Well-Known Member
Because you lefties are trying to turn us into the USSR?More simple minded wishful thinking from you.
Why you so scared?
Because you lefties are trying to turn us into the USSR?More simple minded wishful thinking from you.
Why you so scared?
I thought they were trying to turn you into an intelligent and compassionate human being.Because you lefties are trying to turn us into the USSR?
I've had no problem proving you wrong at any time. A typo is a mistake in printing, you just didn't know the word.
People will vote for her because the other options are worse
I just read a poll recently that said 85% of republicans would vote for George W. Bush as president again if they could, so that leads me to believe the kinds of republicans who voted in this poll are incapable of objective reasoning. We saw the same thing last presidential election cycle here on RIU, conservatives straight up denied the polling data before the results were in.
Some did, most did not.
Same thing with climate change,
Climate change has been happening for 4.5 billion years, whether man has affected that has not been proven, but anyone not kowtowing to the pogrom is crucified.
same thing with racism, same thing with sexism and income inequality... you guys simply don't believe these things exist because of the media you consume and political ideology.
Nobody has claimed those things don't exist.
Then when the objective hand of reason comes in and proves you wrong a la Kim Davis, the Pope siding with climate change and against crony capitalism and income and wealth inequality, the expected new speaker of the house accidentally outing the republican party for politicizing the investigation into Benghazi,
He said dropping her poll numbers was an accomplishment, not that it was the reason it was done.
et al, you denounce judges on the Supreme Court as "activist" and say shit like "the Pope shouldn't talk about science" - even though he's perfectly qualified holding a degree in chemistry.
Haven't you repeatedly said the Pope, and all religious leaders are charlatans?
Sound familiar? You cherry pick what you want to accept and deny and discard what you don't like. None of it is objective, and that's why the republicans will lose another chance at the white house in 2016.
Familiar? Yes. See it all the time. All parties, all religions, all theologies. Things were no different before any election, yet somebody always gets elected. Lack of objectivity hasn't determined any election.
By repeatedly calling me a racist, bigot, murderer, child molester, etc.? I'm already an intelligent and compassionate human being. Their acts prove they aren't.I thought they were trying to turn you into an intelligent and compassionate human being.
Just because you refuse to acknowledge it doesn't mean it didn't happen. You thought you knew what a "progrom" was, but that term doesn't exist. Oh look, another pnwmystery denial of reality.Yet you haven't, and it clearly was a typo since I know what a pogrom is and pointed out how he misused it. Oh look, another Red logical failure.
You don't kick in the door, dumbass. Sounds the alarm. You place a sheet of metal at the gap under the door and pour the gas on the metal, where it runs under the door. They're already on fire before they know anything is happeningBy repeatedly calling me a racist, bigot, murderer, child molester, etc.?
Same thing with climate change,
Climate change has been happening for 4.5 billion years, whether man has affected that has not been proven, but anyone not kowtowing to the pogrom is crucified.
He knows what it meansI think the word you're looking for is program, as a pogrom is an organized massacre of a certain ethnic group historically targeted against the jews in Russia and Eastern Europe.
He knows what it means
He is all for it.
Giving them "free" education doesn't inflate the debt bubble? Let those who receive the benefit pay for it. Free tuition means much of it is wasted, just like any other commodity. But somebody still has to pay for that "free" education. As more government largess has flooded the education market, tuition costs have soared, while an ever greater number of students major in worthless studies like Looting as Political Activism opposed to them taking it seriously on borrowed money? i'd rather give free tuition to those that want the education than watch a bunch of kids inflate another debt bubble that will really fuck the economy up
The Haitians have been complaining the money the Foundation claims to have been donated to them has all ended up in the hands of Clinton supporters and has actually prevented them getting help. Hiring her political supporters as employees for the foundation where they still just support her political career and do nothing for charity does make one question that the Clinton Foundation is more of a slush fund than a charity.questionable? delivering aids medication at no cost to sick children in 3rd world countries questionable?
stick to your austin-bubble platitudes afterall, texas is very lenient when it comes to growing and smoking pot:
It ain't ignorance that causes so much trouble; it's folks knowing so much that ain't so. ~uncle ben
A 10% tax on gross profits may be more than the net profit. I doubt someone who doesn't know what "gross profit" is is qualified to determine tax structure.the pentagon budget would be a great start. the next thing would be to take a look at the top heavy administrations as well as their fucked up tuition raises every fucking year.
how about a 10% tax on gross profits to every corp that offshores jobs or hides their corp presence offshore to avoid taxes.
how about a 10% tax on gross profits for all wall st firms. after all, they came within a cunthair of destroying the economy and got paid for it. Haitians have been complaining the money the Foundation claims to have been donated to them has all ended up in the hands of Clinton supporters and has actually prevented them getting help. Hiring her political supporters as employees for the foundation where they still just support her political career and do nothing for charity does make one question that the Clinton Foundation is more of a slush fund than a charity.
Strange, he didn't even use that word.Oh right, I guess he doesn't know what program means then.
Giving them "free" education doesn't inflate the debt bubble? Let those who receive the benefit pay for it. Free tuition means much of it is wasted, just like any other commodity. But somebody still has to pay for that "free" education. As more government largess has flooded the education market, tuition costs have soared, while an ever greater number of students major in worthless studies like Looting as Political Activism 101.
If you want to give a "free" education, do so. But don't demand somebody else pay for it. Being generous with others money isn't a virtue.
The Haitians have been complaining the money the Foundation claims to have been donated to them has all ended up in the hands of Clinton supporters and has actually prevented them getting help. Hiring her political supporters as employees for the foundation where they still just support her political career and do nothing for charity does make one question that the Clinton Foundation is more of a slush fund than a charity.
Strange, he didn't even use that word.
And in some of those operational costs are salaries paid to her supporters whose "charitable" work seems to be primarily working for her campaign. The hatchet man whose name escapes me (the guy involved in influence peddling in Libya) was paid handsomely by the foundation, yet does nothing for the foundation. I don't think you understand what a slush fund is.
Tuition costs have skyrocketed since education loans have increased. How can you claim giving more money to schools doesn't result in more money going to schools?Have any sources on this? Because tuition costs and "government largess flooding the education market," don't really coincide. Tuition costs would go lower because the government would be providing more grants and federal aid unless somehow "high tuition high aid" legislation got passed without anyone knowing about it. Then again could be just your state.
Any credible sources?
"the wealthy need to pay taxes in proportion to wealth" So you're now against the progressive tax structure we now have and want to reduce taxes on the wealthy and increase taxes on the poor? No trickle down? So you work for people that are poorer than you? (Oops, forgot that you don't work) Wealth is not taxed at the Federal level, just income. Wealth is taxed at the State level. But only some of it. Cash isn't taxed at's simple..really..and everyone knows this:
the wealthy need to pay taxes in proportion to wealth and we will have plenty of tax dollars..shifting the burden on to the middle and lower class taxpayer doesn't work..there is no trickle down, the job creators suck in their wealth much like your balls when hitting cold water (you know the feeling) in an unstable economy that they themselves created.
oh! and boys? do we really need all that ammo? uh buh-bye, halliburton!
time to pay up suckers! - @nitro harley