Make Liberalism Great Again

I've been a student of politics since 1964 when my dad took me with him at age 10 to watch him vote for LBJ.

I am in envy of this. I only became aware when Reagan was dementia-addled, slurping jelly beans, and funneling money/guns to Nicaragua. I was aware of Jimmy (his yokel brother with the 'Billy Beer', LOL), but not on any sort of adult level.
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Prop 64, the end of the death penalty and fuck Citizens United

That's why I cast it for someone other than Clinton; because it didn't matter. And look, I was right, CA went to Clinton without my vote. Still waiting for you to explain to the rest of us how that "took a vote away from Clinton".

Sorry bro, I don't agree with your way of thinking. I understand you did it for "all the right reasons" as it pertains to yourself, but you didn't cast that vote with others in mind.

I agree, Citizens United needs to go. Unfortunately the hundreds of thousands of people throughout the United States that thought like you have all but allowed that shit law to stand. Not a chance in hell the Drumpf administration is going to get rid of it.

There isn't much to explain, it's REALLY simple logic. If you did not vote for Hillary Clinton, in places where it counted according the rules of the Electoral College game, was one less vote Drumpf needed to win gerrymandered districts. You and everyone who voted like you either knew full well there were only two possible choices for President, or too fucking stupid to realize and probably shouldn't be voting in the first place.
You and everyone who voted like you either knew full well there were only two possible choices for President, or too fucking stupid to realize and probably shouldn't be voting in the first place.

I agree, but "too fucking stupid" is a bit harsh, man. I'm not down with much of what he has to say, but "fucking stupid" he is not.
How about 'ignorant'?
I am in envy of this. I only became aware when Reagan was dementia-addled, slurping jelly beans, and funneling money/guns to Nicaragua. I was aware of Jimmy (his yokel brother with the 'Billy Beer', LOL), but not any any sort of adult level.

Before internet (and cable TV even), they used to print a yearly almanac. Most families got one every year. The year after an election, there would be 50 pages of election result breakdowns by county. I would actually read all those, fascinated by who voted for who.

When JFK was shot, he was in Texas to repair a rift in the party down there, with the 1964 election only a year away. VP LBJ had been a popular sitting liberal Texas senator, and conservative Dem. governor John Connally was at odds with liberal Dem. senator Ralph Yarborough. The whole state of Texas was Democrat then. You'd be amazed how the south totally changed after the Civil Rights Act. Connally switched to Republican and wound up in Nixon's cabinet. Talk about going to hell. And they still resent the CRA down there. Hard to believe, a once progressive state like that flips and stays flipped over equal rights for all citizens. And boy those flipped southern states love their fucking Trump.
Before internet (and cable TV even), they used to print a yearly almanac. Most families got one every year. The year after an election, there would be 50 pages of election result breakdowns by county. I would actually read all those, fascinated by who voted for who.

When JFK was shot, he was in Texas to repair a rift in the party down there, with the 1964 election only a year away. VP LBJ had been a popular sitting liberal Texas senator, and conservative Dem. governor John Connally was at odds with liberal Dem. senator Ralph Yarborough. The whole state of Texas was Democrat then. You'd be amazed how the south totally changed after the Civil Rights Act. Connally switched to Republican and wound up in Nixon's cabinet. Talk about going to hell. And they still resent the CRA down there. Hard to believe, a once progressive state like that flips and stays flipped over equal rights for all citizens. And boy those flipped southern states love their fucking Trump.

I knew much of this, but still learned a bit! I remember those almanacs, as well as the gas 'shortage' and S&H Green Stamps. (Being the youngest of eight, my older siblings - and their many friends - acted as surrogate parents, so I was overly exposed to many varying perspectives.)

^Real-world education, kids - vote Tangerine for 2016 mod/RIU Statesman!
these desperate, horny young men go online looking for tips and tricks to pick up women. before too long, they are falling prey to flimsy arguments for "men's rights", white supremacy,'s cult-like indoctrination. it is the radicalization of vulnerable young white men.

i'd rather we lost how we did rather than pussyfoot around racism. hillary addressed it head on, as a white woman, and it likely pissed off a lot of people that she really needed to vote for her. oh well.
Oh sure.

