Are there any smart Trump supporters?

Richard Meyers — in charge of USA air defenses on 9-11; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission about reasons for air defense failure on 9-11; promoted to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Ralph Eberhardt — NORAD Commander on 9-11; fanatical supporter of missile defense scheme, militarization of space; enthusiastic supporter of merging law enforcement and the military

Larry Arnold — NORAD Commander Major General on 9-11; has used 9-11 to push militarization of USA

Eric Findley — Canadian Air Force Major General; acting commander of NORAD on 9-11

Montague Winfield — Major General in charge of Pentagon war room on 9-10-01, the evening of September 10th he requested a rookie to stand in for him on 9-11

Richard Mies — former Admiral; ran Global Guardian “war game” on 9-11 out of US Strategic Command (Stratcom) at Offutt Air Force Base; now CEO of Hicks & Associates, a “strategic consultant” to the USG dealing in “military transformation”

Henry Shelton — chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff on 9-11; supported formation of Able Danger

Peter Schoomaker — US Army Chief of Staff; former SOCOM (Special Operations Command) chief; ran Able Danger

Geoffrey Lambert — Major General; SOCOM (Special Operations Command) Intel Chief; made Able Danger, the program that tracked patsy “terrorists”, off limits to FBI

John Brinkerhoff — retired US Army Colonel who was a career senior executive in the Office of Secretary of War; from 1981 to 1983, FEMA associate director for national preparedness where he developed plan for martial law; claims intentions of Posse Comitatus are “misunderstood and misapplied”, that USG has “full and absolute authority” to use troops to quell American uprising; after 9-11, joined Anser Institute for Homeland Security and wrote “talking points” supporting revised “national security initiatives” that would allow imposition of martial law

John Lehman — Reagan’s Navy Secretary from 1981 till 1987; claims US is in religious war against “violent, Islamic Fundamentalism”; member 9-11 Omission Commission; PNAC member

Tony Gentry — Army Intelligence and Security Command General Counsel; ordered 2.5 terrabytes of Able Danger data destroyed

Philip Odeen — as director of Program Analysis for the National Security Council, provided staff support to Henry Kissinger from 1971 to 1973; served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of War in Systems Analysis; named to chair the National War Panel in 1997; former president of Reynolds and Reynolds; former CEO and president of BDM International; executive vice president of Washington operations of TRW

Elliot Abrams — former member of PNAC, National Security Council; pleaded guilty in 1991 to lying to Congress about Iran-Contra affair; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist

Lewis “Scooter” Libby — former PNAC member; studied political science at Yale under Paul Wolfowitz; aid to Cheney; convicted for lying about outing of Valerie Plame; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist

Jack Abramoff — entertained USG “terrorist” patsy Mohammed Atta on his yacht just before 9-11; convicted criminal lobbyist; ardent Zionist

jeb Bush
Jeb Bush — Florida governor on 9-11; declared martial law in Florida four days before 9-11; brother of George Bush; PNAC member; guilty of election fraud in 2000

Rudolph Giuliani — mayor of New York on 9-11; hailed as “hero” for his “gutsy” leadership on 9-11; allegedly involved with FEMA and former NYC Police Chief Kerik in Operation Code Angel

Bernard Kerik — NYC Police Chief on 9-11; “sidekick” of Giuliani; allegedly involved with FEMA in WTC demolition “war games” called Operation Code Angel

Lewis Eisenberg — chairman Port Authority of New York and New Jersey on 9-11; authorized transfer of WTC leases to Silverstein and Lowy just weeks before 9-11; later appointed chairman of Republican National Committee; Zionist

Eliot Spitzer — New York Attorney General on 9-11; barred his top aide, Deputy Attorney General Dietrich Snell, from testifying to Congress on Able Danger; threw out Karl Schwarz’s 9-11 synopsis

Richard Holbrooke — former US ambassador to UN; CFR member; co-chaired “Independent Task Force on America’s Response to Terrorism” in which the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT) was promoted

John Deutch — former Undersecretary of War, director of CIA; co-authored paper, “Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy” with Zelikow, Ashton Carter; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America; MIT professor; grandson of Yonah Fischer, Antwerp diamond merchant who ran Zionist Federation of Belgium

