Trump: Transgender people 'can't serve' in US military

Veterans cannot even get medical cannabis, even though proven it would help them and the military has now in the past year cut down on every veterans medication for any type of pain killers they had been prescribed/ No matter if they have had multiple surgeries for pre existing medical issues or not!!( here in Florida anyway) But, in saying this, I agree with Trump on this being gay in the military. My personal opinion is not of value as far as being gay or straight only b/c will not get into what I feel about it.. do not want to make arguments here. If our veterans cannot even get the fricking care they rightfully deserve for serving our country, especially our Vietnam vets and other war heroes for one biggie, then why in hell should ones that choose to be gay get anything free from the military so they can have a fricking sex change, which is what will happen if Trump does not go through with this. There is going to be so much chit hit the fan over this issue it is going to be sicking, but.. I 100% agree that allowing this in the military that it will lead to everyone of us taxpayers paying for a fricking penis or coochie... Take care of our veterans and the families that need help and are doing without b/c of cuts to the american ppl. that fought and families with loved ones that died to do this for each one of us here today.... my goodness look what this world has come many issue, not just this one:cry: nothing else to say, just voicing my thoughts as everyone has the right too, agree or not agree. Have a great day everyone and be happy :D

imagine gramps waiting for his eye cyst to be removed, the one that took over his face and blinded him, nope they wont pay....but dicks on chicks in the norm now....cnt happen, whoever denied one vet medical care and wants to put a dick on chick should die now
I hope our military isn't weakened by the loss of our trans- troops. this might have been a plan by putin to weaken our militarys power. I hope he doesn't send his troops at us because now we won't be able to conduct war forever without the trans soldiers.
They are not mentally fragile by default and protecting them has absolutely nothing to do with the Orange Retard's "Look! Squirrel", ploy.

I misjudged you. Your issues with this appear to go way beyond mere ignorance. If you're feeling icky about all of this for some reason, I'd suggest using that as a jumping off point for your own quest for metal health.

when is someone who wants to mutilate their genitals simply because they feel like it called a mental illness? can you think of one more issue that would tip the hat for christs sake man
Apart from your "concern for their welfare", how does it harm or threaten to harm your well-being in any way what people do with their own bodies?

You have no idea what a barrage of mental evaluations need to be completed before surgery like this is authorised. You think these people haven't taken the full road with psychologists and therapists to try to be "normal"? To fit in?

I hate these big holes people mutilate their ears and noses with, but it is none of my fucking business if they do. I do think them lightly coo coos.
no his wife works a good paying job too. they were renting the property now they have a mortgage on it.

Well, I remember when my wife and I were house hunting. We have about as close to perfect credit as you can get. (I'm 820 and she's 835). We figured we could afford between 170,000 to 225,000 tops.

When we went for our pre-approval so we could shop with loan in hand, they (banks) were hurling 550,000 to 650,000 pre-approvals at us.

It's very, very easy to get a house way over what you can afford. In fact, that's what caused most of the 2008 crash to begin with.

(In the end, we bought our house as it was being built for 192,000. They tried very, very hard to upsell us the entire time. We wound up firing our agent and doing it on our own.)
Which ones? Cites, please?

just how in the hell do you think this was announced, gotta keep up man.

“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.”
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They are not mentally fragile by default and protecting them has absolutely nothing to do with the Orange Retard's "Look! Squirrel", ploy.

I misjudged you. Your issues with this appear to go way beyond mere ignorance. If you're feeling icky about all of this for some reason, I'd suggest using that as a jumping off point for your own quest for metal health.

what type of mental disabilities would be ok with new recurits? do you have any?
von Steuben's "mental disorder" didn't matter to Washington when he hired him to fix our fledgling military, though his parties and affinity for guys were widely known. If not for the discipline and regimentation implemented by this "mental defective" you'd all be kissin the queens bum and drinking tea every day, because our soldiers were starving and dying in their own filth.
vets can get erectile dysfunctionpills, so i want to make sure those tax funded erections don't enter any orifices i don't approve of, makes sense to me, i want those cocks on wedlock if I'm funding that blood flow strange doesn't jive with my morals
You think a screaming drill sergeant doesn;t have a host of mental issues?

ahh, to the point, some mentally ill people are permitted to serve and some others are not. The leaders of that complex make those decisions in real life, real time with real scenarios. I suspect they wouldnt mind flocks of gun wielding cannon fodder to line up, but they figure there has to be a line drawn maybe, and they drew it in crayon for your president
von Steuben's "mental disorder" didn't matter to Washington when he hired him to fix our fledgling military, though his parties and affinity for guys were widely known. If not for the discipline and regimentation implemented by this "mental defective" you'd all be kissin the queens bum and drinking tea every day, because our soldiers were starving and dying in their own filth.
vets can get erectile dysfunctionpills, so i want to make sure those tax funded erections don't enter any orifices i don't approve of, makes sense to me, i want those cocks on wedlock if I'm funding that blood flow strange doesn't jive with my morals

this isnt about being gay at all. gays proudly serve in the military. I will support the decision of our military leaders when it comes to recruiting, now
it's the #toddlerinchief lashing out against the leaks, which are somehow simultaneously "made up" by "fake news" and "sensitive info threatening to national security" so which is it? just imagine the tantrum this guy's gonna throw when someone really takes his ball away. I predict he'll be his own worst enemy for the next 4-8
of course they do. if your genes say boy, you are a fucking boy. if you dont want to be a boy, to the extent of begging for someone to cut your dick off and sew on a pussy you are for sure mentally ill, as mentally ill as one who thinks they can fly off buildings.

Just because you don't understand the issue doesn't mean it's a mental illness. It's physiological. The World Health Organization is even looking to reclassify it.

Nature isn't perfect. There are people born without an arm. Are they mentally ill freaks for wanting a prosthetic arm? Transgender people are 100% a certain gender, but they were born with the wrong parts. Do you have any kids? If so, I'm assuming that you got to see the ultra sounds and imaging of the fetus as it was developing. It's fucking amazing, but also gives you an idea of how and where shit can go wrong. One slight variation and the fetus may not develop normally. This is no different.

Imagine growing up like you did. Everything about you was a boy. You played with other boys, you wore boys clothing, you were attracted to girls...but, you had a vagina. Some people choose to carry on like that and live their life as a female. Others say fuck that, and they go through the process of changing their gender.

I don't call that mentally ill, I call that brave.