How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

it's simple..really..and everyone knows this:

the wealthy need to pay taxes in proportion to wealth and we will have plenty of tax dollars..shifting the burden on to the middle and lower class taxpayer doesn't work..there is no trickle down, the job creators suck in their wealth much like your balls when hitting cold water (you know the feeling:wink:) in an unstable economy that they themselves created.

oh! and boys? do we really need all that ammo? uh buh-bye, halliburton!

time to pay up suckers! - @nitro harley

it's simple..really..and everyone knows this:

the wealthy need to pay taxes in proportion to wealth and we will have plenty of tax dollars..shifting the burden on to the middle and lower class taxpayer doesn't work..there is no trickle down, the job creators suck in their wealth much like your balls when hitting cold water (you know the feeling:wink:) in an unstable economy that they themselves created.

oh! and boys? do we really need all that ammo? uh buh-bye, halliburton!

time to pay up suckers! - @nitro harley


Which percent of a persons income being taxed (taken under threat of force) would you say represents theft?

it's simple..really..and everyone knows this:

the wealthy need to pay taxes in proportion to wealth and we will have plenty of tax dollars..shifting the burden on to the middle and lower class taxpayer doesn't work..there is no trickle down, the job creators suck in their wealth much like your balls when hitting cold water (you know the feeling:wink:) in an unstable economy that they themselves created.

whiner :cry: Care for a box of tissues for the pity party you're throwing around these here parts? The "lower class taxpayer" usually doesn't have any burden and are quick to take the freebies. Almost half of Americans don't pay taxes at all, and they sure as hell aint the "rich".

If you have any decent amount of income and aren't satisfied with your life may I suggest you hire a good tax representative and make better choices. I mean, that's what smart people do.

For example by law I've got plenty of Schedule F tax write offs regarding my farm biz, AND, I deal strictly in cash. ;) There's a hundred items I can buy that by law are exempt from sales tax, big ticket items too - bobcats, bulldozer, tractors, welding machines, harvesters, etc. and then the little stuff like fertilizers, insecticides, chain saws, etc. Then I have my annual IRS write offs like chemicals, fuel, depreciation, contract labor, utilities, plants, equipment, tools, travel expenses, repairs, etc.

BTW, you don't think savvy business people are gonna let shysters like Obama (or Sanders or Hillary) have every penny they've sweated over just so they can steal what doesn't rightfully belong to them, give it to non-deserving people and then like the cheesey devils they are, take credit for being so generous? :fire:
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whiner :cry: Care for a box of tissues for the pity party you're throwing around these here parts? The "lower class taxpayer" usually doesn't have any burden and are quick to take the freebies. Almost half of Americans don't pay taxes at all, and they sure as hell aint the "rich".

If you have any decent amount of income and aren't satisfied with your life may I suggest you hire a good tax representative and make better choices. I mean, that's what smart people do.

For example by law I've got plenty of Schedule F tax write offs regarding my farm biz, AND, I deal strictly in cash. ;) There's a hundred items I can buy that by law are exempt from sales tax, big ticket items too - bobcats, bulldozer, tractors, welding machines, harvesters, etc. and then the little stuff like fertilizers, insecticides, chain saws, etc. Then I have my annual IRS write offs like chemicals, fuel, depreciation, contract labor, utilities, plants, equipment, tools, travel expenses, repairs, etc.

BTW, you don't think savvy business people are gonna let shysters like Obama (or Sanders or Hillary) have every penny they've sweated over just so they can steal what doesn't rightfully belong to them, give it to non-deserving people and then like the cheesey devils they are, take credit for being so generous? :fire:

You're in for a rude awakening if you make it another decade

The "lower class taxpayer" usually doesn't have any burden and are quick to take the freebies. Almost half of Americans don't pay taxes at all, and they sure as hell aint the "rich".

wrong locomotive chili breath..<$13k is the 10% an FYI, it does cost about $30k to live annually (food, housing and other basic life necessities)

If you have any decent amount of income and aren't satisfied with your life may I suggest you hire a good tax representative and make better choices. I mean, that's what smart people do.