Ashton Carter — co-authored paper, “Catastrophic Terrorism: A National Policy” with Zelikow and Deutch; senior partner at Global Technology Partners, an affiliate of Rothschild North America

Michael Ledeen — became “anti-terrorism” advisor to Secretary of State, Al Haig in 1981; contacts with mullahs in Iran-Contra affair; alleged ties to Italian fascist P2 Masonic Lodge; contacts with Libby, Cheney’s Chief of Staff; top NeoCon(vict) advisor to Bush and Karl Rove; member AEI (American Enterprise Institute); wrote book extolling fascism

Abdussattar Shaikh — FBI informant to the San Diego office; helped bring “terrorist” patsies to USA; protected by Attorney General Ashcroft

Abdullah Noman — worked for the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; filed 10-15 visas for the patsy 9-11 “hijackers” in the Visa Express Program

Daniel Lewin — officer in elite, secret unit of Israeli military called “Sayeret Matkal”; orchestrated activities of Mossad agents in USA before 9-11; was allegedly stabbed or “shot” by highjacker Satam al-Suqami before AA flight 11 crashed into the WTC

Dominic Suter — Mossad agent; his front company, Urban Moving Systems, employed the five Mossad agents caught celebrating in New York on 9-11

Sivan Kurzberg — driver of van belonging to the celebrating Israelis; when stopped by police on 9-11, he said “We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem”

John Gross — one of the lead engineers for the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed; denies existence of molten steel at the WTC

Theresa McAllister — edited the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed

Ronald Hamburger — structural engineer and Senior Principal at Simpson Gumpertz and Heger consulting engineers in San Francisco; was a principal author of FEMA’s initial report on the collapse of the twin towers; later a key participant in the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed

William Baker — member of FEMA Probe Team; partner with Skidmore, Owings, Merrill; contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed

Harold Nelson — contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed

Ramon Gilsanz — contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed

Shankar Nair — contributed to the flawed NIST report on why the WTC buildings collapsed; quoted in Chicago Tribune, September 19, 2001 that “Already there is near-consensus as to the sequence of events that led to the collapse of the World Trade Center”

Gene Corley — led FEMA/ASCE WTC collapse “investigation”; was the principal investigator for ASCE and FEMA of the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City

Paul Mlakar — part of ASCE team that investigated both WTC and Murrah Federal building attacks

Mete Sozen — part of ASCE team that investigated both WTC and Murrah Federal building attacks

Charles Thornton — partner of Richard Tomasetti; told Karl Koch, whose company erected the WTC steel, “Karl, we all know what caused the collapse”; part of ASCE team that investigated both WTC and Murrah Federal building attacks

Richard Tomasetti — partner of Charles Thornton; reportedly behind the unprecedented and widely criticized decision to destroy most of the WTC steel evidence

Victor Ganzi — president and CEO of Hearst Corporation since June 1, 2002; the Hearst publication, Popular Mechanics, has repeatedly tried to debunk the truth of 9-11

Benjamin Chertoff — 25-year-old cousin of Michael Chertoff; senior “researcher” for Popular Mechanics’ hit piece on 9-11 Truth Movement

Kevin Delaney — FAA manager at the New York Air Route Traffic Control Center who destroyed controllers’ tapes of 9-11

Marvin Bush
Marvin Bush — brother of George Bush; on board of Securacom, US-Kuwaiti company paid $9.2 million to manage WTC security October 1996 to 1998; on board of HCC Insurance, big WTC insurer

Wirt Walker — cousin of George Bush; principal at Securacom, US-Kuwaiti joint-venture that managed security for WTC, United Airlines, and Dulles Airport, all of which figured into 9-11
Warren Buffett — was hosting golf charity event at the US Strategic Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha on 9-11 (Bush flew to Offutt afternoon of 9-11); world’s second richest person

Rupert Murdoch — key player in Zionist-controlled corporate media which began the 9-11 cover-up on day one; connected to individuals who privatized and leased WTC just weeks before 9-11; vocal supporter of Zionist extremists Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon; honored by leading Zionist organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), in which Silverstein, Lowy, and Eisenberg all hold senior positions; Zionist who tries to hide his Jewish heritage

