There is a hullabaloo posted here:
People were surprised to find they were illegally growing in Butte County CA. Presumably they grew before and nobody cared. I know its growing and not selling but my point is that enforcement can change at the whim of a few officials. One year nothing the next year a department needs cash and boom! All of a sudden what you were doing openly becomes a huge fine and legal hassles. If its illegal to grow or sell then never assume its OK, even if the enforcement is lax. To me, this goes for Oregon where the state allows but the feds are only agreeing to not do anything. IF I were growing, I wouldn't tell anybody or grow outdoors, even in Oregon. IF I were selling in Spain, I wouldn't trust the cover of a club to protect me.
I know...paranoid, but then again, I've managed to stay out of jail.
And, Roy, this doesn't make me a slave, no matter how loudly you proclaim it.