Have you seen the brand new Multi million dollar creationist museum Creation Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Kentucky, i think they had half a million visitors in the first 14 months it was open............it actually portrays people riding dinosaurs........thats what these clowns want to teach in school1000 years is but a day.So that means 6000 years to create the earth.Which would actually mean that christians are actually saying that dinosaurs and humans came around the fifth or sixth day, making them exist only for 2000 or so years?HUH?How is this even considered remotely scientifically correct? ("Let
And on page (fill in blank) of Harry Potter and the (add what ever book), Harry casts a spell or something.And on the eigth day he forms man from the dust, Then he breaths the breath of life into him, Notices days or years later hes alone then makes the women.. People seem to miss all that, Check it out its right there in Genesis..As well as talking about the tree of life All the green Plants that give the breath of life...
Man was with God in his image, Not in this image we have now!! God is love......
Have you seen the brand new Multi million dollar creationist museum Creation Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Kentucky, i think they had half a million visitors in the first 14 months it was open............it actually portrays people riding dinosaurs........thats what these clowns want to teach in school![]()
The Flintstones was actually a documentary!!!!!!!!Have you seen the brand new Multi million dollar creationist museum Creation Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Kentucky, i think they had half a million visitors in the first 14 months it was open............it actually portrays people riding dinosaurs........thats what these clowns want to teach in school![]()
I can only laugh heartily at them.I remember not doing the pledge. It's an easy way to get kicked out of the classroom. Probably contributed to me making the best decision of my life, dropping out of high school.
The more I see of Johnny O, the more I like him.Have you seen the brand new Multi million dollar creationist museum Creation Museum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Kentucky, i think they had half a million visitors in the first 14 months it was open............it actually portrays people riding dinosaurs........thats what these clowns want to teach in school![]()
Not just no, but fuck no.
I couldn't do it because I was raised Jehovah's witness.![]()
Now that is a bummer religion. I knew some JW kids when we were growing up, I always thought it would suck to be them.
No birthdays, no x-mas presents. In a small town, you come back after christmas break with nothing new and the jock-strap types would pick on you to no end. I always felt bad for those kids.
Not me. Regular sodas are laced with High Fructose Corn Syrup and Diet sodas are laced with the rat poison commonly known as Aspertame.Do you drink "soda" or "pop".
Just a geographical survey![]()
OMG your going to die from flouride.
My beverage of choice is the beverage of champions ... water.
Who knew we could agree on something?The government should be developing self sufficient citizens;