Maurice Greenberg — CEO of American International Group (AIG) on 9-11 which became co-owner of the “private spy agency”, Kroll Associates, in 1993 and was a major share-holder in Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9-11 was Maurice’s son Jeffrey; director of the New York Federal Reserve bank (1988-1995); deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1996; major investor in the Blackstone Group

Jules Kroll — founder of Kroll Corporation, a “security services” company which was in charge of “security” at WTC on 9-11; has close links to CIA and is active private military contractor in Iraq; Zionist

Paul Bremer — Marsh & McClennan executive on 9-11; Chairman of the Congressional National Commission on Terrorism, 1999 to 2000; US Ambassador-at-Large for Counterterrorism, 1986 to 1989; Presidential Envoy to Irag and Adminstrator of the Coaltion Provisional Authority, May 2003 to December 2004

Wallace Hilliard — with Saudi investors including Shiek Kamal Adham, Adnan Khashoggi, and Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz. bought Venice, Florida Huffman Aviation in 1999 where Mohammed Atta and other alleged 9-11 highjackers allegedly learned to fly; flight school linked to CIA firm

Peter Peterson — CEO of the Blackstone Group, parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000

A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard — now number three Executive Director at the CIA; until 1998, managed firm used to place “put options” on United Airlines which has left $2.5 million in “profits” unclaimed

Mark Loizeaux — as CEO of CDI was instrumental in “recycling” steel from WTC crime scene; CDI also buried the rubble from the crime scene of the Murrah Federal Building

Loring Knoblauch — CEO of Underwriters Labs; said that jet fuel fires were not “reasonably foreseeable”; resigned suddenly in August 2004 after UL performed tests of WTC floor models where floors did not collapse and were barely affected

Michael Cherkasky — CEO of Kroll on 9-11; former investigator in the Manhattan DA’s Office from 1978 to 1994; now CEO of insurance-firm Marsh & McClennan

Frank Carlucci — former Secretary of War; affiliated with PNAC; served as chairman of the Carlyle Group (1992-2003); on BoD of BDM International

William Kristol — PNAC co-founder; adherent of Leo Strauss; editor of The Weekly Standard; strong advocate of the Iraq war; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist

William Perry — former Secretary of War; associated with the Rothschild's banking empire through Global Technology, a Rothschild affiliate

James Woolsey — former CIA director; PNAC member; claims “incompetence” was reason for 9-11

Newt Gingrich — former Speaker of the House; PNAC member; reputed to be a member of the CFR; served on the Pentagon’s War Policy Board

Henry Kissinger — long criminal history; wanted for war crimes in several countries; sat on War Policy Board under Perle; chosen to lead 9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission; “dual citizen” of US and Israel

HW Bush
George H.W. Bush — Bush crime family Don; Skull and Bones; CIA operative involved in JFK assassination; former head of CIA; son of friend shot Reagan when he was VP; war profiteer

Tony Blair — British Prime Minister on 9-11; ally and partner in crime of George Bush; London 7-7 bombings were also “false flag” operation

Pauline Neville-Jones — International Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)

Mahmoud Ahmad — head of Pakistan’s ISI; had Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh wire $100,000 to lead 9-11 “terrorist” patsy Mohammad Atta

Benjamin Netanyahu — former Israeli Prime Minister; said 9-11 was “good” for US-Israeli relationship; in NYC on 9-11 and in London on 7-7 bombings

Ariel Sharon — Israeli Prime Minister on 9-11; heavy Mossad involvement in 9-11 (200 Israeli intelligence agents rounded up after 9-11, five Mossad agents arrested filming and celebrating WTC collapses, employees of Mossad-operated company at WTC notified hours before plane hit) implicates Sharon; infamous Zionist terrorist and war criminal; now said to be comatose
Just because they build a golden corral next door to an old folks home, doesn't make it a conspiracy. Not everything is a jewish plot.[/QUOTE}

Dude they set the price of gold at the "City of London" every day at N.M. Rothschild and Sons....The most notorious Jewish banking house and history!