Thats why people didnt vote for her.

It couldnt have been the wall to wall skeletons in her rather large closet.

Nah... she is more holy than mother teresa.

Do you have a shrine of hillary in your house with breastmilk and semen on the altar?
Oh sure.

Thats why people didnt vote for her.

It couldnt have been the wall to wall skeletons in her rather large closet.

Nah... she is more holy than mother teresa.

Do you have a shrine of hillary in your house with breastmilk and semen on the altar?
As opposed to the racist assbag who wants to build a wall of skeletons dividing a nation.
You're not a bright person.
How would my vote in California for Clinton have mattered?

She didn't earn my vote because she's a corporatist establishment democrat who works for corporations, not the American people

What beliefs do I hold that you could point to that support the "alt-right"? Name one
They are never gonna respect anyone that doesnt engage in the same coddling and emotional tantrums that they so enjoy.

It is a way to stifle the free exchange of ideas and limit the power of the people.

They will be calling you a racist soon. Good luck.
Oh sure.

Thats why people didnt vote for her.

It couldnt have been the wall to wall skeletons in her rather large closet.

Nah... she is more holy than mother teresa.

Do you have a shrine of hillary in your house with breastmilk and semen on the altar?

yeah, those poor "working class whites" in the midwest voted for trump because they agreed with him that they were paid too much, liked the fact that he bought up their foreclosed houses after the recession (which he rooted for), snubbed their steel in favor of chinese steel to build his buildings, wanted to let detroit and the auto workers go out of business, and stiffed every contractor that ever worked for him.

i'm gonna laugh so hard when you lose your medicare and food stamps. GO PAUL RYAN!
They are never gonna respect anyone that doesnt engage in the same coddling and emotional tantrums that they so enjoy.

It is a way to stifle the free exchange of ideas and limit the power of the people.

They will be calling you a racist soon. Good luck.
I have to assume the amount of fat on your body is directly proportional to your stupidity. The fatter you get, the dumber you become. And from what I can tell, you are really fucking fat.
I have to assume the amount of fat on your body is directly proportional to your stupidity. The fatter you get, the dumber you become. And from what I can tell, you are really fucking fat.

not quite as fat as @roseypeach (who is also gonna lose her food stamps and medicaid), but still pretty fat.

we are not only allowed to speak of fat women in this way, we are encouraged to do it by the fat women themselves. they voted for this. we are just giving these fat, bloviated, disgusting fuckholes exactly what they voted for.

in fact, why are we even letting them speak at all? they voted for patriarchy. only them men-folk should be allowed to express political opinions now.

fat disgusting vagina-whores need to shut the fuck up and just serve as the vessels of sex that they are.
Oh sure.

Thats why people didnt vote for her.

It couldnt have been the wall to wall skeletons in her rather large closet.

Nah... she is more holy than mother teresa.

Do you have a shrine of hillary in your house with breastmilk and semen on the altar?

WTF are you babbling about now? A million and a half more votes but that wasn't good enough. If you had to play straight up, you'd be a terminal loser.

Anti-progressive people like yourself live in the dark like a mushroom covered with shit. Enjoy the stench. May your children enjoy the consequences of the fake Chinese global warning. Maybe buy them a costal retreat.

Your asshole Trump won't bring one lost job back, won't cut health care rates and won't overturn Roe v. Wade.

That's 0 for 3 and you're out. Maybe he can delay your future SS check like St. Reagan did instead of removing the $118,500 cap and making it solvent by letting the wealthy pay their fair share, being rich and all.

You are a political fool who votes against your own interests.
Sorry bro, I don't agree with your way of thinking. I understand you did it for "all the right reasons" as it pertains to yourself, but you didn't cast that vote with others in mind.

I agree, Citizens United needs to go. Unfortunately the hundreds of thousands of people throughout the United States that thought like you have all but allowed that shit law to stand. Not a chance in hell the Drumpf administration is going to get rid of it.

