What level of gun control do you support?

What level of gun control do you support?

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Does he have teeth?

you're asking an overweight, 50-something year old alcoholic who lives in his dead parents' house and had to take out a bank loan to buy groceries to comment on my appearance?

lol, i have my own pic posted all around here. go help yourself. you're even welcome to masturbate to my pictures. i am pretty hot and all.
you're asking an overweight, 50-something year old alcoholic who lives in his dead parents' house and had to take out a bank loan to buy groceries to comment on my appearance?

lol, i have my own pic posted all around here. go help yourself. you're even welcome to masturbate to my pictures. i am pretty hot and all.
I would like to meet are you up for that? Or are you a coward?
so you refuse to acknowledge that america was built on slave labor, and those slaves have descendants?

i guess that makes me totally racist for ackowledging reality, but you are totally not racist for wanting to deny service to people based on their race.

Irrelevant and doesn't refute your racist comment. Lots of stolen labor went into "America" indeed some of it was from slaves stolen from Africa and their descendants, some from other people of other places, but sort of a sidestep to what I pointed out and you are trying so hard to avoid talking about. Your original comment was racist.

I can forgive you, but won't pretend you didn't say it, Klanman
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Sad or not I would just like to see him face to face. I for one wouldn't say something online that I wouldn't say to your face. I wouldn't go to his home and confront him.

Careful he has an ax and the floors are poopy... er...I mean booby trapped.
Irrelevant and doesn't refute your racist comment. Lots of stolen labor went into "America" indeed some of it was from slaves stolen from Africa and their descendants, some from other people of other places, but sort of a sidestep to what I pointed out and you are trying so hard to avoid taking about. Your original comment was racist.

I can forgive you, but won't pretend you didn't say it, Klanman

why is it racist to acknowledge that america was built on slave labor, and those slaves have descendants?

and why is your crusade for making racial segregation legal once again not racist?
why is it racist to acknowledge that america was built on slave labor, and those slaves have descendants?

and why is your crusade for making racial segregation legal once again not racist?

seriously though, you argue endlessly to make it legal once again to deny service to people based on their race. why?

I'll answer your question for the 100th time if you will answer mine directly.

Can a person delegate a right they do not possess ? Seriously why are you so afraid of that simple little question ?
I'll answer your question for the 100th time if you will answer mine directly.

Can a person delegate a right they do not possess ? Seriously why are you so afraid of that simple little question ?

it was a rhetorical question, i know you want to deny serviuce to people based on skin color because you are racist.

same reason why you repeatedly refer to obama using an ugly racial slur.
I'll answer your question for the 100th time if you will answer mine directly.

Can a person delegate a right they do not possess ? Seriously why are you so afraid of that simple little question ?
Why don't you clarify the question or use an example?

"Can a person delegate a right they do not possess?"

Authority is derived through the citizens. Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:

"Article 21.

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."


"The people" - Now how would you expect human rights to be protected if everyone believed the same thing you do about the authority of government?"
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Why don't you clarify the question or use an example?

"Can a person delegate a right they do not possess?"

Authority is derived through the citizens. Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:

"Article 21.

(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures."


"The people" - Now how would you expect human rights to be protected if everyone believed the same thing you do about the authority of government?"

So, you haven't answered the question. However you imply the impossible is possible, by your attempted answer.

If you or I possess zero right as individuals to do something and other individuals join us, none of them possessing a given right, how does the sum of all of our zeroes then become a net positive ? (hint: it can't, but you imply it somehow can)

You imply that "everyone has a right to take part in government" etc. which does not answer the question of does anyone have a right to make an individual take part in a government or automatically be encompassed in it? (the answer is an emphatic "no")

The default assumption you present is that government has legitimacy. If government is made up of individual people, none of whom have any right as individuals to order you around, where can a group of these individuals (all with zero right) somehow acquire something that none of the component persons have in the first place?

You then go on in your last line, to switch gears and offer a utilitarian rationalization for human rights protection as if the end result you desire can somehow overcome the original question I presented.

Thanks for trying, but you didn't answer the question.
No guns for vegetarians. They are too pale and weak for proper trigger control.
Or the gays to there too limp wristed. guns for everyone felons the blind .little children and retards . The only people I think really shouldn't have guns are the police
So, you haven't answered the question. However you imply the impossible is possible, by your attempted answer.

If you or I possess zero right as individuals to do something and other individuals join us, none of them possessing a given right, how does the sum of all of our zeroes then become a net positive ? (hint: it can't, but you imply it somehow can)

You imply that "everyone has a right to take part in government" etc. which does not answer the question of does anyone have a right to make an individual take part in a government or automatically be encompassed in it? (the answer is an emphatic "no")

The default assumption you present is that government has legitimacy. If government is made up of individual people, none of whom have any right as individuals to order you around, where can a group of these individuals (all with zero right) somehow acquire something that none of the component persons have in the first place?

You then go on in your last line, to switch gears and offer a utilitarian rationalization for human rights protection as if the end result you desire can somehow overcome the original question I presented.

Thanks for trying, but you didn't answer the question.
if you take these statements in the context of "the ends justify the means" it starts to make a little sense. it also helps to accept that the state is god and you own nothing, not even yourself. the belief that the un isn't a toothless hag, controlled by petty bureaucrats and envious third world wanna-bes, isn't necessary, but it will save you from a major migraine.
if you take these statements in the context of "the ends justify the means" it starts to make a little sense. it also helps to accept that the state is god and you own nothing, not even yourself. the belief that the un isn't a toothless hag, controlled by petty bureaucrats and envious third world wanna-bes, isn't necessary, but it will save you from a major migraine.

I believe the means and the end are linked and try hard not to use utilitarian rationalizations which would then violate my core philosophy.

In that regard I can view politics as a sometimes amused and often indifferent spectator, rather than sychophantically (sic) rooting for "my team".