Gold fixing
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The London Gold Fixing (or Gold Fix)[1] is the setting of the price of gold that used to be held on the premises of Nathan Mayer Rothschild & Sons by the members of TheLondon Gold Market Fixing Ltd. However, in 2004, Nathan Mayer Rothschild left the precious metals business in London and sold its place on the fixing to Barclays. From that time onwards, the fixing has taken place via a dedicated conference line. This was clearly a necessity as some banks moved their London operations away from the close proximity to the Bank of England and gravitated to areas such as Canary Wharf.

Well apparently they pawned off that gig to one of there lackeys!
Just because they build a golden corral next door to an old folks home, doesn't make it a conspiracy. Not everything is a jewish plot.

Just give up on understanding your reality, because you obviously can't have an objective opinion of think the world is full of saints
Jesus......I love the average Americans scope on world politics from the comfy point of view fed to them by American media. Our media cant even cover our own news accurately for fucks sake... I would be surprised if most of these folks have ever even left the country except for maybe tourist destinations or speak a second language (hell... id settle for folks speaking the first one proficiently).

But tell me more...clearly I know nothing of Israel or the IDF.

------ 10 points to anyone who can even figure out my branch ------
View attachment 3639700
And for the record I do not support most Israeli policies, nor do the Zionist (borderline fanatics) that unfortunately have a stranglehold over Israeli politics represent Jewish values as a whole. Just like the faults of America cant be laid solely on Christians (Being (arguably) the most prominent religious voice in American politics).

If people want the US to stop supporting Israel then stop supporting the Republican/Corporate policies that require a solid foothold in the middle east (a vastly oversimplified statement, I know).

I'm sorry if you did not see where I pointed out the differences between being Jewish and being a Zionist. I try to distinguish clearly between the Zionists that rule Israel and the Jewish people themselves. And thank you for proving what I pointed out earlier, a lot of Jewish people do not support Israel's policies at all.
Now we have transgenders in the military.
Just give up on understanding your reality, because you obviously can't have an objective opinion of think the world is full of saints
I think weed is not good for a paranoid schizo. Are the rich people of the world holding you back? If you werent busy blaming your problems on the bilderbergs and rothchilds, you would be faced with the responsibility of controlling your own life. Now smoke a joint and stop crying about rich bankers. You would be trading bushels of wheat if it wasn't for the smart jews on wallstreet.
I have always felt vaccines were a zionist conspiracy. lol.

IG Farben was a German chemical industry conglomerate. Its name is taken from Interessen-Gemeinschaft FarbenindustrieAktienGesellschaft (Plc Syndicate [literally, "community of interests"] of dye-making corporations). The company was formed in 1925 from a number of major chemical companies that had been working together closely since World War I. During its heyday, IG Farben was the largest chemical company in the world and the fourth largest overall industrial concern, after General Motors, U.S. Steel, andStandard Oil of New Jersey.

IG Farben scientists made fundamental contributions to all areas of chemistry. Otto Bayer discovered the polyaddition for the synthesis of polyurethane in 1937. Several IG Farben scientists were awarded Nobel Prizes. Carl Bosch and Friedrich Bergius were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1931 "in recognition of their contributions to the invention and development of chemical high pressure methods". Gerhard Domagk was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1939 "for the discovery of the antibacterial effects of prontosil". Kurt Alder was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1950 for his "discovery and development of the diene synthesis".

Following the Nazi takeover of Germany, the company became embroiled in the Nazi regime's policies as a large government contractor. In 1951, IG Farben was split into its four largest original constituent companies, which remain some of the world's largest chemical and pharmaceutical companies. The current main successor companies are AGFA, BASF, Bayer and Sanofi.

Bayer? lol What a nice company.
Warren Buffett — was hosting golf charity event at the US Strategic Command headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha on 9-11 (Bush flew to Offutt afternoon of 9-11); world’s second richest person

Rupert Murdoch — key player in Zionist-controlled corporate media which began the 9-11 cover-up on day one; connected to individuals who privatized and leased WTC just weeks before 9-11; vocal supporter of Zionist extremists Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon; honored by leading Zionist organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), in which Silverstein, Lowy, and Eisenberg all hold senior positions; Zionist who tries to hide his Jewish heritage

Maurice Greenberg — CEO of American International Group (AIG) on 9-11 which became co-owner of the “private spy agency”, Kroll Associates, in 1993 and was a major share-holder in Marsh & McClennan whose CEO on 9-11 was Maurice’s son Jeffrey; director of the New York Federal Reserve bank (1988-1995); deputy chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in 1996; major investor in the Blackstone Group

