buy my herb now, it was from all over the place, with some real names and effects, like hardly ever before. seeds were abound..but the mold, the pesticides/miticides...shit got me down. under the counter grow store sales of poisons, bummed me out. that ws the same shit sold under the neon signs of course, I couldnt escape it.
I ripped a page out HT and wrote a check, built a steel building and put it inside.

selling drugs has always been a risky business, nothing has changed there.
for the love of growing, for best results
cops look more stupid every time a person living with cancer is smiling with cannabis:leaf:

You need to remember this Chemy:

You need to consider the FACT, that Schutte said "He would defer judgement to local officials." On if they would enforce the law or not. "The state would not override local authority." He said this in the press, after the law change to "define" the law as disp. are illegal.

Been there went through that!

These guys had local support too.

Schutte's word is BULL SHIT as he finds suit. This is a move to secure the market for their taxed products. On lic.'s given those who made deals with the officials.
The application end is a sham....Lets see who gets these state lic.'s
The transportation end was sowed up from before the law was passed..... Wonder what the payoff/kickback was on that?
those cg's selling to their five only are still rockin it, no issues, no cops, no feds, ever.

Like I said. The end is in sight! The state has plans.....CG are not in it in the long term..
When the first lowering of grow #'s hit.....think of what I said.....Better start reading up. It's happening in more "legal" states then you think.... Now what do you think the long term plans are for those states that have shady elected officials?

Hell Chemy, MI is more corrupt the Ill! You only have to pull up the welding helmet to see the light...
Like I said. The end is in sight! The state has plans.....CG are not in it in the long term..
When the first lowering of grow #'s hit.....think of what I said.....Better start reading up. It's happening in more "legal" states then you think.... Now what do you think the long term plans are for those states that have shady elected officials?

Hell Chemy, MI is more corrupt the Ill! You only have to pull up the welding helmet to see the light...

oh I know these things. but they are years old, not new, not today, but ongoing.
the dispensary lobby brought this on us in the first place. all I heard was moldy bud from caregivers from that group.
I dont deny these plans, I only see them as old ongoing news, 10 years later....winning!
then the neon marijuana leaf signs went up, ended many paths of medical marijuanas for all and created nothing good for personal growers, laws, patients as we've seen.

NOT true!

How about patients that can't, won't grow, or been screwed over by CG's and quit for the disp. option. Many of them formed clubs and co-ops....Most of these worked for some of mine - till.....
Don't call me a profit monger either. You have no idea just how I ran mine! The real patient was king. Those who could not afford. Could pay what they could! We had some, who got free meds.

The regular "I got a card, let me buy weed" folks,,,,,paid by the shelf. They kept the business open.....

To this day (after the raid and shop closure). My patients get their first zip for free - every month. The wife's too. We have a waiting list....Sadly, people are dying to get on it. NOT a funny either.
Under the law, I can't help them....THAT is why "I" opened a "pot super market" as Schutte put it.

I get so frustrated at how many people dis a disp. Not all of us operated that way.....I know, I know, Not many.

And THAT is why the disp. have that bad rap....

The one good thing about "our" testifying up at state. They understood by our words the "need" for real deal, approved dispensaries, for the distribution of real meds, to real patients. The one's who have no want to deal with a CG or the ability to grow their own meds...

I still have to wonder. How many will be able to actually pay for their meds?
NOT true!

The one good thing about "our" testifying up at state. They understood by our words the "need" for real deal, approved dispensaries, for the distribution of real meds, to real patients. The one's who have no want to deal with a CG or the ability to grow their own meds...

yep, and now you will get exactly that which you testified for, no more caregivers, a real deal medical supplier not relying on cg's for weed....great, here come the prarie farms

I dont know you, dont know you had a dispensary either, and am not casting shadow on you as a person, but Fuck dispensaries and their fucking owners man, they fucked this all up and its evident to all of us now. nothing personal, you dont own one right.

let me share a little about those patients interviewed that have gone through several cg's.
the month after I register them you bet, to the fucking curb man, life is too short for freeloaders, whiny
bitches on rx, late no shows, gram at a time deliveries, and this free weed shit, that started because of dispensaries
cg's would pimp patients without their knowledge with lures of free weed. they started growing, fucked over their patients one at a time so they could keep those filthy dispensaries open and profitable. that isnt at all what I voted for .

sick broke good people get their weed free all the time with me, compassion aint nothing new, and doesnt need a neon sign.
I offer nothing free in interviews. I gift oz's monthly though, birthdays, xmas, overages, all of them to- every patient who does what they said they'd do in our interview. the ones that dont are replaced in a day.

I'm glad you ran yours better, but it didnt do anything to help the multitude of home growing sick patients or their caregivers, it hurt us while dispensaries made cash, testified against us, pimped patients for plant counts, operated outside of the law while doing so.