So, you haven't answered the question. However you imply the impossible is possible, by your attempted answer.
If you or I possess zero right as individuals to do something and other individuals join us, none of them possessing a given right, how does the sum of all of our zeroes then become a net positive ? (hint: it can't, but you imply it somehow can)
You imply that "everyone has a right to take part in government" etc. which does not answer the question of does anyone have a right to make an individual take part in a government or automatically be encompassed in it? (the answer is an emphatic "no")
The default assumption you present is that government has legitimacy. If government is made up of individual people, none of whom have any right as individuals to order you around, where can a group of these individuals (all with zero right) somehow acquire something that none of the component persons have in the first place?
You then go on in your last line, to switch gears and offer a utilitarian rationalization for human rights protection as if the end result you desire can somehow overcome the original question I presented.
Thanks for trying, but you didn't answer the question.