What level of gun control do you support?

What level of gun control do you support?

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This is a very American centric view. I can tell from the "bad guys with guns" sentiment, as if there are easily boxable groups of "good guys" and "bad guys".

I grew up in the states, but now live in Iceland, a nation with zero gun crime. We finally had a single time the police had to shoot a person, and not only did they apologize for the necessity afterward, but offered counseling to all involved and it was in the national news.

Now I don't think just gun control laws alone will fix America's problems with gun violence, to do that would require reopening the Reagan shuttered mental institutions, fixing America's abysmal social mobility and slave wages, and many more areas that would improve everyone's quality of life (happy people largely don't risk their stable lives to commit crimes), but we can see just from the areas of America that enforce existing laws, gun violence is lessened.

After living stateside for 25 years on the east coast, west coast, and middle, and now Iceland, I can absolutely say I feel safer with fewer guns. (rifles are allowed, hand guns are not. Not even the police are armed, but we do have a special swat team that can be called who does have guns). Safety comes from a working society where everyone feels they have a place and a way to contribute and get ahead, not a violent murder stick.

here are some handy links:

Gun ownership positively correlated with homicide rate

International study concludes gun ownership positively correlated with homicide and suicide rates

The more lax a state's gun laws are, the more gun crime occurs in that state

Decreasing guns on the street by better enforcement of existing gun control laws = less crime

Castle doctrine laws increase homicide rates

Guns in the home more likely to be used stupidly than in self-defence

Criminals will always have firearms in the US as long as drugs are as lucrative as they are. Icelands drug scene is so far under ground, I wonder if any realize it exists.

Take Chicago. The location and transportation options make it perfect for selling and moving drugs. People getting shot all the time even though they have some of the most strict gun laws and gun ownership is low within the city.
bro youre a near illiterate asswipe. your grammar and syntax are childlike. Your "logic" is juvenile confusion. Big words? lol you have far more pressing concerns like simple comprehension and inbred willful ignorance.

You've got to be kidding. You're (notice the apostrophe) posts look like they were written by a fourth grader. Funny you should mention grammar and syntax, in your case we need to add punctuation and capitalization. I wouldn't let you write a Craigslist ad for me. Move along jr, being a liberal doesn't make you smart, it just makes your unearned, undeserved condescension all the more laughable.
Interesting, two opposing opinions

So which one is right?

@Lord Kanti do you think I should legally be allowed to buy this and mount it to the back of an 18 wheeler and park it in front of the white house?


There absolutely needs to be a line of restriction. I commented about the potential lethality of a weapon. Take that A-10 gun,...you can have one when you get the Air Force to sell you one. But you are limited to what you may fire out of it. You can only fire kinetic rounds, those are solid projectiles. You may not have the depleted rounds, the tracer rounds, the exploding rounds, and because you can`t carry or reload that gun, it`s rate of fire is not your biggest concern. That thing is deadly when it`s sitting in the belly of an A-10 CAS plane.

The Constitution addresses the round type, not the gun type or rate of fire. That`s what makes a military war weapon from a civi hunting/protection gun. You can have an M-16 in .30 Cal. but need permits and permissions to fully auto the gun.
Interesting, two opposing opinions

So which one is right?

@Lord Kanti do you think I should legally be allowed to buy this and mount it to the back of an 18 wheeler and park it in front of the white house?

Sounds like you want to make laws for the sake of making laws.

Go after handguns if you really mean it. That's where over 99% of fatalities come from. You are wanting to ban something, I get that. Go after something that actually means something.

I'm not sure you are aware, but there are already laws against killing. Those laws apparently work when it comes to gatlin guns because there are no stats available.

Is this one of those "common sense" laws you guys talk about? Ban something scary looking?
This is a very American centric view. I can tell from the "bad guys with guns" sentiment, as if there are easily boxable groups of "good guys" and "bad guys".

I grew up in the states, but now live in Iceland, a nation with zero gun crime. We finally had a single time the police had to shoot a person, and not only did they apologize for the necessity afterward, but offered counseling to all involved and it was in the national news.

Now I don't think just gun control laws alone will fix America's problems with gun violence, to do that would require reopening the Reagan shuttered mental institutions, fixing America's abysmal social mobility and slave wages, and many more areas that would improve everyone's quality of life (happy people largely don't risk their stable lives to commit crimes), but we can see just from the areas of America that enforce existing laws, gun violence is lessened.

