How to let the athiest know our God is real

I sowed what I wanted here im finished

More like your bailing on another shit thread of yours. I'm sure once you get ahold of more drugs you'll start another BS thread where you'll cuss,judge.and expose yourself as the hypocrite you are....all while telling people what a good Christian you are and how God has blessed you.

@whitebb2727 this guy is a joke. I'm convinced he's tweaking on some hard shit when he decides to be religious.
all you idiots can kiss my ass no matter what I say you just don't care an try to fuck with my head an act like y'all are looking for answers every thought that goes through some of your minds is sin an filth everyday and moment .An you just whore after anything other than God .
Why do you see the spec that is in your brothers eye but do not notice the log that is in your own eye. Very wise words and very fitting to your last statement. Take a deep look at the thoughts that are going through your own mind. Judge not less you be judged. Don't just flip through the bible pay close attention to what the prophets are saying.
all you idiots can kiss my ass no matter what I say you just don't care an try to fuck with my head an act like y'all are looking for answers every thought that goes through some of your minds is sin an filth everyday and moment .An you just whore after anything other than God .

My point exactly...your the last person anyone would ever take seriously about God,Christianity,or religion in general...I respect people who actually live a life according to there beliefs.....but your not one of those....your a joke and the worst example of someone claiming to be religious.....your doing more harm than good if your actually trying to get anyone to listen to you about God/Christianity at all.
More like your bailing on another shit thread of yours. I'm sure once you get ahold of more drugs you'll start another BS thread where you'll cuss,judge.and expose yourself as the hypocrite you are....all while telling people what a good Christian you are and how God has blessed you.

@whitebb2727 this guy is a joke. I'm convinced he's tweaking on some hard shit when he decides to be religious.
im not on drugs just be quiet
Why do you see the spec that is in your brothers eye but do not notice the log that is in your own eye. Very wise words and very fitting to your last statement. Take a deep look at the thoughts that are going through your own mind. Judge not less you be judged. Don't just flip through the bible pay close attention to what the prophets are saying.
My point exactly...your the last person anyone would ever take seriously about God,Christianity,or religion in general...I respect people who actually live a life according to there beliefs.....but your not one of those....your a joke and the worst example of someone claiming to be religious.....your doing more harm than good if your actually trying to get anyone to listen to you about God/Christianity at all.
what ever your dumb
if I wanted to I could lead all you straight to God .But its all yalls shitty attitudes and fucked up ways yall grew into . It's a rigid gap yall are so hard headed its impossible for God to use any of you .an that one so called Christian in here . Isn't a Christian I couldn't tell him apart from the athiest .He just follows the crowd .I can't understand why you just refuse to believe its so wierd .
im not going to help you . I can't drag you out the pit your of your father the devil .his sins you will do . I can't help you because you harden your heart to the Lord

yeah yeah, but seriously, choose one, it has to be one of those so choose one. i dont require help and if I did need guidance I sense your moral compass is broken, but seriously now, answer this or silence your silly self
yeah yeah, but seriously, choose one, it has to be one of those so choose one. i dont require help and if I did need guidance I sense your moral compass is broken, but seriously now, answer this or silence your silly self
Christ said don't you dare say what burden has the Lord placed on me today ? the Lord don't place burdens on people .every man has free will you jackass .If a man chooses to do something fucked up like that .he won't get away with a single thing They are in danger of judgment . Before almighty God Natural disasters aren't Gods doing. Your a fool its a controversy between God and Satan . That's why you got these religious wars going on in the world today as for you blaming God for every little burden now my God's going to dump a whole load of burdens on you for having said that . Your going to be sunk to your knees in burdens now .Satan brought death to the world God created the earth good to be inhabited not in choas like you and satan make it
can you explain how gods angels were able to come down and fuck our young human girls? Can you tell me how they were able to become pregnant with angel sperm? can you tell me why any godlike creature would desire to fuck human children and make babies with them? can you tell me what kind of fucking interview process this god may have used when hiring these rapists, with human like penises? can you tell me why this god waited until the offspring of these child rapist gods was causing so much havoc
on earth before he finally decided to flood it?

and what about the fucking dinosaurs, and the magnets. you jesus' have a bunch of splainin to do before anyone with a thinking mind will accept you for more than a another pink
Satan taught us what we needed to know to keep from being enslaved by your rapist gods-the one that dared folks to murder their own children just for kicks, while he accepted virgins and goats as sacrifices, go fuck your christian ass you giant turd, you are so yesterday
can you explain how gods angels were able to come down and fuck our young human girls? Can you tell me how they were able to become pregnant with angel sperm? can you tell me why any godlike creature would desire to fuck human children and make babies with them? can you tell me what kind of fucking interview process this god may have used when hiring these rapists, with human like penises? can you tell me why this god waited until the offspring of these child rapist gods was causing so much havoc
on earth before he finally decided to flood it?

and what about the fucking dinosaurs, and the magnets. you jesus' have a bunch of splainin to do before anyone with a thinking mind will accept you for more than a another pink
its all there if you want absorb it God didnt hide in some dark place to tell you this . He didn't hide it under a rock . It's there if you wish to absorb it . but like I said y'all don't give a fuck
if I wanted to I could lead all you straight to God .

No, you couldn't. You have no idea where God is, or who and what he is.

You're doing everything God DOES NOT stand for. You're doing everything Jesus instructed you NOT to do.

You are about as far away from God as it gets, pal. Even an atheist is much, much closer than you are. God loves atheist. He has a history of actually making them for one reason only: they have no preconceived notions and actually LISTEN.
No, you couldn't. You have no idea where God is, or who and what he is.

You're doing everything God DOES NOT stand for. You're doing everything Jesus instructed you NOT to do.

You are about as far away from God as it gets, pal. Even an atheist is much, much closer than you are. God loves atheist. He has a history of actually making them for one reason only: they have no preconceived notions and actually LISTEN.
coming from a false prophet I see your false symbology . Playing church doing satans work your marked as one of the decieved ones .777