Like I have said before I do not give a shit what any of you dumbasses think about me, i don't live on this website like you fuckers do, I have a real life away from a screen unlike most of you dumbasses.
Yeah I care what the people in my family and my community think about me but I could care less what some dumbass in denver thinks, I just like to fuck with you sometimes when I'm bored and there's no good baseball games clearly care what others think of you. you're too much of a pussy to even tell the truth. sad.
Yeah I care what the people in my family and my community think about me but I could care less what some dumbass in denver thinks, I just like to fuck with you sometimes when I'm bored and there's no good baseball games on.
There's crazy people all over the world. I guess every region of the country has their own brand of crazy though.I'm leaving anyway. Its not just the white people either. My girls car got hit by a Hispanic lady who ran the stop sign behind her and didn't slow down when my girl signaled her turn. Its just the values here Fuck this place. Stupid shit happens up north but its more likely to happen if you're looking for trouble. People there don't go looking for it or vote for it.
Talk about being honest? you can't even come out of the got so upset when i told everyone what a shitball white power skinhead you were.
so you clearly do care.
you can't even be honest with yourself. that's sad.
Talk about being honest? you can't even come out of the closet.
You've taken shots at blacks, gays, transvestites and women in the last hour. You must really have a chip on your shoulder. How unhappy are you? You can tell usTalk about being honest? you can't even come out of the closet.
you are so upset right now. just like every time you show your pathetic face around here.
I'm laughing my ass off right now, you're such a dumbass dude it's funny lolyou are so upset right now. just like every time you show your pathetic face around here.
Yep I sure have and it gets funnier every time because I know it gets buckwheat pissed off lolYou've taken shots at blacks, gays, transvestites and women in the last hour. You must really have a chip on your shoulder. How unhappy are you? You can tell us
kasuti + hektos is an anagram for shit sock.
Man... People like you are so dishonest. Of course everyone knows it, but it wasn't anything to do with me being willing. I was just talking about the concept and if the act is moral or gave two simple rules of thumb for when you would be willing to have sex with a 10 year old girl. she's menstruating and willing. those were your words, not mine.
you are eeven sicker than i thought you were, bignbushy.
I halfway agree with you but it has more to do with social class than color I think. Growing up in a rural lifestyle tends to make men a little more rugged and when you piss off someone like that,either man or woman they are apt to raise more hell than the normal person.Born and raised in South Carolina. And the south is indeed as bad as everybody makes it sound. I feel bad for most because they are blinded and stupid. I'm sure other places have stupid fucks. I have been all over. But per capita people are really stupid. I see lack of education on a day to day basis. Not to say that there are not good things.
so if my wife and i have an unplanned pregnancy despite using birth control, can we get an abortion? is that cool?
oh, and by the way, birth control pills are not that hard to get, are they?
before i forget, is my transgender son allowed to use the bathroom of the gender he identifies with, or are you guys busy passing laws about that?
i'll just be over here buying alcohol on sunday and having a puff of my reefer if that's cool with y'all. that is cool, right?
i mean, i do have freedom here, right?