Jules Kroll — founder of Kroll Corporation, a “security services” company which was in charge of “security” at WTC on 9-11; has close links to CIA and is active private military contractor in Iraq; Zionist

Paul Bremer — Marsh & McClennan executive on 9-11; Chairman of the Congressional National Commission on Terrorism, 1999 to 2000; US Ambassador-at-Large for Counterterrorism, 1986 to 1989; Presidential Envoy to Irag and Adminstrator of the Coaltion Provisional Authority, May 2003 to December 2004

Wallace Hilliard — with Saudi investors including Shiek Kamal Adham, Adnan Khashoggi, and Prince Nawaf bin Abdul Aziz. bought Venice, Florida Huffman Aviation in 1999 where Mohammed Atta and other alleged 9-11 highjackers allegedly learned to fly; flight school linked to CIA firm

Peter Peterson — CEO of the Blackstone Group, parent corporation of one of three lease-holders for WTC 7 on 9-11; also chairman of the CFR and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on 9-11; CEO of the Institute for International Economics in October 2000

A.B. “Buzzy” Krongard — now number three Executive Director at the CIA; until 1998, managed firm used to place “put options” on United Airlines which has left $2.5 million in “profits” unclaimed

Mark Loizeaux — as CEO of CDI was instrumental in “recycling” steel from WTC crime scene; CDI also buried the rubble from the crime scene of the Murrah Federal Building

Loring Knoblauch — CEO of Underwriters Labs; said that jet fuel fires were not “reasonably foreseeable”; resigned suddenly in August 2004 after UL performed tests of WTC floor models where floors did not collapse and were barely affected

Michael Cherkasky — CEO of Kroll on 9-11; former investigator in the Manhattan DA’s Office from 1978 to 1994; now CEO of insurance-firm Marsh & McClennan

Frank Carlucci — former Secretary of War; affiliated with PNAC; served as chairman of the Carlyle Group (1992-2003); on BoD of BDM International

William Kristol — PNAC co-founder; adherent of Leo Strauss; editor of The Weekly Standard; strong advocate of the Iraq war; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist

William Perry — former Secretary of War; associated with the Rothschild's banking empire through Global Technology, a Rothschild affiliate

James Woolsey — former CIA director; PNAC member; claims “incompetence” was reason for 9-11

Newt Gingrich — former Speaker of the House; PNAC member; reputed to be a member of the CFR; served on the Pentagon’s War Policy Board

Henry Kissinger — long criminal history; wanted for war crimes in several countries; sat on War Policy Board under Perle; chosen to lead 9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission; “dual citizen” of US and Israel

HW Bush
George H.W. Bush — Bush crime family Don; Skull and Bones; CIA operative involved in JFK assassination; former head of CIA; son of friend shot Reagan when he was VP; war profiteer

Tony Blair — British Prime Minister on 9-11; ally and partner in crime of George Bush; London 7-7 bombings were also “false flag” operation

Pauline Neville-Jones — International Governor of BBC on 9-11; Chairman of UK Joint Intelligence Committee (1991-1994); Chairman of QinetiQ Group, a war technology company with government customers in UK and USA; Chairman of Information Assurance Advisory Council (IAAC)

Mahmoud Ahmad — head of Pakistan’s ISI; had Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh wire $100,000 to lead 9-11 “terrorist” patsy Mohammad Atta

Benjamin Netanyahu — former Israeli Prime Minister; said 9-11 was “good” for US-Israeli relationship; in NYC on 9-11 and in London on 7-7 bombings

Ariel Sharon — Israeli Prime Minister on 9-11; heavy Mossad involvement in 9-11 (200 Israeli intelligence agents rounded up after 9-11, five Mossad agents arrested filming and celebrating WTC collapses, employees of Mossad-operated company at WTC notified hours before plane hit) implicates Sharon; infamous Zionist terrorist and war criminal; now said to be comatose
Rich people. If you can't beat em, join them.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Personal Stories

I am writing this to share my story of the effects vaccinations have had on my children. First, I would like to start off with my 3 living children. My son and my daughter both had reactions to DTaP on 2 occasions. I was told the first time that their reactions had nothing to do with the shots, so I allowed further vaccines. Upon recieving the 4th dose of DTaP, both of them had swollen, red, hard, and hot legs, and both were blistered at the sight of injection. I became very concerned at this point, but was told it was a minor reaction.

