What level of gun control do you support?

What level of gun control do you support?

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Interesting, two opposing opinions

So which one is right?

@Lord Kanti do you think I should legally be allowed to buy this and mount it to the back of an 18 wheeler and park it in front of the white house?


The "whitehouse" has many bigger guns than that and has no problem pointing them at you.
Where do you stand on the gun control issue?

This question does not include military or police, only average Americans in American society
Only people who can reload their own ammunition should be be able to have it. It won't stop the madness, that genie is out of the bottle, but it will slow it down some so we can create a balance between personal rights and human rights and the not so esoteric obsessions of wack jobs who's opinions will not go away:wall: I already figured the black market thing into the equation.:-? That's the price they will have to pay. "Bullets should cost $5,000." C.Rock
Only people who can reload their own ammunition should be be able to have it. It won't stop the madness, that genie is out of the bottle, but it will slow it down some so we can create a balance between personal rights and human rights and the not so esoteric obsessions of wack jobs who's opinions will not go away:wall: I already figured the black market thing into the equation.:-? That's the price they will have to pay. "Bullets should cost $5,000." C.Rock
The black market could sell 9mm for 20c each (which is bloody expensive) and make a profit all day long...
Only people who can reload their own ammunition should be be able to have it. It won't stop the madness, that genie is out of the bottle, but it will slow it down some so we can create a balance between personal rights and human rights and the not so esoteric obsessions of wack jobs who's opinions will not go away:wall: I already figured the black market thing into the equation.:-? That's the price they will have to pay. "Bullets should cost $5,000." C.Rock

So it is not a human right to be able to defend yourself?
Bigups to Governor Dan Malloy who in the face of inaction by the pussies in Congress to close the no fly loophole did sign an executive action in Connecticut to close it, way to go.

Where do you stand on the gun control issue?

This question does not include military or police, only average Americans in American society
I don't know if even gun control is possible anymore. There are already so many guns out there I am sure there is now way the gov could take them all back. Even if they did. I read an article several years ago they can be 3D printed. One of my professors a few years ago was a gunsmith and had his own machines and he could make them. I'm not a gun control person myself. When I grew up them country boys used to ride around with a gun rack in there rear truck window with a shot gun and a rifle. I think we have a global mental health problem. Not a gun problem. I dunno man. Wish I had an easy solution to all this killing noise but damn. It's a people problem not a gun problem.

Peace and love is my only solution.
This is silly, we dont have a gun problem, we have a people problem. An education problem.
I live in one of the few states that has no gun laws to speak of.
I can stuff a 38 down my pants and drive to the store with it....no problem.
Where I live, everybody is carrying, and there are no problems.
So it is not a human right to be able to defend yourself?
Yes it is a human right to defend yourself. The most basic right of all. Therefore it's my right to not have the mentally ill, or the temporarily insane, or so called law enforcement to have a weapon that fires more rounds (accurately) than weapons outlawed in the 1930's. I am an armed citizen. However, I have no defense against armor piercing 7.62, or .223. coming at me by the hundreds. Also, I would not want them to have a grenade launcher. I agree with justanoldtimer in my heart of hearts. Anybody should be able to stuff a revolver in their pocket for protection I would be a hypocrite if I said otherwise. Sam Colt did make us equal for a while, until the Ar-15. My printer is not working, my apologies.:( The newspaper article is about me. I'm the 18 year old customer in the store/story. What if he had a machine gun?IMG_2685.JPG I take art classes at a local community college. I think you know where I'm going with this. If I would have been there with my pistol, I too would be dead! Outgunned by a maniac. Actually, I'm not 18 anymore, I would pee my pants, run away and post about it.
This is silly, we dont have a gun problem, we have a people problem. An education problem.
I live in one of the few states that has no gun laws to speak of.
I can stuff a 38 down my pants and drive to the store with it....no problem.
Where I live, everybody is carrying, and there are no problems.
You nailed that one. We have a people problem.
If that were the problem then why not make it harder for the wrong people to get their hands on guns, the pukes in Congress wont even pass common sense laws and that's why the President will act with executive action soon and Dan Molloy acted on common sense law.

Who are the wrong people? A few posts ago I mentioned the temporarily insane. I would rather face an insane person temporary or not who was armed with a revolver or a knife or even a shotgun rather than a high capacity rifle.
Who are the wrong people? A few posts ago I mentioned the temporarily insane. I would rather face an insane person temporary or not who was armed with a revolver or a knife or even a shotgun rather than a high capacity rifle.
Well for starters you have the mentally ill, terror watchlist those folks. As it stands right now they can legally purchase a hand gun they can also go to a gun show purchase a gun with no background check, private gun sales are not sublect to background checks or even a gift of a gun is not subject to a check. The NRA makes sure of that shit. We have NRA whores in Washington.

Why should we always be thinking we need a gun to defend ourselves at all times? That's the problem. People are scared and think more guns are a solution. I dunno man. I don't really fear guns. We have a global mental health issue.

Some people are obviously weaker than others. For example Guns give a 90 pound woman the power to prevail over a 300 pound crazed attacker. If you had a daughter and she was about to be raped and murdered, would you rather she had a gun or a rape whistle?
Who are the wrong people? A few posts ago I mentioned the temporarily insane. I would rather face an insane person temporary or not who was armed with a revolver or a knife or even a shotgun rather than a high capacity rifle.
Shotguns are much worse. The amount of energy of a 3.5" 00 Buck load is 12 pellets each one the size of a 9mm bullet all traveling at 1600 ft/sec and each hitting with around 1,200 ft/lbs of energy. That's about 6 times the energy of an AR-15.
Yes it is a human right to defend yourself. The most basic right of all. Therefore it's my right to not have the mentally ill, or the temporarily insane, or so called law enforcement to have a weapon that fires more rounds (accurately) than weapons outlawed in the 1930's. I am an armed citizen. However, I have no defense against armor piercing 7.62, or .223. coming at me by the hundreds. Also, I would not want them to have a grenade launcher. I agree with justanoldtimer in my heart of hearts. Anybody should be able to stuff a revolver in their pocket for protection I would be a hypocrite if I said otherwise. Sam Colt did make us equal for a while, until the Ar-15. My printer is not working, my apologies.:( The newspaper article is about me. I'm the 18 year old customer in the store/story. What if he had a machine gun?View attachment 3562040 I take art classes at a local community college. I think you know where I'm going with this. If I would have been there with my pistol, I too would be dead! Outgunned by a maniac. Actually, I'm not 18 anymore, I would pee my pants, run away and post about it.
You missed him with all 4 shots?