Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?


I lived in Arkansas for three years, some thirty years ago. I'm quite sure the place hasn't changed a bit.
One of the funniest stories of cop abuse I ever read was about a county sheriff in ark. who responded to a domestic violence call and was hit in the face with a used tampon by the woman when he walked in the trailer!
I had an idea it was. I schooled a few members here about it before I even moved down here but the reality is it's worse than I thought.

Since moving down here I have seen with my own two eyes the effects of inbreeding, daily fatal car crashes, white people putting knives to their black employees necks and church taught homophobia and xenophobia.

And the people here are proud of it. I'm dumbfounded. People here are ok with pain pills all day but a little weed and your going to hell. How convenient that church policy lines up so neatly with government policy. Do you know how many people I've met with severe amputations from
Fo' wheeler accidents? Do you know how many people die from stupid shit like that? Nobody uses a turn signal here and no one wonders why so many accidents. Such little regard for anyone else's life but abortion is illegal. No new taxes to build schools but everyone has 3 cars and a boat but they're too stupid to fund their kids education. Wtf?[Most all of the US is like that....;..
The point is the state I'm in is under Republican control. While their fiscal responsibility has helped the state to a point it appears the moves they're making now are selfish and purely ideologically driven. Why stop the construction of new schools in an area that is growing and projected to grow over the next 20 years? So the businesspeople/politicians don't have to pay more taxes. So they hide their true agenda under a conservative values platform and screw the poor regardless of race. No education means no way out of the ghetto or countryside. Do you know how many grown men I've helped who just say they can't read? I have to fill out simple forms for them because at some point life happened and they never learned. I get that shit used to be that hard (farm life, segregation) but why is it still like that? Why is it still happening?
The point is the state I'm in is under Republican control. While their fiscal responsibility has helped the state to a point it appears the moves they're making now are selfish and purely ideologically driven. Why stop the construction of new schools in an area that is growing and projected to grow over the next 20 years? So the businesspeople/politicians don't have to pay more taxes. So they hide their true agenda under a conservative values platform and screw the poor regardless of race. No education means no way out of the ghetto or countryside. Do you know how many grown men I've helped who just say they can't read? I have to fill out simple forms for them because at some point life happened and they never learned. I get that shit used to be that hard (farm life, segregation) but why is it still like that? Why is it still happening?

The most backward states with the lowest per capita incomes are republican run.

Coincidence? o_O I think not.
Sounds like you just live in a fucked up area with lots of violence and hard drugs. Maybe stop fucking with hard drugs and get yourself into a neighborhood where you don't have hookers, cokeheads, and killers?
Like I have said before I do not give a shit what any of you dumbasses think about me, i don't live on this website like you fuckers do, I have a real life away from a screen unlike most of you dumbasses.
Yet you are a sock puppet who already has an average of over 3 posts a day, mostly in Politics.


So you claim you don't "live here like you fuckers", yet you have already been banned, returned with a new account and proceeded to post more often than most other members since...
Like I have said many times before,you talk a lot of shit to people on a website because you would get the shit beat out of you if you said those things to someone's face.
I would say it to your face and you would cower behind police just like every other bonehead I have ever encountered in public.

I never met a skinhead who could defend itself effectively.
Your day will come untermensch.
I live down here. And there are ignorant racist people. I can't deny that. But you cant deny that they are everywhere. It isn't just the South.

I have seen overt acts of racism. Though not many. I have also observed the reaction of witnesses to those acts. There was a parking lot incident a couple years ago where a white man started calling a black family a bunch of niggers and being threatening. I noticed some white people close by go to defend them.

I dont believe for one second that the OP has witnessed a white employer holding a knife to the throat of black employees. Not in the last 40 years.
True I'm in northern New England and we have plenty of racist old people and kids coming out of prison straight white power. The funniest thing is their really ain't many black people or minorities and they don't do a damn thing but post racist shit on Facebook and wonder why they single or keep ending up with trashy whores. Lol

But what can you do? They keep the police busy with their white trashiness and the police can't investigate me. :)

And white trash ain't no joke this one family grew up in the shittiest house no running water wood stove for heat and would shit in a 5 gallon bucket and them kids are now skinhead racists one even got caught with a pot plant growing just outside the front door of his trailer he put in his mother's yard. Lmao
True I'm in northern New England and we have plenty of racist old people and kids coming out of prison straight white power. The funniest thing is their really ain't many black people or minorities and they don't do a damn thing but post racist shit on Facebook and wonder why they single or keep ending up with trashy whores. Lol

But what can you do? They keep the police busy with their white trashiness and the police can't investigate me. :)

And white trash ain't no joke this one family grew up in the shittiest house no running water wood stove for heat and would shit in a 5 gallon bucket and them kids are now skinhead racists one even got caught with a pot plant growing just outside the front door of his trailer he put in his mother's yard. Lmao
That's exactly the type of racists we have down here. It is the lower classes.
Me personally, not really. But by some moral codes that are not my own there certainly are. And I can't say that I am absolutely right about everything I think.

So, since most 10 year olds have started having their monthly cycles and can give live birth, I can't say that it is absolutely wrong. Not if she is willing and it is in a society where that is common.
No it is not acceptable anytime anywhere sure back in the cave men days is one thing. This is 2016 any man who fucks a child needs be dragged down the road with a rope tied to his dick till death in public view so anyone thinking funny thoughts knows their ain't a cozy PC cell for them.

Personally why I would never call the police many hikers go missing around here.
I'm sure I've been wrong. But the difference between you and me is if I call you an idiot I will give the reason.

You just declare it.

That makes you the idiot.
It doesnt. It reaffirms your feeble reasoning abilities.
Im re-declaring that youre a fool. The evidence? Pretty much every wortless thread youve initiated. Youve proven it beyond any shadow of a doubt
Colorado's brand of crazy sure seems to suit a lot of people moving here, FROM places like the deep south.
The people moving to Colorado are doing just for the legal weed. Some people just don't have the balls to be outlaws.
Yet you are a sock puppet who already has an average of over 3 posts a day, mostly in Politics.


So you claim you don't "live here like you fuckers", yet you have already been banned, returned with a new account and proceeded to post more often than most other members since...
I don't know who you think I am but I found this website a few months ago and joined. Its dumbasses like you who make up different personae, for what reason I have no idea