Yes it is a human right to defend yourself. The most basic right of all. Therefore it's my right to not have the mentally ill, or the temporarily insane, or so called law enforcement to have a weapon that fires more rounds (accurately) than weapons outlawed in the 1930's. I am an armed citizen. However, I have no defense against armor piercing 7.62, or .223. coming at me by the hundreds. Also, I would not want them to have a grenade launcher. I agree with justanoldtimer in my heart of hearts. Anybody should be able to stuff a revolver in their pocket for protection I would be a hypocrite if I said otherwise. Sam Colt
did make us equal for a while, until the Ar-15. My printer is not working, my apologies.

The newspaper article is about me. I'm the 18 year old customer in the store/story. What if he had a machine gun?
View attachment 3562040 I take art classes at a local community college. I think you know where I'm going with this. If I would have been there with my pistol, I too would be dead! Outgunned by a maniac. Actually, I'm not 18 anymore, I would pee my pants, run away and post about it.