Make Liberalism Great Again

^ this is why trump won and is the definition of sjw behavior.
Trump won because we have a lot more idiots in American then was first thought.
Why are you on a weed site again ? I enjoy smoking weed and sure as hell will never submit to any stop and frisk shit ,which Trumps agrees with. You are one dumb personalty. Stick with cluck sucking. At least some men would be wanting.
^ this is why trump won and is the definition of sjw behavior.

You have your safe space. It's your church which I guess is laughably white. But maybe not. Laughably ignorant nonetheless.

It's always the economy stupid. It was in this election too. Why the hate on immigrants? jobs Why the hate on free trade? jobs Why didn't Clinton win in the Rust Belt? economically anxious and Clinton wasn't really addressing that in her "better together" campaign.

A teeeensy but rabid group is happy about Trump's bigoted racist words. But they don't swing elections. People worried about jobs do.

Enjoy your delusions. It's going to be absolutely hilarious when you lose access to health care and food stamps. I don't want it to happen to you but you voted for it dummy. Make sure your hubby carries adequate papers to prove he belongs here. Trumps immigration police will see him as a Mexican and deport his ass if he doesn't have them with him when they stop him.
me and mine are in a good place to ride this one out. my wife and her family already moved around all their stock in preparation for the upcoming shitstorm. i am going to laugh like hell and root for them to go full speed ahead on dismantling medicare, social security, and food stamps. that should lose republicans all three branches for a long time coming.

pie may not be able to weather the storm, she may even have to get a fucking job instead of spending two hours a day tending to four small plants (and still getting mold!). they might well have to subsist on oatmeal and ramen and turkey dogs for years. so be it.

that fat pig (who is a 3 out of 10, at best) and her rapist, drug dealing husband will reap what they sow.
me and mine are in a good place to ride this one out. my wife and her family already moved around all their stock in preparation for the upcoming shitstorm. i am going to laugh like hell and root for them to go full speed ahead on dismantling medicare, social security, and food stamps. that should lose republicans all three branches for a long time coming.

pie may not be able to weather the storm, she may even have to get a fucking job instead of spending two hours a day tending to four small plants (and still getting mold!). they might well have to subsist on oatmeal and ramen and turkey dogs for years. so be it.

that fat pig (who is a 3 out of 10, at best) and her rapist, drug dealing husband will reap what they sow.
if they can stomach it. Aerospace Defense stock is going to be yuuuugggee
So your argument against eradication of EC is, "why should the cities tell the rest of the country what to do"?

My counter to that is quite simple, why should the redneck bible thumpers tell the rest of the country what to do?

Using your solution, this is how an example vote might look.

California population is 38.8 million and they would contribute 388 votes.
North Dakota population is 740,000 and they would contribute 7 votes.

Which is like saying, California contributes 38.8 million votes, and North Dakota contributes 740,000 votes.

Which is what a popular vote is. Every vote counts. Why does geographical location dictate the validity of a vote?

The proper question is, "why should anyone tell anyone else what to do" ? Flailing around in the absurdity of who gets to be the boss over other people misses the point, that nobody should.

You're welcome.
The proper question is, "why should anyone tell anyone else what to do" ? Flailing around in the absurdity of who gets to be the boss over other people misses the point, that nobody should.

You're welcome.

Further evidence of your unemployment.
Do you have a problem with authority?
@Padawanbater2 lost me when he said we should stop objecting about racism and sexism because it annoys racists. Also this repeating theme of calling out white people who object to sexism and racism by attempting to deride them as "social justice warriors". It's the old "stick with your kind" theme from the past. I'm opposed to the hate speech that has gone off the charts lately. I'll wear that label proudly.

It's all about his obsession over Bernie. It clouded his mind. Bernie isn't opposed to social justice either.
I didn't think he said anything of the kind. To me it just meant that one should pick battles differently than over jargon.
Dodge Swinger 1973, Galaxy 500,
All the way, stars green, gotta go.
Dodge Swinger 1973, top down, chassis low,
Panel dim, light drive, Jesus on the dashboard.
T-minus whenever it feels right, Galaxy 500.
Planets align, a king is born.

I think you are right, Clinton ran as an alternative to Trump and we hoped that was good enough. I wasn't happy with Clinton because she was just another wealthy Democrat who was going to sustain an unacceptable status quo. But I saw her as preferable to Trump, so she had my support. "Just keeping Trump out" and "better together" didn't win, did it? What won was "its the economy stupid" which should be permanently branded on the butt of the Democratic Party's donkey.

But now, the 2016 election is so last week. The next election is in two years. I think this thread is about what the Democratic Party will look like at that time.

I'm not sure I like this guy but he is saying the right things:

Rep. Tim Ryan On Pelosi Challenge:

It's not about one segment, it's about all of us. If you look back to the progress we made as a party and as a country, you know, worker rights and civil rights, you know, the 40-hour workweek, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, go through the whole list, that was when we were all together.

Like, we hung together as a party. Black, white, Latino, middle class, poor, we were all together. And that's how we made progress. And so whoever is the head of the DNC and I believe whoever is the head of our caucus needs to represent and understand that.

Note that Tim Ryan isn't turning his back on minority groups, he's saying we are all together in this struggle.


If I can't have Bernie, someone with these views will do very nicely.
Further evidence of your unemployment.
Do you have a problem with authority?

If you mean do I have a problem with people who claim authority over others using a forcible means such as politics or other such thuggery, yes.

Do you have a problem with people who think they own themselves ?
me and mine are in a good place to ride this one out. my wife and her family already moved around all their stock in preparation for the upcoming shitstorm. i am going to laugh like hell and root for them to go full speed ahead on dismantling medicare, social security, and food stamps. that should lose republicans all three branches for a long time coming.

pie may not be able to weather the storm, she may even have to get a fucking job instead of spending two hours a day tending to four small plants (and still getting mold!). they might well have to subsist on oatmeal and ramen and turkey dogs for years. so be it.

that fat pig (who is a 3 out of 10, at best) and her rapist, drug dealing husband will reap what they sow.

Their kids won't have to go without, hopefully....certainly not their fault that they are being 'raised' by a female Alex Jones and her cuck.
Nobody should have been surprised when it came out that a few people in the DNC broke the rules to favor Clinton. Still, the DNC is by it's own charter, supposed to be a neutral resource for candidates. There are no excuses for what they did.

The actions of a few DNC employees did not swing the primary to Clinton and never would have, so I think it reasonable to ask why they did it?. Maybe to curry favor for a post later on?


And..YES! It DID SWING the democratic primary along with media collusion..I listened to Sanders BLOW her away in the Rust Belt and it was reported..what?! Bernie Sanders? as if he were some political leper.

DNC didn't give a shit about the people! See white noise makers at paid political speeches..

The handwriting was on the wall and a certain crew around here might as well have been Nazis themselves by the way they shoved HRH down our throats.

There is a sickness in this country caused by elitist and the media who suck their cock! When you try to squash an infection it just shows somewhere else and in a worse form. Which is why taking care of it in the first place would have been paramount.
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Well, the good news is, none of you had a choice to begin with. What will be will be. No control over that at all. We just kind of have to watch the world burn together. Don't worry too much, though. You'll return to the womb following expiration in some dimension, space, and time.
If you mean do I have a problem with people who claim authority over others using a forcible means such as politics or other such thuggery, yes.

Do you have a problem with people who think they own themselves ?
What about people who claim authority as a owner of a business. My way or fucking highway approach ?
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