How to let the athiest know our God is real

Oh Ye would do so well in Russia Mother land

just right now

the house of Israel (UK) has been doing great they are converting .The house of Judah US are converting yall .Yes yall certainly needed it .China is blooming also with spiritual fruit .Me personally God assign me to preach to my hometown for right now .Im personally in God's word not a character but got my own verse
Im a Christian not Catholic putting words in people's mouth not cool .Catholism isn't Christianity .Christ restored my spirit 5 years ago

You said you were a Catholic.
You knew from the beginning they slaughtered men/women and children for their own ill begotten beliefs, yet you still patronized them. You have no excuse for your past, the one you fully supported. Tell me, was it the Bingo that led you astray or those tasty little bread treats?
the house of Israel (UK) has been doing great they are converting .The house of Judah US are converting yall .Yes yall certainly needed it .China is blooming also with spiritual fruit .Me personally God assign me to preach to my hometown for right now .Im personally in God's word not a character but got my own verse

so this is what the goofs in the political section do in their off time eh
You said you were a Catholic.
You knew from the beginning they slaughtered men/women and children for their own ill begotten beliefs, yet you still patronized them. You have no excuse for your past, the one you fully supported. Tell me, was it the Bingo that led you astray or those tasty littel bread treats?
they infultrated our bloodlines because our fore fathers wouldn't partake in the pagan sacrifice to the Egyptian false god . it's that thing the Catholics eat every week
okay athiest, to argue against the word of the Lord .Your eyes have to see the light of the truth, as it is written in the Holy Bible authorized king james version .That grapevine is Jesus Christ .Athiest use false doctrines written by men to debate with thorns and thistles written by man .As we near Revelation chapter 6 nearing the end of this world age . God's people (US UK) brother nations know your true history. This is the reason we are out numbered by athiest masses .With there political correctness immoral evil behavior. They are getting ready to worship Satan =anti-pope francis .but have the spirit of slumber over them .A third of God's children WILL bow .They don't know that, because they don't give a fuck that's why .an haven't even seen what is written. What nation is most blessed closest to the dew of heaven and taste the fat of the lamb USA baby! We got too much grain what must we do with it? Who saved us with an atomic bomb from Japan Christ delivered his own .He will take care of his own .Who landed on the moon first Christ blessed our nation with a USA flag on that moon first .We share our blessings with our precious brother nation (UK). The gospel is the good news I bring you brethren .Who did that ?Christ did that .Can you see we are the only two nations US UK that worship Jesus Christ , besides Israel.There are still some righteous men and women ready to lay down there life for Christ in US UK .Every other nations worships anything other than God are all heathen .It's bloodlines had set up false images before them .God multiplied our nation as numerous as the sand of the seas as promised .So we had the troops to rescue our precious people Israel .Every heathen Nation is receiving power from Satan since 2012 when the 5th trump was blown .north Korea false worship gaining power the mohammadans . The sorcerers in the original manuscripts are drug dealers the cartels .Our enemies are swarming .As it is Written it shall happen the athiest will take God's name from the vocabulary an weaken this great nation .We don't get as many blessings as we use too gay mirrage , abortion on an on an on. You think God is going to bless that , certainly not. I will bring you the word i carry the priest line .God will deliver us from bondage again just as he did using moses . Moses is coming back
Don't impose your drugs on me
I'm a free thinker
okay athiest, to argue against the word of the Lord .Your eyes have to see the light of the truth, as it is written in the Holy Bible authorized king james version .That grapevine is Jesus Christ .Athiest use false doctrines written by men to debate with thorns and thistles written by man .As we near Revelation chapter 6 nearing the end of this world age . God's people (US UK) brother nations know your true history. This is the reason we are out numbered by athiest masses .With there political correctness immoral evil behavior. They are getting ready to worship Satan =anti-pope francis .but have the spirit of slumber over them .A third of God's children WILL bow .They don't know that, because they don't give a fuck that's why .an haven't even seen what is written. What nation is most blessed closest to the dew of heaven and taste the fat of the lamb USA baby! We got too much grain what must we do with it? Who saved us with an atomic bomb from Japan Christ delivered his own .He will take care of his own .Who landed on the moon first Christ blessed our nation with a USA flag on that moon first .We share our blessings with our precious brother nation (UK). The gospel is the good news I bring you brethren .Who did that ?Christ did that .Can you see we are the only two nations US UK that worship Jesus Christ , besides Israel.There are still some righteous men and women ready to lay down there life for Christ in US UK .Every other nations worships anything other than God are all heathen .It's bloodlines had set up false images before them .God multiplied our nation as numerous as the sand of the seas as promised .So we had the troops to rescue our precious people Israel .Every heathen Nation is receiving power from Satan since 2012 when the 5th trump was blown .north Korea false worship gaining power the mohammadans . The sorcerers in the original manuscripts are drug dealers the cartels .Our enemies are swarming .As it is Written it shall happen the athiest will take God's name from the vocabulary an weaken this great nation .We don't get as many blessings as we use too gay mirrage , abortion on an on an on. You think God is going to bless that , certainly not. I will bring you the word i carry the priest line .God will deliver us from bondage again just as he did using moses . Moses is coming back
Dude you have the right to believe whatever you want, but also so do I.
As far as I'm concerned the bible is just a collection of stories and nothing more. There is no such thing as a God, a creator of the Universe. If there was we'd know about it beyond any doubt. There are too many conflicting versions of religious beliefs for anyone to take it all seriously. Some people believe in God, some believe in little green's just the way many humans are. They believe things to satisfy something within themselves but not all of us have that requirement. Me, I think religion is all a load of bollocks. There clearly is no God or the world wouldn't be the crock of shit it is.
Get with the times man, god is fucking dead

