Will Trump Debate?


Well-Known Member
Does Benghazi make you feel better? The fact that our government's complete incompetence and political correctness resulted in the deaths of 4 people?

That was just one of the things hillary fucked up while incompetent secretary of state.
not according to a dozen biased and partisan investigations that all tried to agree with you.


Well-Known Member
Does Benghazi make you feel better? The fact that our government's complete incompetence and political correctness resulted in the deaths of 4 people?

That was just one of the things hillary fucked up while incompetent secretary of state.
CRINGE. You grow duller and uglier.


Benghazi is your anal viagra. Grow the fuck up pussy


Well-Known Member
remember last election when you spent months cheerleading for that romney win, predicting it would happen, and then left in embarrassment for months after obama's second landslide electoral win?

i can't wait for it to happen again.
Shit did that actually happen?


Well-Known Member
Isnt that the 2nd time you have thought of me wearing a dress? There are people that can help you with that.... Just not me.
I don't think so, but you've been known to make shit up...

And yes...don't run off at 11:30 PM Nov. 8th...accept defeat gracefully in that ballet dress...while you get power trolled into the wee hours of the morning.

start working on those excuses early. thanx.


Well-Known Member
Hey buck, trump will debate...dont you think they are craming him atm with debate strategies? I will love it if one of his responses is "Pipe down Hillary you bleeding outof your vagina . This will win my heart


Well-Known Member
Hey buck, trump will debate...dont you think they are craming him atm with debate strategies? I will love it if one of his responses is "Pipe down Hillary you bleeding outof your vagina . This will win my heart
think of what all the suburban moms in arvada will think if he says that. they are the ones who will be deciding how this state flips. jefferson county is the nation's most important bellwether. as they go, goes the nation.

hillary is already up by 4 points there, and is awaiting her post-convention bounce as we speak.

trump's only chance is to walk on stage with an adorable puppy, and try not to mangle it to death in anger as hillary rips him a new asshole live on TV.


Well-Known Member
Trump will definitely debate. the question is whether hillary's handlers will let her step in the ring to be eviscerated by Trump.


Well-Known Member
Does Benghazi make you feel better? The fact that our government's complete incompetence and political correctness resulted in the deaths of 4 people?

That was just one of the things hillary fucked up while incompetent secretary of state.
not just fucking it up, but lying about it, shitting on one of those fella's mothers when she confronted her, then saying "what does it matter" hillary doesn't just fuck up, she doubles down when she's fucked up, then teams up with mainstream media to gloss it over and make light of it.

the question is, will hillary do well? here she is answering that question.

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Well-Known Member
not just fucking it up, but lying about it, shitting on one of those fella's mothers when she confronted her, then saying "what does it matter" hillary doesn't just fuck up, she doubles down when she's fucked up, then teams up with mainstream media to gloss it over and make light of it.
Your interpretation reads like the inside of your asshole



Well-Known Member
Isnt that the 2nd time you have thought of me wearing a dress? There are people that can help you with that.... Just not me.
No dude you brought wearing a dress when you saw trups daughter's apparrel advertisement during the GOP convention.

Dude where the fuck did you go?
I wanna discuss this gem :"That is a good slogan...4 years of NEW CRAP!!!