After living stateside for 25 years on the east coast, west coast, and middle, and now Iceland, I can absolutely say I feel safer with fewer guns. (rifles are allowed, hand guns are not. Not even the police are armed, but we do have a special swat team that can be called who does have guns). Safety comes from a working society where everyone feels they have a place and a way to contribute and get ahead, not a violent murder stick.

here are some handy links:

Gun ownership positively correlated with homicide rate

International study concludes gun ownership positively correlated with homicide and suicide rates

The more lax a state's gun laws are, the more gun crime occurs in that state

Decreasing guns on the street by better enforcement of existing gun control laws = less crime

Castle doctrine laws increase homicide rates

Guns in the home more likely to be used stupidly than in self-defence

I said bad guys so I don`t need to name names. Don`t hit me with Iceland`s stats, that place has few people at all, numbers are expected to be low. Tell me who`s in charge of Nigeria`s unarmed population, then move on to Somalia, and then go to Iraq.

Then, talk to me about Chicago, and the meth head that needs a fix, he has a street of homes that are or are not armed to go down to rob a home, and he has a street he knows has no guns at all in the homes,....Which street will the meth head choose to go down and then try and tell me why ?

You can feel safer with fewer guns outside the city where numbers are low but in the city, where every other body has crime in mind and a gun in his pants,...Grow up there, I think you will change your mind.

There are no gun killings in jail because there are no inmates allowed to have them,.. There have been no gun killings in my home and we all have them.
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Sounds like you want to make laws for the sake of making laws.

Go after handguns if you really mean it. That's where over 99% of fatalities come from. You are wanting to ban something, I get that. Go after something that actually means something.

I'm not sure you are aware, but there are already laws against killing. Those laws apparently work when it comes to gatlin guns because there are no stats available.

Is this one of those "common sense" laws you guys talk about? Ban something scary looking?

Ya take away the guns and you`ll be dealing with the slower more painful way to die by stabbing or burning, the gun is a weapon of choice for it`s ease of use, not because it`s the only one or just there. Then we can show the readers of the horrors of cars and fuel trucks.

The bestest way to deal with gun crimes is to take away the want or will to commit crimes.
Don`t hit me with Iceland`s stats, that place has few people at all, numbers are expected to be low. *snip* There have been no gun killings in my home and we all have them.

Interesting how the sample size of your house is somehow relevant, but the entire nation state of Iceland isn't.
Interesting how the sample size of your house is somehow relevant, but the entire nation state of Iceland isn't.

It would take too long to list the homes just like it,....I was hoping the reader would understand that the actual numbers game can`t be used when one country has 5 million and the other has 350 million. That`s like saying my classroom of 5 is more productive and under control than your classroom of 50. All you will get is ....Well Duh.......!I
It would take too long to list the homes just like it,....I was hoping the reader would understand that the actual numbers game can`t be used when one country has 5 million and the other has 350 million. That`s like saying my classroom of 5 is more productive and under control than your classroom of 50. All you will get is ....Well Duh.......!I

If you want numbers, you should check that list of links I listed.

I just find it funny that when statistics show guns in a household are more likely to be used in error than ever in self defense, a pro-gun person will jump to anecdotes. And if you point out the failure of said anecdotes to account for an entire population, it's back to "numbers" totally ignoring that the numbers work against your argument. I think there is a term for that... wait... it's coming to me... Oh yes! Cognitive dissonance.

Here, I'll quote it again so you don't have to scroll back: http://arstechnica.com/science/2011/04/guns-in-the-home-lots-of-risk-ambiguity/

The important bit:

When it comes to violence, nearly every figure suggests that increased presence of guns correlates with higher levels of injury and death. Homicide rates among the US population between 15 and 24 years of age are 14 times higher than those in most other industrialized nations. Children from 5 to 14 years old are 11 times more likely to be killed in an accidental shooting. Within the US, areas with high gun ownership have higher rates of these problems. And, for every accidental death, Hemenway cites research that indicates 10 more incidents are sufficient to send someone to the emergency room. Suicides are more likely to be successful when guns are involved, even though most people who survive such an attempt don't generally try a second time.
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If you want numbers, you should check that list of links I listed.