Less then a year later, I delivered my 4th child, a daughter. I noticed that anytime she was vaccinated she would spike a fever of 104.2F and had respiratory problems. Again, I was told this had nothing to do with the shots. I then read a vaccine book and this raised my concerns for my children when they were due to have more vaccines. I decided against further immunizations for my kids. My son is now going into kindergarten and I knew a requirement was that he have boosters. I attained areligious exemption form to avoid the shots and will do so for my girls as well.

Since the reactions of my children, I have been seeking more information about adverse effects of vaccines. On August 29, after an argument with my childrens' pediatrician about this subject, I came home and found your website. As I was looking through, I found where you linked SIDS with the DTaP. This is where my story becomes devastating. I had a child die of SIDS. After reading your information, I dug out his shot records and baby book only to find that he had the DTaP just 3 weeks prior to his death, and during those 3 weeks, my records show that I had him to the pediatrician 4 times for respiratory infection and 2 times to the emergency room for respiratory distress related to the "diagnosed" upper respiratory infections. These symptoms began within 2 days after the administration of the shot! [My son] was last seen in the E.R. for this reason. He died on November 1 of SIDS. I am convinced after my research that the DTaP is responsible for his death. Furthermore, the 3 precious children I have left will not recieve another vaccine!

I am grieving the loss of my son all over again, but I thank you because without having read your information I would have never known the link between vaccines and SIDS or any of the other new information I have learned, and could have been persuaded to continue to vaccinate the others. I am thankful for your insights, and am relieved to have the confusion of vaccinating over. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that shots are not for my family, and not in their best interests. I have also concluded that the medical business is one big industry, a vicious cycle, to be blunt, a cycle to keep bringing in business by injecting heathy children with germs and toxic additives so that a percentage of them can come back and rack up more expense in X amount of years with cancers, immune disease etc. I also question now the diagnosis of my [first] son. He has been diagnosed with ADHD, and has consistent behavior problems. I will continue to search your sight, as well as others, to find the answers. If you have any statistics or ideas, I would appreciate that input. Again, thank you for your release of knowledge.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Personal Stories

I am writing this to share my story of the effects vaccinations have had on my children. First, I would like to start off with my 3 living children. My son and my daughter both had reactions to DTaP on 2 occasions. I was told the first time that their reactions had nothing to do with the shots, so I allowed further vaccines. Upon recieving the 4th dose of DTaP, both of them had swollen, red, hard, and hot legs, and both were blistered at the sight of injection. I became very concerned at this point, but was told it was a minor reaction.

Less then a year later, I delivered my 4th child, a daughter. I noticed that anytime she was vaccinated she would spike a fever of 104.2F and had respiratory problems. Again, I was told this had nothing to do with the shots. I then read a vaccine book and this raised my concerns for my children when they were due to have more vaccines. I decided against further immunizations for my kids. My son is now going into kindergarten and I knew a requirement was that he have boosters. I attained areligious exemption form to avoid the shots and will do so for my girls as well.

Since the reactions of my children, I have been seeking more information about adverse effects of vaccines. On August 29, after an argument with my childrens' pediatrician about this subject, I came home and found your website. As I was looking through, I found where you linked SIDS with the DTaP. This is where my story becomes devastating. I had a child die of SIDS. After reading your information, I dug out his shot records and baby book only to find that he had the DTaP just 3 weeks prior to his death, and during those 3 weeks, my records show that I had him to the pediatrician 4 times for respiratory infection and 2 times to the emergency room for respiratory distress related to the "diagnosed" upper respiratory infections. These symptoms began within 2 days after the administration of the shot! [My son] was last seen in the E.R. for this reason. He died on November 1 of SIDS. I am convinced after my research that the DTaP is responsible for his death. Furthermore, the 3 precious children I have left will not recieve another vaccine!

