Well-Known Member
I think you are right, Clinton ran as an alternative to Trump and we hoped that was good enough. I wasn't happy with Clinton because she was just another wealthy Democrat who was going to sustain an unacceptable status quo. But I saw her as preferable to Trump, so she had my support. "Just keeping Trump out" and "better together" didn't win, did it? What won was "its the economy stupid" which should be permanently branded on the butt of the Democratic Party's donkey.This election was about keeping Trump out.
They keep missing that point.
I wonder what Super Scalia 3.0 "Trump Premium Edition" pieces of shit he's gonna appoint (and saddle us with) to the Supreme Court for the rest of their (no doubt) unnaturally long life.
But now, the 2016 election is so last week. The next election is in two years. I think this thread is about what the Democratic Party will look like at that time.
I'm not sure I like this guy but he is saying the right things:
Rep. Tim Ryan On Pelosi Challenge:
It's not about one segment, it's about all of us. If you look back to the progress we made as a party and as a country, you know, worker rights and civil rights, you know, the 40-hour workweek, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, go through the whole list, that was when we were all together.
Like, we hung together as a party. Black, white, Latino, middle class, poor, we were all together. And that's how we made progress. And so whoever is the head of the DNC and I believe whoever is the head of our caucus needs to represent and understand that.
Note that Tim Ryan isn't turning his back on minority groups, he's saying we are all together in this struggle.