How to let the athiest know our God is real

he's too busy blessing our bombs and lunar landing probably.
why I wonder was he so bent on being sure he was the only god. like the other gods were in the bible too, all kinds of them, but this ones ego got the best of him, all bent on torture incest revenge and jealousy....fuck dem gods, fuck em all

Actually, God never said you couldn't worship other gods. He simply said you have to put him first. He doesn't mind if you give a nod to Thor, or the occasional 'at-a-boy' to Athena, so long as you realize he's the boss, and that you belong to him above all others.

The Bible is a funny book. (Funny in the sense of odd and confusing). But again, as stated before, it was written by men over a period of over 1000 years at least, not by God, so the constant contradictions in policy are to be expected.
Egotistical lying ass alien time travelers still be convincing slave dopes to offer up their tithe.
yeah, god likes virgins, lamb meat, herbs and wine....I get it. dog masked motherfucking rocket men, prolly from the current time

Actually, God never said you couldn't worship other gods. He simply said you have to put him first. He doesn't mind if you give a nod to Thor, or the occasional 'at-a-boy' to Athena, so long as you realize he's the boss, and that you belong to him above all others.

The Bible is a funny book. (Funny in the sense of odd and confusing). But again, as stated before, it was written by men over a period of over 1000 years at least, not by God, so the constant contradictions in policy are to be expected.

Deuteronomy 6:14 Never worship any of the gods worshiped by the people around you.
Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.
Deuteronomy 32:39 “See now that I myself am he! There is no god besides me

Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.
Isaiah 43:10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me.

Exodus 34:14 Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
Kings 11:10-11 Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the LORD’s command.

this goes on and on in that book. the message is Do not worship any other gods
The Bible says that God made man with a free will to choose to believe in him or not. So, within that design, it is a given that there will be a percentage of people to choose not to believe. Therefore, God designed humans with full-knowledge that some will exist only to end up burning forever in Hell. And the Bible also suggests that God is omnipotent. So, if he knew that some people would choose to not believe in him, then he also knew who it would be ahead of time. They stood no chance and were 'born to lose'. It seems that if he could do all that, then he could have just as easily designed humans to be infallible. *Insert "God works in mysterious ways." quote here*

If there ever was a God...then he left the party a looooonnnnnng time ago, it seems.

Either God can do nothing to stop catastrophes, or he doesn't care to, or he doesn’t exist. God is either impotent, evil, or imaginary.
go ahead an hate me Christ will just bless me .

Atheists believed to be less moral, says study

Those who believe in a higher being are instinctively considered more moral, a new study claims

Atheists "are broadly perceived as potentially morally depraved and dangerous" - even in secular countries.

According to a new study, some atheists even have an in-built "anti-atheist bias" when it comes to judging a person's morality.

But anti-atheist bias was strongest where there are high numbers of believers, like the United Arab Emirates, United States and India.

Only New Zealand and Finland did not exhibit a clear bias against atheists.

The study, put together by an international team and published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour,

took into account the responses of more than 3,000 people across 13 countries and five continents.

Those who took part were asked whether an imagined person, who tortured animals as a child before

becoming a teacher and then killing five homeless people, was more likely to be religious or atheist.

Across the study group, it was found people were twice as likely to believe the killer was an atheist.

Study co-author Will Gervais, a psychology professor at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, told news agency AFP:

"It is striking that even atheists appear to hold the same intuitive anti-atheist bias.

"I suspect that this stems from the prevalence of deeply entrenched pro-religious norms.

Even in places that are currently quite overtly secular, people still seem to intuitively hold on to the believe that religion is a moral safeguard."
I love reading about religions. It gives us a glimpse into a people's culture. Zeus is still my favorite God, hands down. I had a freshman social science course when I was 19 years old. It stated simply what anyone who studies religions can tell you. Man creates Gods in his own image. How else can you reconcile the fact the Japanese have Japanese God, Italians, Italian Gods, Greeks, Greek Gods, etc, etc.

But churches and religion does play a valuable role in many folks lives. Those who need lots of it can get it, while those of us who do not, don't have to.

Living in the south there is a church on every corner. I say they are like those quick lube shops. The price is the same at all of them, so it comes down to customer service. Some church parking lots are overflowing on Sunday mornings, while others have plenty of parking spaces.
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^^^^^ That said, I do enjoy practicing the Muscogee {Creek} Indian religion. I was raised on stories of Polly Parrot {a famous local Creek} being a part of my family tree. But when I recently did a 23 & Me DNA test, I found I was 98.5% Western European. Ha. I'm one white son of a bitch. Still love the feeling of being on the Square Grounds for Green Corn.
23 and me is owned by x google gal now. always wondered what follies a company that now owns our dna could or would do with that wealth of marketing info. Like what would it be worth to insurance companies to have this data.
I got a kit on my counter top, just opened it a couple days ago, still trying to work up some donor spit, enough to be comfortable with sharing.
Deuteronomy 6:14 Never worship any of the gods worshiped by the people around you.
Exodus 23:13 And in all things that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.