why aren't black people more grateful to whites for slavery?

Maybe if I wanted to be a member of a stupid gang I'd rather join Hell's Angel's but I'm set with prospecting.
Any 1%er in his right mind would snort a fat rail of clear, and spank your lily white cheeks with his cranked out dick, then make you lick his handlebars clean. You ain't shit, boi.
Any 1%er in his right mind would snort a fat rail of clear, and spank your lily white cheeks with his cranked out dick, then make you lick his handlebars clean. You ain't shit, boi.
Actually I did coke in a bar with the Outlaws they where pretty cool.

I also know how to fight and I'm not a little guy.
Outlaws are pushovers, and their dope is garbage.

Just picturing you slap-boxing over a drink order like a female...gives me the fucking giggles. You couldn't 1% to save your pathetic life...

Is that why the Outlaws ran the Hells Angel's out of Florida with a fight?
Actually I did coke in a bar with the Outlaws they where pretty cool.

I also know how to fight and I'm not a little guy.
Is that why the Outlaws ran the Hells Angel's out of Florida with a fight?
Florida, lol. No one ran any Angel out of anywhere. Ever. Quit fucking posing, poser. You are not 1% material. Neither are your fake ass friends. You've never even met a percenter...
I've actually met a few 1%ers they are just normal people.
Factually incorrect. They are above normal people. They are also above the fucking law. They are above your bullshit, too. I grew up in around 'em. It's scrape or get scraped. I would pay money to see you run your fuckin' jawpiece around them. Watch you get clapped like the trifling little poser you are...
Factually incorrect. They are above normal people. They are also above the fucking law. They are above your bullshit, too. I grew up in around 'em. It's scrape or get scraped. I would pay money to see you run your fuckin' jawpiece around them. Watch you get clapped like the trifling little poser you are...
Why would I talk shit to someone I don't know? If I had a problem with a gang I would use a gun.
I think that skin color is irrelevant and that the mental capabilities of an individual express their value or lack of to society.

If humans cared about Hunger, Sex trafficking,the health of our earth and child and adult rapist just half as much as we care about an ethnic race(that doesn't determine a damn thing about the person), we would be near flawless beings because we would hold each other accountable . God might even be like, " Shit humans alright alright now let me show you how to travel at light speed"