Lost in the darkness
I fade from the light
Faith of my father, my brother, my Maker and Savior
Help me make it through the night
Blood on my conscience
And murder in mind
Out of the gloom I rise up from my tomb into impending doom
Now my body is my shrine

The blood runs free
The rain turns red
Give me the wine
You keep the bread
The voices echo in my head
Is God alive or is God dead?
Is God dead?

Rivers of evil
Run through dying land
Swimming in sorrow, they kill, steal, and borrow. There is no tomorrow
For the sinners will be damned
Ashes to ashes
You cannot exhume a soul
Who do you trust when corruption and lust, creed of all the unjust,
Leaves you empty and unwhole?

When will this nightmare be over? Tell me!
When can I empty my head?
Will someone tell me the answer?
Is God really dead?
Is God really dead?

To safeguard my philosophy
Until my dying breath
I transfer from reality
Into a living dead
I empathize with enemies
Until the timing's right
With God and Satan at my side
From darkness will come light

I watch the rain
As it turns red
Give me more wine
I don't need bread
These riddles that live in my head
I don't believe that God is dead
God is dead

Nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
Wondering if we will meet again
On the other side
Do you believe a word
What the Good Book said?
Or is it just a holy fairytale
And God is dead?
God is Dead


But still the voices in my head
Are telling me that god is dead
The blood pours down
The rain turns red
I don't believe that God is dead
God is Dead

okay athiest, to argue against the word of the Lord .Your eyes have to see the light of the truth, as it is written in the Holy Bible authorized king james version .That grapevine is Jesus Christ .Athiest use false doctrines written by men to debate with thorns and thistles written by man .As we near Revelation chapter 6 nearing the end of this world age . God's people (US UK) brother nations know your true history. This is the reason we are out numbered by athiest masses .With there political correctness immoral evil behavior. They are getting ready to worship Satan =anti-pope francis .but have the spirit of slumber over them .A third of God's children WILL bow .They don't know that, because they don't give a fuck that's why .an haven't even seen what is written. What nation is most blessed closest to the dew of heaven and taste the fat of the lamb USA baby! We got too much grain what must we do with it? Who saved us with an atomic bomb from Japan Christ delivered his own .He will take care of his own .Who landed on the moon first Christ blessed our nation with a USA flag on that moon first .We share our blessings with our precious brother nation (UK). The gospel is the good news I bring you brethren .Who did that ?Christ did that .Can you see we are the only two nations US UK that worship Jesus Christ , besides Israel.There are still some righteous men and women ready to lay down there life for Christ in US UK .Every other nations worships anything other than God are all heathen .It's bloodlines had set up false images before them .God multiplied our nation as numerous as the sand of the seas as promised .So we had the troops to rescue our precious people Israel .Every heathen Nation is receiving power from Satan since 2012 when the 5th trump was blown .north Korea false worship gaining power the mohammadans . The sorcerers in the original manuscripts are drug dealers the cartels .Our enemies are swarming .As it is Written it shall happen the athiest will take God's name from the vocabulary an weaken this great nation .We don't get as many blessings as we use too gay mirrage , abortion on an on an on. You think God is going to bless that , certainly not. I will bring you the word i carry the priest line .God will deliver us from bondage again just as he did using moses . Moses is coming back
You do know that the king James bible is an incomplete works. Those books were chosen to control people.

Many, many more books of the bible exist or once existed.
Yet another wall of text by a mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging moron with willpower so weak and mentality so low that he has to be spoon fed fairy tells to feel better about himself.

Then, of course, in the name of Jesus, he goes out making a spectacle of himself (which Jesus said never to do), blames others and accuses them of heresy and condemns them (which Jesus said never to do) and calls out against everybody in God's name (which he said never to do)...

Yeah. Keep up the good work, hypocrite.
So all these priests and nuns who were supposed to be close to God but instead got too close to young boys & girls....where was God when those innocent victims needed help?
So all these priests and nuns who were supposed to be close to God but instead got too close to young boys & girls....where was God when those innocent victims needed help?

he's too busy blessing our bombs and lunar landing probably.
why I wonder was he so bent on being sure he was the only god. like the other gods were in the bible too, all kinds of them, but this ones ego got the best of him, all bent on torture incest revenge and jealousy....fuck dem gods, fuck em all