There isn't much to explain, it's REALLY simple logic. If you did not vote for Hillary Clinton, in places where it counted according the rules of the Electoral College game, was one less vote Drumpf needed to win gerrymandered districts. You and everyone who voted like you either knew full well there were only two possible choices for President, or too fucking stupid to realize and probably shouldn't be voting in the first place.
put on repeat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and loop:clap:
WTF are you babbling about now? A million and a half more votes but that wasn't good enough. If you had to play straight up, you'd be a terminal loser.

Anti-progressive people like yourself live in the dark like a mushroom covered with shit. Enjoy the stench. May your children enjoy the consequences of the fake Chinese global warning. Maybe buy them a costal retreat.

Your asshole Trump won't bring one lost job back, won't cut health care rates and won't overturn Roe v. Wade.

That's 0 for 3 and you're out. Maybe he can delay your future SS check like St. Reagan did instead of removing the $118,500 cap and making it solvent by letting the wealthy pay their fair share, being rich and all.

You are a political fool who votes against your own interests.
That chick too stupid to be real
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I agree, but "too fucking stupid" is a bit harsh, man. I'm not down with much of what he has to say, but "fucking stupid" he is not.
How about 'ignorant'?
WTF are you babbling about now? A million and a half more votes but that wasn't good enough. If you had to play straight up, you'd be a terminal loser.

Anti-progressive people like yourself live in the dark like a mushroom covered with shit. Enjoy the stench. May your children enjoy the consequences of the fake Chinese global warning. Maybe buy them a costal retreat.

Your asshole Trump won't bring one lost job back, won't cut health care rates and won't overturn Roe v. Wade.

That's 0 for 3 and you're out. Maybe he can delay your future SS check like St. Reagan did instead of removing the $118,500 cap and making it solvent by letting the wealthy pay their fair share, being rich and all.

You are a political fool who votes against your own interests.

If Trump gets 3 Supreme Court replacements, which is at least somewhat realistic, your complete post will be proven wrong. And then some.
If Trump gets 3 Supreme Court replacements, which is at least somewhat realistic, your complete post will be proven wrong. And then some.
about the only part of his post that I think is wrong is his prediction that roe v wade won't be overturned. Three staunch conservative appointees will stack the court and do this. Otherwise:

Anybody who thought there were more than two viable candidates were ignorant Check
Trump is an asshole and won't bring one job back Check
Antiprogressive people live in a stinking dark dungeon Check
Global warming will affect our children Check
They are never gonna respect anyone that doesnt engage in the same coddling and emotional tantrums that they so enjoy.

It is a way to stifle the free exchange of ideas and limit the power of the people.

They will be calling you a racist soon. Good luck.
You don't understand the difference between a disagreement over conclusions from the same set of facts and rejection of your alternative reality which is not based on facts.

You are a stupid religious zealot who has abandoned their religious principles over obsession about other women's zygotes and an abiding obsessive hatred of Clinton. Not only stupid zealot but also a racist and a bigot. This is known.

Paddy might not like me, I don't know. I agree with him on several key areas, such as the need to actively address global warming and the need to overturn citizen's united in order to reform the political funding situation. We disagree over only a few issues. He is not a racist. Although his recent turn to the alt right I find concerning.

You are a stupid zealot and if we ever agree I will reflect on where I have gone wrong.
You don't understand the difference between a disagreement over conclusions from the same set of facts and rejection of your alternative reality which is not based on facts.

You are a stupid religious zealot who has abandoned their religious principles over obsession about other women's zygotes and an abiding obsessive hatred of Clinton. Not only stupid zealot but also a racist and a bigot. This is known.

Paddy might not like me, I don't know. I agree with him on several key areas, such as the need to actively address global warming and the need to overturn citizen's united in order to reform the political funding situation. We disagree over only a few issues. He is not a racist. Although his recent turn to the alt right I find concerning.

You are a stupid zealot and if we ever agree I will reflect on where I have gone wrong.
^ this is why trump won and is the definition of sjw behavior.