like a pwcoopers cpa?(me) or h&r block?(you):lol:

For example by law I've got plenty of Schedule F tax write offs regarding my farm biz, AND, I deal strictly in cash. ;) There's a hundred items I can buy that by law are exempt from sales tax, big ticket items too - bobcats, bulldozer, tractors, welding machines, harvesters, etc. and then the little stuff like fertilizers, insecticides, chain saws, etc. Then I have my annual IRS write offs like chemicals, fuel, depreciation, contract labor, utilities, plants, equipment, tools, travel expenses, repairs, etc.

a rose by any other name..that's called a freebie; you've totally contradicted yourself, loser.

get ready to PAY UP SUCKER!!!

The "lower class taxpayer" usually doesn't have any burden and are quick to take the freebies. Almost half of Americans don't pay taxes at all, and they sure as hell aint the "rich".

wrong locomotive chili breath..<$13k is the 10% an FYI, it does cost about $30k to live annually (food, housing and other basic life necessities)

If you have any decent amount of income and aren't satisfied with your life may I suggest you hire a good tax representative and make better choices. I mean, that's what smart people do.

like a pwcoopers cpa?(me) or h&r block?(you):lol:

For example by law I've got plenty of Schedule F tax write offs regarding my farm biz, AND, I deal strictly in cash. ;) There's a hundred items I can buy that by law are exempt from sales tax, big ticket items too - bobcats, bulldozer, tractors, welding machines, harvesters, etc. and then the little stuff like fertilizers, insecticides, chain saws, etc. Then I have my annual IRS write offs like chemicals, fuel, depreciation, contract labor, utilities, plants, equipment, tools, travel expenses, repairs, etc.

a rose by any other name..that's called a freebie; you've totally contradicted yourself, loser.

get ready to PAY UP SUCKER!!!
The "lower class taxpayer" usually doesn't have any burden and are quick to take the freebies. Almost half of Americans don't pay taxes at all, and they sure as hell aint the "rich".

wrong locomotive chili breath..<$13k is the 10% an FYI, it does cost about $30k to live annually (food, housing and other basic life necessities)

If you have any decent amount of income and aren't satisfied with your life may I suggest you hire a good tax representative and make better choices. I mean, that's what smart people do.

like a pwcoopers cpa?(me) or h&r block?(you):lol:

For example by law I've got plenty of Schedule F tax write offs regarding my farm biz, AND, I deal strictly in cash. ;) There's a hundred items I can buy that by law are exempt from sales tax, big ticket items too - bobcats, bulldozer, tractors, welding machines, harvesters, etc. and then the little stuff like fertilizers, insecticides, chain saws, etc. Then I have my annual IRS write offs like chemicals, fuel, depreciation, contract labor, utilities, plants, equipment, tools, travel expenses, repairs, etc.

a rose by any other name..that's called a freebie; you've totally contradicted yourself, loser.

get ready to PAY UP SUCKER!!!
Business expense write off is not a freebie...

My Jesus you lefties are stupid.
Business expense write off is not a freebie...

My Jesus you lefties are stupid.

yes, oh yes it is..leprechaun..for christ sakes..they lobby for the 'write-off' do you think they get them? tooth fairy?

tax credit = subsidy = write off

call it whatever you wish.

especially farm people..uben laughs that everything he does is in cash..say..doesn't desert dude work for the IRS?:mrgreen:

has anyone noticed that you can't deduct credit card interest anymore?..isn't mortgage interest deduction something 'they' are trying to take away?
yes, oh yes it is..leprechaun..for christ sakes..they lobby for the 'write-off' do you think they get them? tooth fairy?

tax credit = subsidy = write off

call it whatever you wish.

especially farm people..uben laughs that everything he does is in cash..say..doesn't desert dude work for the IRS?:mrgreen:

has anyone noticed that you can't deduct credit card interest anymore?..isn't mortgage interest deduction something 'they' are trying to take away?
Every business in the world gets to deduct business expenses from their tax only pay taxes on PROFITS.

