Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

I'm against it.
So yeah it might feel uncomfortable since you and Rob Roy think it should be ok to fuck kids

I'm glad you're against nonconsensual forced sex, but I have been meaning to talk to you about your German Shepherds. Man....that's sick!
sounds like he spoke from personal experience.

btw, you didn't rebut all the many ways i noted that the south restricts freedom from consenting adults who are not even harming anyone.

tehn you have southerners like bignbushy arguing that it should be OK to have sex with 10 year olds, but only if they are menstruating and willing.

the south needs better PR.
What do you want me to say?

What you see on TV is not reality here. With the exception of abortion. All you got to do here is cross state line to another southern state that allows it.

As far as gays getting married, a couple clerks made a scene, one made a big scene.

The majority of counties went along with the law. Before then they were just following the law.

The op's personal experience with a black man having a knife put to his throat proves what?

One man that may have been racist. If he was and did that he needs to be charged. That is a hate crime.

I have lived quite a few places in the south where whites and minoritit get along.

There are a few things that need changing but I love where I live. Good people.

A few bad ones, like anywhere else on earth.
then why do you guys have laws making it legal for pharmacists to deny birth control pills to women with prescriptions based on a "conscience clause"?
I don't know what your talking about. Every pharmacy and health department I've been to, you can get birth control.

Your watching somethjng the media tells you. I'm telling you how it really is.

No problem to get birth control here.
All you got to do here is cross state line to another southern state that allows it.

blatantly unconstitutional.

As far as gays getting married, a couple clerks made a scene, one made a big scene.

you have a state chief justice defying the constitution on that one as well.

Before then they were just following the law.

meanwhile, us progressive states were following the constitution and allowing equal rights while you were just hiding under existing laws as an excuse for bigotry.

A few bad ones, like anywhere else on earth.

a few more than anywhere else i've heard about.
I don't know what your talking about. Every pharmacy and health department I've been to, you can get birth control.

Your watching somethjng the media tells you. I'm telling you how it really is.

No problem to get birth control here.

no. it's not the media telling me about the "conscience clause". it's state laws in the south, put on the books by southern lawmakers.
Bullshit. I call plain bullshit. I've lived all over the south. Yes I have seen some racist. That shit happens all over.

I haven't seen anything like that. Knife to black employees neck. Pure bullshit. Someone would have been charged.

I suspect no one reported anything because there was something else illegal going on. I suspect dirty money is running deep, propping up some old family businesses.
I've wanted to plan to become a snow bird, maybe not go as far south as Florida, and my family and others get this glaze over their face when they start to dream about all the blatant racism I may encounter. I have got to see this shit for myself.

Always known, a place is what you make of it. perhaps my friends are stereotyping and xenophobes. figure ya just don't run with the wrong crowd and date the farmer's daughter, life shld be ok. maybe become a freedom fighter and run for donut shop
Florida Born, Raised.

I guess I was raised too far south. Racism was a Dark skinned black male beating on another red skin black male for not being black enough. (Middle School). Or a large group of Cubans fighting a large group of Hondurans because they both hate the other for what they are. (High School). Pedophilia? A man down the street from me in his 30's, Haitian, raped a 7yo black girl. I was 12 at the time, did not know the girl, but I knew the guy.

Shit people come in all sizes, races and genders.

However, since I moved 200 miles north, I finally saw and experienced White vs Black Racism. Local ex-cop (white) wears ankle tracker for sexual assault on a minor. Saw my first meth operation bust that led to DCF claiming 3 children under 10 (whites). Met a man in ER who was stabbed twice by his drunk wife (both white) because, as he stated, she was drunk.

Again, shit people come in all sizes races and genders.
From what I gather, they're global.
blatantly unconstitutional.

you have a state chief justice defying the constitution on that one as well.

meanwhile, us progressive states were following the constitution and allowing equal rights while you were just hiding under existing laws as an excuse for bigotry.

a few more than anywhere else i've heard about.
I said there are some things that need changing.
it's not that you're looked upon as a white supremacist, you are one. your words prove this beyond any shadow of a doubt.

just another angry, scared little white guy. that makes you a pussyboy ya know.
Like I have said many times before,you talk a lot of shit to people on a website because you would get the shit beat out of you if you said those things to someone's face.
awwwww, now you're an internet tough guy.

doesn't change the fact that you are a pussy ass white supremacist. it just makes you an angry one too.
I'm tough enough to raise my son to not wear his mother's dresses. Don't you wish you could say that.
Like I have said many times before,you talk a lot of shit to people on a website because you would get the shit beat out of you if you said those things to someone's face.
bro you said idiot shit "many times". This is more of it. shut the fuck up with your inbred critter child talk.
You arent beating anyone's ass you fucking clown. No doubt you've been called an ass or a cunt straight to your zika headed face.