Its all good, Stoney.
I am Christian but I fight with own people as well, alot. One thing I truly despise are self-righteous vigilantes who have the audacity to claim you are going to hell if you do this or that. No one can judge, we all have sinned. People who push this onto others is not helping them reach to God, it only pushes them away. For example, I knew this not particularly religious girl and she loved her grandfather very dearly and was devastated when he passed away. One of these "holier than thou" kids approached her and asked if her grandfather believed in Jesus, she didn't believe then promptly stated "oh, then hes in hell". I overheard this and was infuriated it, I let that kid have it however I'm not sure if she could ever be christian now that this follower had such disrespect.
The case is, its hard not to judge a faith by its followers, but many of them are not doing the right thing and that sets the bad example. Priests who touch kids, vigilante crusaders, they all paint a very noble thing bad. I, in fact, am very anti-catholic. I don't believe all their little rituals and rites are necessary, and a MAN, crowned "Pope" has no special power or is favored in any way. That is man using God to gain power, that is human nature at its core. People will use anything, and everything, to gain power over others, its very shameful. All these questions and doubts I have seen asked on this forum, are not new, they have been asked again and again throughout time and they are addressed in the Bible. All you have to do is look..
Prophecy I believe is trying to do the right thing. I believe its in response to all the persecution and ridicule seen recently toward Christianity, especially on these forums and people are pushing back. I see many more anti-God threads than pro-God, and I can understand the frustration. It would be the same if it were opposite.