Make Liberalism Great Again

@Padawanbater2 's conversion to the alt right went fast.

Obsession can cloud a person's mind. Witness @Flaming Pie . Too bad Paddy can't move on. Will he start quoting wikileaks about Clinton worshiping Illuminati too?

Clinton lost. I'm over it. I'm proud to oppose Trump but not whining about the election. And fuck the alt right.

these desperate, horny young men go online looking for tips and tricks to pick up women. before too long, they are falling prey to flimsy arguments for "men's rights", white supremacy,'s cult-like indoctrination. it is the radicalization of vulnerable young white men.

i'd rather we lost how we did rather than pussyfoot around racism. hillary addressed it head on, as a white woman, and it likely pissed off a lot of people that she really needed to vote for her. oh well.
You are leaping in logic.

NYC and LA do not make up the entire demographics of the United States. Your argument is weak and lazy.

And you still have not answered my question. Why does geographical location dictate the validity of a vote?
You are trying to act superior, when it's apparent you're flustered that something else made sense.
Geography plays a part, as in 50 states on a map. The electoral college is flawed. A mimimum of 3 votes a state, with cali getting the most. The math is insane on votes per person. If you would look into what I'm saying, you'd see hillary would've won with a fair EC system. As it went, trump won because of shitholes.
You are trying to act superior, when it's apparent you're flustered that something else made sense.
Geography plays a part, as in 50 states on a map. The electoral college is flawed. A mimimum of 3 votes a state, with cali getting the most. The math is insane on votes per person. If you would look into what I'm saying, you'd see hillary would've won with a fair EC system. As it went, trump won because of shitholes.

You said the EC wasn't good, but it's better than a popular vote. You then offered a solution, 1:100,000 ratio vote. I showed you how your math would work out. I literally used your math to show you what that would mean. Which is literally the same thing as a popular vote.

Have you ever worked in scale models? A car for example is a 1:20 size scale, meaning if you took a 1:20 sized model of a car and blew it up 20 times, it would be the exact same size as the real thing. Using that "scale model" logic as you proposed, 1:100,000 is the same thing as saying popular vote.

Again, you STILL haven't answered my question. Why does geographical location dictate the validity of a vote?
(In the lower right corner of that pic I just that a dead mouse in my potting soil?! lol)
This is a bit drastic, but aye, I have seen a definite shift in his political leanings/moral compass.
@Padawanbater2 lost me when he said we should stop objecting about racism and sexism because it annoys racists. Also this repeating theme of calling out white people who object to sexism and racism by attempting to deride them as "social justice warriors". It's the old "stick with your kind" theme from the past. I'm opposed to the hate speech that has gone off the charts lately. I'll wear that label proudly.

It's all about his obsession over Bernie. It clouded his mind. Bernie isn't opposed to social justice either.
No offense, but that's a petty argument. I believe you're intelligent enough to know that a vote for a 3rd party candidate was a lazy cop out. I didn't like Hillary for legitimate reasons. Most people who didn't vote for her haven't honestly explained why they didn't and chose to vote for Trump or a 3rd party candidate. I voted for Hillary despite my differences knowing full well the only two options I had were her or Trump.

How did she not earn your vote?
How would my vote in California for Clinton have mattered?

She didn't earn my vote because she's a corporatist establishment democrat who works for corporations, not the American people

@Padawanbater2 's conversion to the alt right went fast.

Obsession can cloud a person's mind. Witness @Flaming Pie . Too bad Paddy can't move on. Will he start quoting wikileaks about Clinton worshiping Illuminati too?

Clinton lost. I'm over it. I'm proud to oppose Trump but not whining about the election. And fuck the alt right.
What beliefs do I hold that you could point to that support the "alt-right"? Name one