why aren't black people more grateful to whites for slavery?

I think you are overlooking the part of living in an asshole. Some shit might stink more but it's all going down the toilet.

No I'm not I'm actually pretty respectful to people unless they disrespect me dumbass.
You really aren't. You are nothing more than a blustering smoke blowing bitch. ;-) That is why you are going to get the ever living shit beat out of you if you ever set foot in the 209. But, hey, you did coke in a bar with a biker once. So, you don't gotta worry. Right? You got 20 minutes to lick my sissy bars clean, little boi... Get on, or get shit on, little brother.
I think that skin color is irrelevant and that the mental capabilities of an individual express their value or lack of to society.

If humans cared about Hunger, Sex trafficking,the health of our earth and child and adult rapist just half as much as we care about an ethnic race(that doesn't determine a damn thing about the person), we would be near flawless beings because we would hold each other accountable . God might even be like, " Shit humans alright alright now let me show you how to travel at light speed"

Reminded me of this, an old favorite:


Unfortunately, as amazing and vast as the internet is, it also seems to be heavily populated by "child creatures still being nasty to each other", sigh....
Can you have guns without a second amendment?
Haha, touche sir!

You could but I am glad we have a constitution to hold our representatives up against.

Are you? Would you scrap everything we have and start completely new and different?

Or would we just take out a certain group of people and call it a day?

I'm not sure that would work.
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Florida, lol. No one ran any Angel out of anywhere. Ever. Quit fucking posing, poser. You are not 1% material. Neither are your fake ass friends. You've never even met a percenter...
Are we still talking about money? Or is 1% a gang speak thing?
If we evolved from Africa how did slavery even start.. I would think there would be way more Africans. Why did whites progress to a stage that they could over power a distant ancestor?

Blunt massta did bring up a valid point no one that was involved in American slavery is alive anymore, to say that I should somehow give reparations for something I was no part of seems just as skewed as a young African American not being given the same ability to progress as a white male.

We can't just start from a blank slate it's to engrained in whom ever is running this shit. I can say there wouldn't be nearly as many African Americans in the "greatest country" in the world had it not been for slavery.. I would go as far as to say the stereotypical ghetto in any city is better than the shit living conditions I've seen in Africa. Not saying any of the slavery ever committed was in any way a positive thing.

I wonder what percentage of African Americans (not blacks) would switch the roles if given the opportunity (white slaves).... Further more would that be hypocritical or just?
If we evolved from Africa how did slavery even start.. I would think there would be way more Africans. Why did whites progress to a stage that they could over power a distant ancestor?

Blunt massta did bring up a valid point no one that was involved in American slavery is alive anymore, to say that I should somehow give reparations for something I was no part of seems just as skewed as a young African American not being given the same ability to progress as a white male.

We can't just start from a blank slate it's to engrained in whom ever is running this shit. I can say there wouldn't be nearly as many African Americans in the "greatest country" in the world had it not been for slavery.. I would go as far as to say the stereotypical ghetto in any city is better than the shit living conditions I've seen in Africa. Not saying any of the slavery ever committed was in any way a positive thing.

I wonder what percentage of African Americans (not blacks) would switch the roles if given the opportunity (white slaves).... Further more would that be hypocritical or just?

Africa did not get that way by itself, a lot of the current issues and deaths in that country can be traced back to western civilizations. It was not the Americans fault initially but it, along with a few others have played a part over it's history. America, let me remind you was founded by people who were basically thrown out of Europe and then stole it from native Americans who actually lived in sync with the echo system. When you live like that (similar to the Africans) you don't exactly develop the kind of weaponry to enslave a nation. The modern westerner will have you believe such weaponry derived from a more intelligent race, almost saying that the likes of the Africans and native Americans deserved to be conquered. That is complete bullshit and if you look at the current highest pollutants, country's with the most obesity, drug addiction, murders etc etc.. the modern America does not come out looking intelligent at all. Entirely dependent on a way of life that is not sustainable. Every slave descended African American would have been far better off in Africa because that would have meant it was not destroyed.

I personally could not goto or live in America because I know that country's current and past way of life is held up by the utter misery of many other nations. Not to the fault of Americans who were born and raised there, just like those born into slavery or poverty.
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Generations endured slavery, today's Black American has the freedom (debatable) to roam the worlds asshole. I don't think this story has any winners.

what about all the white people who amassed wealth on the backs of slaves, and retain that wealth to this day?