Make Liberalism Great Again

Maybe they saw the same thing I did?

Sanders was going to take the presidency.. lock, stock and barrel:wink:

Maybe he could have, had his supporters not been low information voters who did not know the rules for voting.
Instead Bernie lost and made a decision to be with her.
Not sure about 2020 he might have the same low information voters not voting again...or he might be to old to do what it takes to win primary
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The proper question is, "why should anyone tell anyone else what to do" ? Flailing around in the absurdity of who gets to be the boss over other people misses the point, that nobody should.

You're welcome.

I get where you are coming from, honestly I do. And you would be right if this were colonial williamsburg era and the nations population was a few hundred thousand. But it's not. People don't need rules, society does. And you need someone to govern those rules.
Life is important because we just repeat the Cycle of Death and Rebirth until we learn the lessons pertaining to the growth of our own soul. Your soul is one facet of a very vast God. You are a facet of God experiencing this life and its possibilities subjectively. We are infinite. It's just the body and the ego that die.
Washington DC is all about the $$$$. Did the dems really think that greedy Hilary Clinton or that socialist pos B Sanders ( with 3 homes worth more than $500K each) was electable? Obamacare is what happens when the Feds decide what is best for individual states.
Life is important because we just repeat the Cycle of Death and Rebirth until we learn the lessons pertaining to the growth of our own soul. Your soul is one facet of a very vast God. You are a facet of God experiencing this life and its possibilities subjectively. We are infinite. It's just the body and the ego that die.

I'm down with 50-70% of this, depending on your assumptions of 'God'(s).....

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Washington DC is all about the $$$$. Did the dems really think that greedy Hilary Clinton or that socialist pos B Sanders ( with 3 homes worth more than $500K each) was electable? Obamacare is what happens when the Feds decide what is best for individual states.
Obamacare is what happens when Republicans try their hardest to ruin a Presidency. You know full well the original bill had single payer among other various helpful laws to help the poor and middle class while keep insurance companies and hospitals in check. Much of it was scrapped because Democrats don't have a backbone and settled with the Republicants to get something passed.

But I'm sure you already knew that and simply don't care about facts and having an honest discussion.
Washington DC is all about the $$$$. Did the dems really think that greedy Hilary Clinton or that socialist pos B Sanders ( with 3 homes worth more than $500K each) was electable? Obamacare is what happens when the Feds decide what is best for individual states.

You're right. We should have single payer here like every other civilized western country.

Don't bother feeding me shit that we can't afford it. Lose the profiteering insurance companies and their CEO's, boards of directors and everybody else draining the pool with million dollar plus salaries, bonuses and golden parachutes.

There's wealth to be tapped into in the country as soon as right wing idiots stop treating the rich so very special with the tax codes.

Nobody serving in gov't. makes what those insurance co. CEO's make.
I'm down with 50-70% of this, depending on your assumptions of 'God'(s).....

Kayne West is the one and true god...he as much as said so.