And you claim to have worked in a Fortune 500 company?

She will be indicted, so she won't get the nomination.

Your advice to get a job is spot on, though. Free shit ain't coming.


Paddy, do you remember what the Benghazi scandal is all about?

It's about Hillary and Obama politicizing the incident and claiming that it was not a terrorist attack. They knew within hours that it was indeed a terrorist attack, yet they had Susan Rice making the rounds on the talk shows claiming it was all caused by that idiotic video.

The top Dem dogs lied about the facts and politicized that incident because Obama was claiming that terrorism was licked and he was a hero. They were afraid it would hurt his reelection chances to have an actual terrorist attack on the eve of the 2012 election. The whole Benghazi incident has been politicized from day one. Evidently, dirty politics is only a problem when Hillary's tit is in a wringer over it and on the receiving end of the skewer.

You want some world class, shameless lying for political reasons? I give you this:

Hilldawg's email problem is a criminal problem.


especially farm people..uben laughs that everything he does is in cash..say..doesn't desert dude work for the IRS?:mrgreen:

has anyone noticed that you can't deduct credit card interest anymore?..isn't mortgage interest deduction something 'they' are trying to take away?


You remind me of this loser -


Women's Studies? WTF is THAT and what good is it in the real world? :clap:
Every business in the world gets to deduct business expenses from their tax only pay taxes on PROFITS.

And you claim to have worked in a Fortune 500 company?


like the -45%?

who pays -45% in your country..o'brien? bono?

so this is 'normal'? something tells me if they would just pay their fucking taxes..we wouldn't have to tax $13k @10%..which, is fucking heinous..
it's simple..really..and everyone knows this:

the wealthy need to pay taxes in proportion to wealth and we will have plenty of tax dollars..shifting the burden on to the middle and lower class taxpayer doesn't work..there is no trickle down, the job creators suck in their wealth much like your balls when hitting cold water (you know the feeling:wink:) in an unstable economy that they themselves created.

oh! and boys? do we really need all that ammo? uh buh-bye, halliburton!

time to pay up suckers! - @nitro harley


You just used simple in that paragraph? That is the most complicated paragraph you could have posted....

The wealthy (even that conartist Warren Buffett) arent giving a freaking penny unless they choose to, and only WHEN they choose to. They will move their assets and mask their assets and pay minimal taxes, same as always.... I mean, while we are at it, lets make it illegal for felons to own guns.

Then you want the most power-hungry, corrupt, money-greedy, bastards on the planet to stop the government from buying ammo from the exact same companies that they are all heavily invested in (including the so called liberals)?

Yeah, simple is not part of the equation. That is ridiculously complicated.
You just used simple in that paragraph? That is the most complicated paragraph you could have posted....

The wealthy (even that conartist Warren Buffett) arent giving a freaking penny unless they choose to, and only WHEN they choose to. They will move their assets and mask their assets and pay minimal taxes, same as always.... I mean, while we are at it, lets make it illegal for felons to own guns.

Then you want the most power-hungry, corrupt, money-greedy, bastards on the planet to stop the government from buying ammo from the exact same companies that they are all heavily invested in (including the so called liberals)?

Yeah, simple is not part of the equation. That is ridiculously complicated.

this is revolution. right and left establishments are BOTH guilty. our defense spending is a sin..unaborted babies, a plethora..because life!..once the life is here? they are longer cute and cuddly babies..they are a drain on society..thugs, wanting freebies and safety net!..did they ask to be born? fuck no! because life!

praise yahweh! praise him!
like the -45%?

who pays -45% in your country..o'brien? bono?

so this is 'normal'? something tells me if they would just pay their fucking taxes..we wouldn't have to tax $13k @10%..which, is fucking heinous..
Im not saying Corporations arnt getting special treatment, it's disgusting the lengths some of them go to to dodge taxes.

But not ALL Corporations are predatory, tax dodging organisations therefore applying punitive rates across the board (no pun intended) is an populist but ultimately doomed to fail ideal.

You don't even work tho and are a net drain on society...

Maybe the pot should stop shouting about the kettle?