How Bernie Sanders would transform the nation

Name one Republican who has said Islam should be banned.

Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling often asks insightful questions in his political surveys that help us peer deeply into the Republican id. His latest foray, this time into the minds of GOP voters in Iowa, is incredibly disturbing:
Do you think the religion of Islam should be legal or illegal in the United States?
Legal: 49
Illegal: 30
Not sure: 21

"We have a problem in this country, and it's Muslims."

Herman Cain when he said, "I happen to side with the people in Murfreesboro," when they tried to block the building of a mosque.

Are you done embarrassing yourself yet?
Patriot Act = Republican
Voted in by Democrats

Nope, the Patriot Act was voted in under the 107th Congress where the House was under Republican control and the Senate was split 50/50 Republican Democrat.

Once again, are you done embarrassing yourself? You seem to somehow think you know about this when you clearly don't.
If you think Fox News presents facts in a fair, balanced, and civil manner that is one of the funniest jokes I've ever heard. Fox News is known for being quite the opposite by any one that's ever gone to college, works in news, or has to verify sources unless they're pulling from Fox News for a very specific view point.

Polling well in NH or IA, gives candidates momentum. The better the do in polls, the more political commentators do well, and if they so then happen to win primaries in NH and IA -- the two earliest primaries that happen before everyone else. Either an upset in NH, or a front runner falling behind in either primary has more often than not changed a race. We've seen this happen in 1952, 1968, and 2008 for the Democrats and 1980 for the Republicans.
So 4 times in 15 elections. Not "more often than not"
@Red1966 So there's that which Bush signed into law. So that's -1 to you. There are all the Republican challenges to Roe v. Wade which is another -1 to you. Yeah, Obama did expand domestic spying by making it legal, Bush was doing it illegally but who cares right? TSA checks did increase under Bush, I clearly remember this, how do I know this? The TSA was created under the Bush administration. Voter ID laws are a big part of what Southern Republicans want.

You know, all of this is available to look up for free.
Will you watch the Rachel Maddow show every time I watch The Five? Because I dislike both The Five and the Rachel Maddow show and I've watched both. The Five is still terrible infactual and presents a very conservative view point. 29% of the content on Fox News has been found to be absolutely false, while only 10% of the content is "true."

So, either know what you're talking about or STFU. You obviously don't have a fucking clue.

Another uncited, self-serving claim of dubious veracity.
See, there we go once again you have no clue what you're talking about. Thank you for proving my point for me. If you're not willing to watch any of the very liberal shows everyday, I will absolutely not watch The Five everyday.
So you refuse to name the source of your claim?
Nope, the Patriot Act was voted in under the 107th Congress where the House was under Republican control and the Senate was split 50/50 Republican Democrat.

Once again, are you done embarrassing yourself? You seem to somehow think you know about this when you clearly don't.
So how did it pass the Senate without Democrats voting for it? Once again, you outright lie and then pretend others are "embarrassing" themselves. You seem to somehow think you know about this when you clearly don't.
So how did it pass the Senate without Democrats voting for it? Once again, you outright lie and then pretend others are "embarrassing" themselves. You seem to somehow think you know about this when you clearly don't.

Well, seeing as how a majority of Republicans voted for it, it was put in my a majority of Republicans. Fail.

Your citation is a liberal propaganda outlet? Fail

Politifact is bipartisan. Double fail.
And in the other ones, the Front Runner got NH and IA, so out of the 4 times that it changed the election it did. Derp.
You're still claiming 4 is a majority of 15? "the 4 times that it changed the election it did" The 4 times something happened, it happened? Derp Derp Derp
You're still claiming 4 is a majority of 15? "the 4 times that it changed the election it did" The 4 times something happened, it happened? Derp Derp Derp

So it stands to reason that if the four times that a front runner did not win NH or IA, and an upset happen, and the person who upset it went on to win the nomination it's a majority of the time. In what world is 4/4 not a majority? If it happened once out of the four times, then you'd be correct. However, you are not.

Please lead me through your logic where 4/4 does not constitute that it never happened.

What's your next straw man argument?
Well, seeing as how a majority of Republicans voted for it, it was put in my a majority of Republicans. Fail.

Politifact is bipartisan. Double fail.
You said it was Republican enacted, then claim Democrats voting for it somehow have no bearing? Politifact isn't bipartisan.
You said it was Republican enacted, then claim Democrats voting for it somehow have no bearing? Politifact isn't bipartisan.

Sooo, where did the Patriot Act start? It was introduced to the House as the Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (PATRIOT) Act of 2001, and was passed by the House as the Uniting and Strengthening America (USA) Act (H.R. 2975) on October 12. Who controlled the House in the 107th Congress? See above post.

Okay, whatever you say about Politifact but you're wrong.
So it stands to reason that if the four times that a front runner did not win NH or IA, and an upset happen, and the person who upset it went on to win the nomination it's a majority of the time. In what world is 4/4 not a majority? If it happened once out of the four times, then you'd be correct. However, you are not.

Please lead me through your logic where 4/4 does not constitute that it never happened.

What's your next straw man argument?
1952 to 2012,15 election cycles, not 4. Are you really that stupid?
Go ahead and look it up. This is pretty entertaining to watch you embarrass yourself so much.
I'm not the one embarrassing myself by demanding my opposition prove my point for me
1952 to 2023,15 election cycles, not 4. Are you really that stupid?

I'm not the one embarrassing myself by demanding my opposition prove my point for me

And I said four times out of the 15 when there was an upset in NH or IA, it lead to great momentum for the upsetter. "The upset or weak showing by a front-runner [in NH] changes the calculus of national politics in a matter of hours, as happened in 1952 (D), 1968 (D), 1980 (R), and 2008 (D)." If you've ever read The Making of the Presidential Candidates which I'm pretty sure you haven't, but you're in luck as the piece I'm going to quote is available online, "a win in the New Hampshire primary increases a candidate's expected share of the total primary vote by a remarkable 26.8 percentage points. Even a second-place finish in New Hampshire (in a multi-candidate race) increases a candidate's final vote totals by 17.2 percent."

Oh, and I've been proving my sources over and over again and you keep pointing out straw men.
Sooo, where did the Patriot Act start? It was introduced to the House as the Provide Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (PATRIOT) Act of 2001, and was passed by the House as the Uniting and Strengthening America (USA) Act (H.R. 2975) on October 12. Who controlled the House in the 107th Congress? See above post.

Okay, whatever you say about Politifact but you're wrong.
The House can't pass a bill on it's own. The Senate must also pass it. The Republicans did not have a majority in the Senate, BY YOUR OWN STATEMENT.
Tom Jensen of Public Policy Polling often asks insightful questions in his political surveys that help us peer deeply into the Republican id. His latest foray, this time into the minds of GOP voters in Iowa, is incredibly disturbing:
Do you think the religion of Islam should be legal or illegal in the United States?
Legal: 49
Illegal: 30
Not sure: 21

"We have a problem in this country, and it's Muslims."

Herman Cain when he said, "I happen to side with the people in Murfreesboro," when they tried to block the building of a mosque.

Are you done embarrassing yourself yet?
So not even one Republican Congressman or President at all. But a unsourced "poll" by a libtard where the largest number of the respondents he CLAIMS are Republicans say "Legal"
Are you done embarrassing yourself yet?