Make Liberalism Great Again

We must all grow to ascend the Cycle of Death and Rebirth and reintegrate with God/The Universe by relinquishing all attachments. Attachment to pain is the essence of suffering. They are not the same. We must learn to cope with the weight of our eternity and become that flux. That's the purpose of life. Suicide is useless. You'll just set yourself back.
God judges no one, condemns no one. We are all a part of God, therefore we are all God and should respect literally everything.

There's no love in fear. God's all love. Fear is the Ego's response to its own death. The Soul knows its own eternity.
There is no God or he/she is one cruel motherfucker with a sick sense of humor.
Also, we can all literally be what Jesus was, he was not the only son of God. Even Buddhists revere him as achieving Buddhahood and attaining Nirvana, which we can all achieve and attain. Christians bastardized "the Word" with this "No one comes to the Father except through me" bullshit.
You will find what I mean at some point. If you get curious enough. I used to think just like you until just earlier this year.
My friend I have travel that road long ago. Tried and studied being Baptist and Islam. Found out that all of it is really bullshit.
So if you speaking organize religion that gives you that God shit, count me out. I am god.

And..YES! It DID SWING the democratic primary along with media collusion..I listened to Sanders BLOW her away in the Rust Belt and it was reported..what?! Bernie Sanders? as if he were some political leper.

DNC didn't give a shit about the people! See white noise makers at paid political speeches..

The handwriting was on the wall and a certain crew around here might as well have been Nazis themselves by the way they shoved HRH down our throats.

There is a sickness in this country caused by elitist and the media who suck their cock! When you try to squash an infection it just shows somewhere else and in a worse form. Which is why taking care of it in the first place would have been paramount.
You've been blowing this smoke for a half year. When I went through reports on this scandal, only a few people in the office were named. Did you read any of those messages? They were banal. If you have a link to point me to that describes the entire DNC conspiring against Bernie, I'd like to see it. Otherwise, your claim of widespread cheating is just your paranoid delusion.

Did not swing the election against Bernie. Again, show something more than your irascible message. Bernie lost by 12%. Opinion takes time to influence. Years, not weeks. This is the reason why I reject your claim, given with emotion but not facts, that I disbelieve the collusion could have shifted the election by 12%. One or two percent, certainly but not 12% or 3 million people. The same reason is why Bernie lost -- because he didn't have people time to get to know him.

DNC didn't give a shit about people, on this I agree. I want the DNC remade with the charter to be a neutral advocate for primary candidates.

No reason to claim that Bernie would have won the general. I think he would have but unlike you, I know the difference between opinion and fact.
You've been blowing this smoke for a half year. When I went through reports on this scandal, only a few people in the office were named. Did you read any of those messages? They were banal. If you have a link to point me to that describes the entire DNC conspiring against Bernie, I'd like to see it. Otherwise, your claim of widespread cheating is just your paranoid delusion.

Did not swing the election against Bernie. Again, show something more than your irascible message. Bernie lost by 12%. Opinion takes time to influence. Years, not weeks. This is the reason why I reject your claim, given with emotion but not facts, that I disbelieve the collusion could have shifted the election by 12%. One or two percent, certainly but not 12% or 3 million people. The same reason is why Bernie lost -- because he didn't have people time to get to know him.

DNC didn't give a shit about people, on this I agree. I want the DNC remade with the charter to be a neutral advocate for primary candidates.

No reason to claim that Bernie would have won the general. I think he would have but unlike you, I know the difference between opinion and fact.

Sorry, but I'm with @schuylaar on this one, based on my own personal experience.

You go right ahead deluding yourself that the establishment wasn't rigging the primary by any and all means necessary/accessible to them, because they wanted the candidate they showered their millions with to win.
You absolutely, positively should have been born around 1795.

Your views totally ignore the complexities of modern society and the 1000 shades of gray between black and white.
I think pre-Renaissance would be closer. Maybe sometime during the Mongol Invasion. I imagine how happy he would be as he is pierced in the chest by a Mongol arrow - knowing that the Free Market had worked.
Sorry, but I'm with @schuylaar on this one, based on my own personal experience.

You go right ahead deluding yourself that the establishment wasn't rigging the primary by any and all means necessary/accessible to them, because they wanted the candidate they showered their millions with to win.
Its fine to have an opinion. As long as you recognize that is what it is. I have not seen enough facts to convince me that the entire DNC in secret colluded with Hillary Clinton and her entire campaign organization with enough clout to win by a 12% margin. What I saw -- and I can post links if you like -- were messages from a few truly incompetent underlings. I didn't even see any messages that implicate Wasserman. She was the head of the organization and responsible but I didn't see facts that put DWS in the collusion. So, yes, the DNC did collude but it was a small number of people.

Shouting back at me or calling me deluded won't do much to convince me. I'm basing what I think on facts that don't back up your claim. I'd appreciate some facts to help me understand your position, that is if you care to convince me.
Sorry, but I'm with @schuylaar on this one, based on my own personal experience.

You go right ahead deluding yourself that the establishment wasn't rigging the primary by any and all means necessary/accessible to them, because they wanted the candidate they showered their millions with to win.

Isn't this the same establishment that has run a man for president since1828?
Is it that bad that they would have biase, in order to better deversfy the party ?
Just a thought:-)
Sorry, but I'm with @schuylaar on this one, based on my own personal experience.

You go right ahead deluding yourself that the establishment wasn't rigging the primary by any and all means necessary/accessible to them, because they wanted the candidate they showered their millions with to win.

The DNC wanted Hillary and RNC wanted Jeb with Cruz or Rubio as fall back. Bushes, Clintons and O are all warm mongering NeoCon lackeys.

DNC knifed Bernie in the back. RNC tried multiple times to knife Trump and the base revolted.

The Dems might have stopped the theft except the DNC rigs it with Super Delegates and I am sure Bernie was also threatened.

I have little faith in any of this or voting.
Its fine to have an opinion. As long as you recognize that is what it is. I have not seen enough facts to convince me that the entire DNC in secret colluded with Hillary Clinton and her entire campaign organization with enough clout to win by a 12% margin. What I saw -- and I can post links if you like -- were messages from a few truly incompetent underlings. I didn't even see any messages that implicate Wasserman. She was the head of the organization and responsible but I didn't see facts that put DWS in the collusion. So, yes, the DNC did collude but it was a small number of people.

Shouting back at me or calling me deluded won't do much to convince me. I'm basing what I think on facts that don't back up your claim. I'd appreciate some facts to help me understand your position, that is if you care to convince me.

As you well know, it only takes a few.

I do base my opinion on facts as I personally saw them.

You seem to implicitly trust what you see on teevee, which I think is a mistake.

As evidence continues to mount, I'll post it.

Any evidence that isn't followed up with prosecution is evidence that the establishment is running this game for their own ends.

Your continual denials are also your opinion, and I believe you're deluded by your belief in the truth of what's being retorted on mass media.

That said, I think we're on the same team; the one of protecting our middle class prosperity. The question I'd rather focus on is how to repair the DNC so it supports this goal.