I am grieving the loss of my son all over again, but I thank you because without having read your information I would have never known the link between vaccines and SIDS or any of the other new information I have learned, and could have been persuaded to continue to vaccinate the others. I am thankful for your insights, and am relieved to have the confusion of vaccinating over. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that shots are not for my family, and not in their best interests. I have also concluded that the medical business is one big industry, a vicious cycle, to be blunt, a cycle to keep bringing in business by injecting heathy children with germs and toxic additives so that a percentage of them can come back and rack up more expense in X amount of years with cancers, immune disease etc. I also question now the diagnosis of my [first] son. He has been diagnosed with ADHD, and has consistent behavior problems. I will continue to search your sight, as well as others, to find the answers. If you have any statistics or ideas, I would appreciate that input. Again, thank you for your release of knowledge.

is this a personal story?
Now we have transgenders in the military.

I think weed is not good for a paranoid schizo. Are the rich people of the world holding you back? If you werent busy blaming your problems on the bilderbergs and rothchilds, you would be faced with the responsibility of controlling your own life. Now smoke a joint and stop crying about rich bankers. You would be trading bushels of wheat if it wasn't for the smart jews on wallstreet.

Actually I'm getting into growing, hustling my ass off, and my cousin and I just filed for a trade mark on a new hemp clothing line that is about to be bigger than grassroots. As soon as this trade mark application goes through, you will see...
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Personal Stories

I am writing this to share my story of the effects vaccinations have had on my children. First, I would like to start off with my 3 living children. My son and my daughter both had reactions to DTaP on 2 occasions. I was told the first time that their reactions had nothing to do with the shots, so I allowed further vaccines. Upon recieving the 4th dose of DTaP, both of them had swollen, red, hard, and hot legs, and both were blistered at the sight of injection. I became very concerned at this point, but was told it was a minor reaction.

Less then a year later, I delivered my 4th child, a daughter. I noticed that anytime she was vaccinated she would spike a fever of 104.2F and had respiratory problems. Again, I was told this had nothing to do with the shots. I then read a vaccine book and this raised my concerns for my children when they were due to have more vaccines. I decided against further immunizations for my kids. My son is now going into kindergarten and I knew a requirement was that he have boosters. I attained areligious exemption form to avoid the shots and will do so for my girls as well.

Since the reactions of my children, I have been seeking more information about adverse effects of vaccines. On August 29, after an argument with my childrens' pediatrician about this subject, I came home and found your website. As I was looking through, I found where you linked SIDS with the DTaP. This is where my story becomes devastating. I had a child die of SIDS. After reading your information, I dug out his shot records and baby book only to find that he had the DTaP just 3 weeks prior to his death, and during those 3 weeks, my records show that I had him to the pediatrician 4 times for respiratory infection and 2 times to the emergency room for respiratory distress related to the "diagnosed" upper respiratory infections. These symptoms began within 2 days after the administration of the shot! [My son] was last seen in the E.R. for this reason. He died on November 1 of SIDS. I am convinced after my research that the DTaP is responsible for his death. Furthermore, the 3 precious children I have left will not recieve another vaccine!

I am grieving the loss of my son all over again, but I thank you because without having read your information I would have never known the link between vaccines and SIDS or any of the other new information I have learned, and could have been persuaded to continue to vaccinate the others. I am thankful for your insights, and am relieved to have the confusion of vaccinating over. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that shots are not for my family, and not in their best interests. I have also concluded that the medical business is one big industry, a vicious cycle, to be blunt, a cycle to keep bringing in business by injecting heathy children with germs and toxic additives so that a percentage of them can come back and rack up more expense in X amount of years with cancers, immune disease etc. I also question now the diagnosis of my [first] son. He has been diagnosed with ADHD, and has consistent behavior problems. I will continue to search your sight, as well as others, to find the answers. If you have any statistics or ideas, I would appreciate that input. Again, thank you for your release of knowledge.
I didn't get my kids vaccinated, natural immunity and a strong immune system is the best defense. TRUMP has been outspoken about the over vaccination of our kids and has stood up to big pharma. TRUMP is a righteous man not owned by lobbyist. Kinda like bernie, but with balls.
Actually I'm getting into growing, hustling my ass off, and my cousin and I just filed for a trade mark on a new hemp clothing line that is about to be bigger than grassroots. As soon as this trade mark application goes through, you will see...
hope the jews don't deny your trade mark application.