I don`t want numbers because all they do is show data,.. they don`t attack the will or want to do crime. A gun is easy to use, from a distance and a first choice of weapon. If they can`t have that, then they pick the next best thing,...wiping out guns moves choice to the next best thing, it does not effect the choice being made to do the crime. Cars kill more people daily that guns, Shall we ban cars ? No, we teach driving skills and do`s and don`t.
I don`t want numbers because all they do is show data

I think there is a name for this too. I believe it's called "moving goalposts". Your mind is made up, so no argument will ever convince you that allowing nearly unregulated gun ownership as the US does is detrimental to the nation's overall health. Despite numbers or comparable examples.
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I think there is a name for this too. I believe it's called "moving goalposts". Your mind is made up, so no argument will ever convince you that allowing nearly unregulated gun ownership as the US does is detrimental to the nation's overall health. Despite numbers or comparable examples.

If you read anything about me, you would see that I have been in favor of some of the most restrictive regulations. You can check my postings here. I don`t like the money making fees that will ensue.
That`s how the Government will indirectly control it all,....I don`t like that part,.... Sorry. I can foresee it happening.
I think there is a name for this too. I believe it's called "moving goalposts". Your mind is made up, so no argument will ever convince you that allowing nearly unregulated gun ownership as the US does is detrimental to the nation's overall health. Despite numbers or comparable examples.

Ha ha oh wow .jpg

There are several examples of gun restrictions not working:


And then there's a fun experiment of a ban vs mandatory gun ownership: Morton Grove, Illinois v. Kennesaw, Georgia.
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There are a lot of countries to choose from with variable laws. If you don't like inalienable rights, the bill of rights, or anything else that founded this country and made it great, then perhaps it's time to check the market, pack your bags, and pick another nation to move to and whittle away at their fundamentals. Hell, European countries appear to love that crap. You know, the ones not headed by Putin.

You don't even need a passport! Just do a trial run in Detroit to get you prepared.
I have to get shoppin....................

I will not depend on fools like this Aspartame Cowboy to protect me.
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The NRA whores in Washington don't give a fuck about the citizenry of this Nation, 90% of responsible gun owners in this country favor reasonable gun control (gun show loophole, assault rifles, large capacity magazines) and if you're a terrorist on a watch list and got into this country you too can buy a gun!

The D's and the R's are the NRA's bitches but all of the R's.

For consumer use, no military/assault type weapons unless a very large tax is imposed (for recreational use only), thereby skirting absolute banning AR-15.
30 day waiting period for any firearm purchase.
Tax the shit out of all firearms and ammo, and with those funds create a healing foundation for all those hurt by gun violence. I mean, it seems that there are mostly poor people that are getting shot, and even with Obama care, I'm sure there are medical bills to be paid in this asshole country, where if u can't pay the tab, u fucking die. So sorry.
Oh, and while I'm at it. ANY crime with a firearm involved equals 5 year MANDITORY sentence. Let's see if those tough little gang bangers like that one. Or anyone else that wants to play with guns.
For consumer use, no military/assault type weapons unless a very large tax is imposed (for recreational use only), thereby skirting absolute banning AR-15.
30 day waiting period for any firearm purchase.
Tax the shit out of all firearms and ammo, and with those funds create a healing foundation for all those hurt by gun violence. I mean, it seems that there are mostly poor people that are getting shot, and even with Obama care, I'm sure there are medical bills to be paid in this asshole country, where if u can't pay the tab, u fucking die. So sorry.
Oh, and while I'm at it. ANY crime with a firearm involved equals 5 year MANDITORY sentence. Let's see if those tough little gang bangers like that one. Or anyone else that wants to play with guns.
All that will do is push sales to private party, DIY manufacture, and encourage police shootouts. 5 year minimum? Fuck it, might as well go all in...
For consumer use, no military/assault type weapons unless a very large tax is imposed (for recreational use only), thereby skirting absolute banning AR-15.
30 day waiting period for any firearm purchase.
Tax the shit out of all firearms and ammo, and with those funds create a healing foundation for all those hurt by gun violence. I mean, it seems that there are mostly poor people that are getting shot, and even with Obama care, I'm sure there are medical bills to be paid in this asshole country, where if u can't pay the tab, u fucking die. So sorry.
Oh, and while I'm at it. ANY crime with a firearm involved equals 5 year MANDITORY sentence. Let's see if those tough little gang bangers like that one. Or anyone else that wants to play with guns.
I thought Obamacare was the salvation of millions?