Who will be better at getting America out of debt, Trump or Hillary?


Well-Known Member
And back to the drivel we go. Why don't you just tell us what you think instead of the leading questions game?

And yes, wages are one form of income, according to GAAP and the IRS.
And there is the problem. By any ethical or credible standard a wage is not income. I can support tax on investment gains, tax on interest earned, any tax on funds earning funds. Something "the rich" have an easy time achieving. Just taxing "the rich" in general is just holding up a fist and raging against the machine. Taxing wages is one of the ingredients in the recipe that is destroying the middle class. A person can earn income if they're out of work, not wages.


Well-Known Member
Why not just tax spending?

That way nobody has to file income taxes...

surprised this isnt demanded by everyone.


Well-Known Member
you live in a trailer. stop trying to act like you have magical insights about money.

you have federal reserve conspiracies.

rawn pawl lost. get the fuck over it, racist.
There's nothing magical about reading the US code and it's drawing distinct differences between the TWO types of currency the US currently has in Law. Oh wait, its you the guy that subsidizes himself with the free market though, magic.


Well-Known Member
Well if you can carry forward a tax loss, it's prudent to do so. Definitely not something to brag about, however.
You did catch that piece on CNN about that, right?

He was able to write off barrowed money he didn't actually pay back. Through a 1995 tax loophole that was corrected in 2002 (they do occaisionally fix things), real estate developers could write off loses when the bank loan they defaulted on went south. Talk about tax codes slanted to the wealthy...

So a (large?) percentage of that $916M wasn't actually lost by him, but he was legally allowed to write it off in 1995 tax season.

It's probably a big giant media conspiracy not to make that a headline, though.

Right, double stroker?


Well-Known Member
Trump looked up models' skirts, talked about their genitals at 1996 dinner, report says




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unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.
statutory rape.
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation