What level of gun control do you support?

What level of gun control do you support?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Lol, you dream of a 14% constituency. Big LOLZ @ revolution. Im sitting fat and happy in my fortress, ensconced in an extremely cohesive gated community filled with (gun-toting) IT professionals, engineers, business owners and high ranking service members. Almost every one of them are devout Christians (can't have everything) and patriots. We'll be just fine if the shit hits the fan, you'll be putting out the fires on your children's backs. You keep dreaming about what type of individuals are true Conservatives.
13% since you opened your cock-holster about it

I bet you win over the ladies with an equal progressive value, don't you Casanova..


Well-Known Member
"cohesive gated community", "fortress", "devout christians and patriots", "true conservatives"...that post reads like the droppings of a paranoid, provincial, culturally and intellectually impoverished jack ass.

"your childrens backs" lol you have the dreams of a rabid dog.
Your post reads like the vomit of a narcissistic, pusillanimous, puerile, feverishly jealous liberal lemming.

I can use big words too, the difference is I actually understand them.

A less civil member than myself might call you a complete idiot. I wouldn't, that would be rude.


Well-Known Member
Your post reads like the vomit of a narcissistic, pusillanimous, puerile, feverishly jealous liberal lemming.

I can use big words too, the difference is I actually understand them.

A less civil member than myself might call you a complete idiot. I wouldn't, that would be rude.
bro youre a near illiterate asswipe. your grammar and syntax are childlike. Your "logic" is juvenile confusion. Big words? lol you have far more pressing concerns like simple comprehension and inbred willful ignorance.


Well-Known Member
The fact you attempted to frame the question using some semantics argument proves my point

So, great job
If 20,000 people slit their wrist with a knife per year, would you care at all?
The 200+ million guns that are legal now, will always be legal. You can't change that.


Well-Known Member
If 20,000 people slit their wrist with a knife per year, would you care at all?
The 200+ million guns that are legal now, will always be legal. You can't change that.
Apparently you have me confused with someone who thinks all guns should be illegal


Well-Known Member
Lol, you dream of a 14% constituency. Big LOLZ @ revolution. Im sitting fat and happy in my fortress, ensconced in an extremely cohesive gated community filled with (gun-toting) IT professionals, engineers, business owners and high ranking service members. Almost every one of them are devout Christians (can't have everything) and patriots. We'll be just fine if the shit hits the fan, you'll be putting out the fires on your children's backs. You keep dreaming about what type of individuals are true Conservatives.

Watch out. Paddywanker and his crew are coming to take it all DOWN!!!

Right after those fires you mentioned, though. lol


Well-Known Member
You think making guns harder to acquire will somehow stop 20,000 suicides per year? LOL.
No, I think it stands to reason that if there are less guns, there will be less gun violence similar to if there are less vehicles, there will be less auto accidents

Do you disagree with that?

Lord Kanti

Well-Known Member
Where do you stand on the gun control issue?

This question does not include military or police, only average Americans in American society


The problem isn't too many guns on the street, the problem is that there are too many criminals and mentally ill on the street. I blame deinstitutionalisation as a turning point in American culture.


Well-Known Member

The problem isn't too many guns on the street, the problem is that there are too many criminals and mentally ill on the street. I blame deinstitutionalisation as a turning point in American culture.
Do you think I should be allowed to buy a .50cal gatling gun?


Well-Known Member
Gatling guns are legal in California, believe it or not.
.50cal gatling guns?

That's irrelevant to the initial question

I was wondering if you believed there is a line that can be crossed when it comes to the potential lethality of a gun people should legally be allowed to buy?